Author Tajana Vojvodić
Mentor Anica Vukašinović (mentor)
Committee member Anica Vukašinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Kulaš Mirosavljević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Branka Martić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod (Department of Social Sciences and Humanities) Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2024-06-25, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Etika potječe od grčke riječi „ethos“ koja označava običaje, ponašanja ili karakter, ali isto
tako označava vrijednosti i pravila koja treba poštovati u svakodnevnom životu pojedinca. U
novije doba etika je bila sve češći predmet razgovora među pojedincima, pa se tako i teoretičari
uključuju u istraživanje tog predmeta. Etika se u poslovanju prvi puta pojavljuje šezdesetih
godina 20. stoljeća, a u to vrijeme predstavljala je prava radnika, građanska prava i temeljna
ljudska prava.
Da je poslovna etika bitna kako bi poduzeće uspješno i pravedno poslovalo kako na
tržištu tako i unutar kompanije prepoznala je to i INA d.d. koja je izdala svoj etički kodeks po
kojemu ona svakodnevno posluje i kojega se trebaju pridržavati svi njeni zaposlenici, dobavljači,
partneri i svi oni koji s njome stupaju u bilo kakav poslovni odnos. Ukoliko se sagleda etika u
marketingu nažalost nema puno primjera iz Republike Hrvatske, no u radu su prikazana dva
strana poduzeća koja u marketingu koriste etiku kako bi doprinijela razvoju cjelokupne
civilizacije i pomogla onima kojima je to najpotrebnije i najbitnije. Dva strana poduzeća koja će
biti spomenuta u radu su Toms i Dr. Bronner's.
U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja s ciljem ispitivanja poznavanja pojmova etika i
moral. Prikazana su razmišljanja ispitanika u Republici Hrvatskoj. Anketa je provedena pomoću
Google forms, a u anketi je sudjelovalo 145 ispitanika.
Prema rezultatima istraživanja je vidljivo kako je većina ispitanika upoznata s pojmom
etike i što ona označava, no 68% ispitanika je na pitanje treba li svaki poduzetnik u svakoj
situaciji postupiti po etičkim načelima odgovorilo sa da. Većina ispitanika smatra da je etika
nešto što potječe prvo iz obitelji odnosno iz osobnog odgoja pojedinca.
Provedeno anketiranje različitih skupina ispitanika pokazalo je kako većina ispitanika i
dalje ne zna što točno označava pojam moral, i što on zapravo predstavlja kako u životu
pojedinca, pa tako i u poslovanju.
Abstract (english) Ethics comes from the Greek word "ethos" which means customs, behavior or character,
but it also means values and rules that should be respected in the daily life of an individual. In
recent times, ethics has been an increasingly common subject of conversation among individuals,
so theorists are also involved in the research of this subject. Ethics first appeared in business in
the sixties of the 20th century, and at that time it represented workers' rights, civil rights and
fundamental human rights.
INA d.d. recognized that business ethics is important for a company to operate
successfully and fairly both on the market and within the company. which has issued its code of
ethics according to which it operates on a daily basis and which all its employees, suppliers,
partners and all those who enter into any kind of business relationship with it must adhere to. If
we look at ethics in marketing, unfortunately there are not many examples from the Republic of
Croatia, but the paper presents two foreign companies that use ethics in marketing in order to
contribute to the development of the entire civilization and help those who need it the most. Two
foreign companies that will be mentioned in the paper are Toms and Dr. Bronner's.
The paper presents the results of research with the aim of examining the knowledge of the
concepts of ethics and morality. The thoughts of respondents in the Republic of Croatia are
presented. The survey was conducted using Google forms, and 145 respondents participated in
the survey.
According to the results of the research, it is evident that the majority of respondents are
familiar with the term ethics and what it means, but 68% of respondents answered yes to the
question of whether every entrepreneur should act according to ethical principles in every
situation. The majority of respondents believe that ethics is something that originates primarily
from the family or from the personal upbringing of an individual.
The survey of different groups of respondents showed that the majority of respondents
still do not know what exactly the term morality means, and what it actually represents both in
the life of an individual and in business.
poslovna etika
Keywords (english)
business ethics
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:191782
Study programme Title: Professional graduate study program in Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije (stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2024-07-02 08:34:15