Author Bruno Gracin
Mentor Gordana Zeba (mentor)
Committee member Roberto Lujić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Zeba (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sara Havrlišan (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2024-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Abstract Tema diplomskog rada je uloga ERP sustava u srednjem poduzeću Gracin usluge d.o.o. U prvom dijelu opisan je razvoj, moduli i vrste ERP sustava. Nakon pregleda ERP sustava opisane su prednosti i nedostaci ERP sustava u malim i srednjim poduzećima. Slijedi analiza trenutnog stanja proizvodnje i korištenog sustava poduzeća Gracin usluge d.o.o. te odabir i primjena novog odgovarajućeg sustava.
Poduzeće Gracin usluge d.o.o. suočava se sa značajnim izazovima zbog oslanjanja na zastarjele
... More komunikacijske metode i papirnatu dokumentaciju za upravljanje proizvodnjom što dovodi do neučinkovitosti i kašnjenja u donošenju odluka u vezi s nabavom sirovina, proizvodnjom i prodajom proizvoda. Trenutna upotreba Luceed ERP sustava, koji je prema tipu licence vlasnički sustav s mjesečnom naknadom ovisnom o broju modula i korištenih licenci, organizira uz povećani trošak samo maloprodajne operacije i ne integrira cjelokupno poslovanje. Nezadovoljstvo previsokim troškovima korištenja i postojećom integracijom sustava, naglašava potrebu za odgovarajućim ERP rješenjem koje se može implementirati u cijelom poslovanju poduzeća uz minimalna dodatna ulaganja. Traženi ERP sustav postepeno bi se prilagodio specifičnim potrebama poduzeća, poboljšavajući dijeljenje podataka, donošenje odluka i ukupnu produktivnost, uz smanjene mjesečne troškove korištenja i održavanja. Ova tranzicija bi omogućila poduzeću da preusmjeri dosadašnje troškove upotrebe vlasničkog sustava prema modernizaciji i unapređenju samih proizvodnih procesa. Uspješno implementiran ERP sustav poboljšao bi kontrolu i operativnu učinkovitost u različitim odjelima uz pomoć zajedničke baze podataka, čime bi poduzeće moglo učinkovito odgovoriti na tržišne izazove. Pristup preciznim i upotrebljivim podacima omogućio bi poduzeću Gracin usluge d.o.o. racionalizaciju zaliha, optimizaciju kapaciteta, povećanje likvidnosti i održavanje konkurentske prednosti u dinamičnom poslovnom okruženju. Less
Abstract (english) The topic of the thesis is the role of the ERP system in the medium-sized company Gracin usluge d.o.o. The first part describes the development, modules and types of ERP systems. After reviewing the ERP system, the advantages and disadvantages of the ERP system in small and medium-sized enterprises are described. The is an analysis of the current state of production and the used system of Gracin usluge d.o.o. and the selection and application of a new appropriate system.
... More company Gracin usluge d.o.o. faces significant challenges due to reliance on outdated communication methods and paper-based documentation for production management leading to inefficiencies and delays in decision-making related to raw material procurement, manufacturing and product sales. The current use of the Luceed ERP system, which according to the type of license is a proprietary system with a monthly fee depending on the number of modules and licenses used, organizes only retail operations at an increased cost and does not integrate the entire business. Dissatisfaction with excessively high usage costs and existing system integration emphasizes the need for an appropriate ERP solution that can be implemented throughout the company's operations with minimal additional investment. The requested ERP system would be gradually adapted to the specific needs of the company, improving data sharing, decision-making and overall productivity, with reduced monthly usage and maintenance costs. This transition would enable the company to redirect the previous costs of using the proprietary system towards the modernization and improvement of the production processes themselves. A successfully implemented ERP system would improve control and operational efficiency in different departments with the help of a common database, which would enable the company to effectively respond to market challenges. Access to precise and usable data would enable the company Gracin usluge d.o.o. stock rationalization, capacity optimization, increasing liquidity and maintaining a competitive advantage in a dynamic business environment. Less
ERP sustavi otvorenog koda
mala i srednja poduzeća
Keywords (english)
Open source ERP systems
small and medium enterprises
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:253923
Study programme Title: Graduate Study Mechanical Engineering; specializations in: Design and Product Development, Manufacturing Logistics, Materials Engineering, Engineering Technologies, Power Engineering Course: Design and Product Development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (magistar/magistra inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2024-07-12 11:55:13