Author Matej Šaravanja
Mentor Ivana Miklošević (mentor)
Committee member Višnja Bartolović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Miklošević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Kulaš Mirosavljević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod (Department of Social Sciences and Humanities) Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2024-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad bavi se istraživanjem stavova poduzetnika o potporama za samozapošljavanje u Republici Hrvatskoj. Glavni cilj istraživanja je dobiti uvid u percepciju poduzetnika o učinkovitosti, dostupnosti i korisnosti ovih potpora, te identificirati ključne prednosti i nedostatke sustava potpora za samozapošljavanje.
Istraživanje je provedeno metodom anketiranja među poduzetnicima koji su koristili potpore za samozapošljavanje. Anketa je obuhvatila različite aspekte poput inicijalnih motiva za samozapošljavanje, iskustva s administrativnim procesima, zadovoljstva dobivenim potporama i utjecaja potpora na poslovni uspjeh.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da većina poduzetnika smatra potpore za samozapošljavanje korisnima za pokretanje poslovanja. Mnogi ispitanici istaknuli su da su potpore bile ključne za realizaciju njihovih poslovnih ideja i omogućile im financijski stabilan početak.
Međutim, značajan broj poduzetnika naveo je probleme s administrativnim procedurama koje su često prekomplicirane i dugotrajne. Također, istaknuta je potreba za dodatnom edukacijom i savjetovanjem tijekom i nakon početne faze poslovanja.
Nadalje, analiza je otkrila da postoji potreba za dugoročnijom podrškom kako bi se osigurala održivost poduzeća nakon inicijalne faze. Poduzetnici su također predložili veće umrežavanje i mentorstvo kao dodatne mjere koje bi mogle povećati uspješnost samozapošljavanja.
Zaključak rada naglašava da, iako su potpore za samozapošljavanje korisne i potrebne, postoje značajni prostori za poboljšanje. Preporučuje se pojednostavljenje administrativnih postupaka, pružanje kontinuirane edukacije i savjetovanja te razvoj programa mentorstva i umrežavanja kako bi se dodatno potaknula održivost i rast novootvorenih poduzeća. Poboljšanja u ovim segmentima mogla bi doprinijeti boljem iskorištavanju potencijala poduzetnika i pozitivnom utjecaju na gospodarski rast Republike Hrvatske.
Abstract (english) This thesis investigates entrepreneurs' attitudes towards self-employment support in the Republic of Croatia. The main objective of the research is to gain insight into entrepreneurs' perceptions of the effectiveness, accessibility, and usefulness of these supports, and to identify key advantages and disadvantages of the self-employment support system.
The research was conducted using a survey method among entrepreneurs who utilized self-employment supports. The survey covered various aspects such as initial motivations for self-employment, experiences with administrative processes, satisfaction with the received supports, and the impact of the supports on business success. The research results show that most entrepreneurs find self-employment supports useful for starting a business. Many respondents highlighted that the supports were crucial for the realization of their business ideas and provided them with a financially stable start.
However, a significant number of entrepreneurs mentioned problems with administrative procedures, which are often overly complicated and time-consuming. Additionally, the need for further education and counseling during and after the initial business phase was emphasized. Furthermore, the analysis revealed that there is a need for more long-term support to ensure the sustainability of businesses after the initial phase. Entrepreneurs also suggested increased networking and mentoring as additional measures that could enhance the success of self-employment.
The conclusion of the thesis emphasizes that, although self-employment supports are useful and necessary, there is significant room for improvement. Simplifying administrative procedures, providing continuous education and counseling, and developing mentorship and networking programs are recommended to further encourage the sustainability and growth of newly established businesses. Improvements in these areas could contribute to better utilization of entrepreneurs' potential and a positive impact on the economic growth of the Republic of Croatia.
potpore za samozapošljavanje
stavovi korisnika
istraživanje stavova
Keywords (english)
self-employment subsidies
user attitudes
attitude research
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:619936
Study programme Title: Professional graduate study program in Management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije (stručni/a specijalist/ specijalistica ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2024-07-15 08:53:21