Title Crtani filmovi i videoigre kao poticaj nasilja kod djece
Title (english) Cartoons and video games as an incentive for violence in children
Author Sara Kudrić
Mentor Goran Šimunović (mentor)
Committee member Goran Šimunović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Vidranski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Ivandić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2024-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad istražuje učestalost izloženosti djece predškolske dobi crtanim filmovima i videoigrama koje sadrže nasilne sadržaje, povezanost između gledanja crtanih filmova ili igranja nasilnih videoigara i pojave nasilnog i agresivnog ponašanja kod djece predškolske dobi. Fokus je stavljen na crtane filmove i videoigre kojima su djeca danas izložena, kao i na važnost roditeljske prisutnosti prilikom konzumiranja digitalnog sadržaja. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju da većina djece svakodnevno konzumira digitalni sadržaj kroz crtane filmove, dok videoigre većina djece još nije niti konzumirala. Velik broj roditelja smatra da crtani filmovi koje gledaju njihova djeca ne sadrže oblike nasilja, no većina odgovora roditelja je da dijete poslije gledanja crtanih filmova iskazuje agresivno, hiperaktivno i razdražljivo ponašanje. Iako većina djece ne igra videoigre, roditelji čija djeca igraju videoigre većinom su primijetili negativne promijene kod djeteta, poput agresivnosti, nemira i oponašanja likova. Želja roditelja je više edukacija u vrtiću o nasilju i digitalnim uređajima kojima su djeca svakodnevno okružena. Velika većina roditelja smatra da sami roditelji trebaju više biti usmjereni na dijete, više razgovarati sa svojom djecom te educirati djecu o korištenju mobilnih uređaja i više vremena provoditi s djecom u prirodi i igri. Zaključuje se da crtani filmovi i videoigre mogu biti poticaj i uvelike utjecati na nasilno ponašanje kod djece, ali da veliku i glavnu ulogu imaju upravo roditelji i njihovo educiranje djece prilikom korištenja digitalnih uređaja kao i njihov razgovor s djecom nakon konzumiranja crtanih filmova i videoigara te dopuštanja djeci da gledaju i igraju ono što je primjereno njihovoj razvojnoj dobi.
Abstract (english) This thesis explores the frequency of exposure of preschool children to animated films and video games containing violent content, as well as the connection between watching animated films or playing violent video games and the occurrence of violent and aggressive behavior in preschool children. The focus is placed on the animated films and video games that children are exposed to today, as well as the importance of parental presence when consuming digital content. The research results indicate that most children consume digital content daily through animated films, while most children have not yet played video games. A large number of parents believe that the cartoons their children watch do not contain violent elements, but the majority of parents reported that their child exhibits aggressive, hyperactive, and irritable behavior after watching cartoons. Although most children do not play video games, parents whose children do play have noticed negative changes in their child's behavior, such as aggression, restlessness, and imitation of characters. Parents express a desire for more education in kindergartens about violence and digital devices that children are surrounded by on a daily basis. The vast majority of parents believe that they themselves need to focus more on their children, talk to them more, educate them about the use of mobile devices, and spend more time with their children in nature and play. It is concluded that animated films and video games can stimulate and greatly influence violent behavior in children, but that parents play a crucial role. Their education of children regarding the use of digital devices, as well as discussions with their children after consuming cartoons and video games, and allowing children to watch and play content appropriate to their developmental age, are essential.
crtani filmovi
Keywords (english)
video games
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:286394
Study programme Title: Graduate pre-school education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2024-10-01 07:23:32