Author Margareta Sedlarević
Mentor Andreja Katolik Kovačević (mentor)
Committee member Ivona Blažević Dević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Andreja Katolik Kovačević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirko Cobović (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod (Department of Social Sciences and Humanities) Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2024-07-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Ovaj završni rad bavi se istraživanjem teme povijesti marketinga i na to kako je njegova povijest utjecala na suvremeni marketing. Marketing je važan segment u svim poslovanjima, poduzećima svih veličina i svih industrija. Marketing je neophodan za prodaju proizvoda i usluga, jer sami marketing oblikuje percepciju na neki proizvod od postojećih i potencijalnih potrošača.
Povijest marketinga služi kao vodič, odnosno pruža uvid u evoluciju marketinških praksi , filozofija, strategija koje su oblikovale suvremena marketinška načela i prakse. Povijest marketinga utjecala je na shvaćanje neuspjeha određenih marketinških praksi, ali i uspjeh. Proučavanje kronološke povijesti marketinga rađa marketinšku analizu, što vodi ka razumijevanju što je funkcioniralo a što nije u raznim povijesnim kontekstima. Kroz rad se tekst više odnosi na marketinške kampanje koje su se pokazale vrlo uspješnima i zašto je to bilo tako. Poduzetnici poznavanjem povijesti marketinga mogu izbjeći ponavljanje grešaka prethodnika, koje nisu funkcionirale, a mogu ponoviti ono što je funkcioniralo za marketing i za prodaju dobara.
Poznavanje povijesti marketinga pruža dragocjeni uvid u ponašanje potrošača i razumijevanje istih. Razumijevanje rađa samo dodatne inovacije i dobre ideje. Kroz uvid na povijest ove znanosti mogu se uočiti kako su se preferencije potrošača mijenjale i zašto je uopće došlo do promjena preferencija. Proučavajući prošle marketinške uspjehe i neuspjehe i ponašanje potrošača, današnje tvrtke mogu bolje razumjeti želje i motivacije potrošača i samim time mogu implementirati bolje strategije u marketingu te minimalizirati neuspjehe jer tko ne poznaje povijest osuđen ju je ponoviti. U suštini koncept marketinga se kroz sve godine nije promijenio, ali su se alati erom interneta uvelike promijenili, te olakšali onome tko nudi proizvod ili uslugu.
Abstract (english) This final paper deals with researching the topic of the history of marketing and how its history has influenced modern marketing. Marketing is an important segment in all businesses, companies of all sizes and all industries. Marketing is necessary for the sale of products and services, because marketing itself shapes the perception of a product by existing and potential consumers.
The history of marketing serves as a guide, that is, it provides insight into the evolution of marketing practices, philosophies, strategies that have shaped contemporary marketing principles and practices. The history of marketing has influenced the understanding of the failure of certain marketing practices, but also the success. Studying the chronological history of marketing gives rise to marketing analysis, which leads to an understanding of what has worked and what has not in various historical contexts. Throughout the paper, the text refers more to marketing campaigns that have proven to be very successful and why it was so. By knowing the history of marketing, entrepreneurs can avoid repeating the mistakes of their predecessors, which did not work, and can repeat what worked for marketing and for selling goods.
Knowing the history of marketing provides valuable insight into and understanding consumer behavior. Understanding only gives birth to additional innovations and good ideas. Through an insight into the history of this science, it is possible to see how consumer preferences have changed and why preferences have changed in the first place. By studying past marketing successes and failures and consumer behavior, today's companies can better understand the wishes and motivations of consumers and therefore can implement better strategies in marketing and minimize failures because those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. Essentially, the concept of marketing has not changed over the years, but the tools have changed a lot in the era of the Internet, making it easier for those who offer a product or service.
povijest marketinga
segment poslovanja
marketinške prakse
ponašanje potrošača
razumijevanje motivacije potrošača
Keywords (english)
History of marketing
business segment
marketing practices
consumer behavior
understanding consumer motivation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:777780
Study programme Title: Professional study program in Management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2024-07-02 11:25:38