Title | Različiti pristupi numeričkom određivanja zaostalih naprezanja nastalih zavarivanjem |
Author | Antonela Rosandić |
Mentor | Darko Damjanović (mentor) |
Committee member | Ivan Gelo (predsjednik povjerenstva) |
Committee member | Darko Damjanović (član povjerenstva) |
Committee member | Ivan Dunđer (član povjerenstva) |
Granter | University of Slavonski Brod Slavonski Brod |
Defense date and country | 2024-09-27, Croatia |
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline | TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering |
Abstract | Zavarivanje, kao jedan od ključnih i najrasprostranjenijih postupaka spajanja materijala u suvremenoj industriji, zahtijeva kontinuirano unaprjeđenje postojećih i razvoj novih metoda kako bi se smanjili troškovi i povećala sigurnost zavarenih konstrukcija. Loša izvedba može dovesti do zaostalih naprezanja i deformacija, što narušava sigurnost i estetiku zavarenih spojeva. Razvojem računalnih tehnika za rješavanje numeričkih problema nastali su razni programski paketi za simulaciju procesa zavarivanja, koji značajno doprinose smanjenju troškova korekcija na zavarenim konstrukcijama i optimizaciji procesa zavarivanja. Neki od spomenutih programskih paketa u ovom radu su Abaqus, SORPAS, Visual Weld i Simufact
Welding. Cilj ovog rada je analizirati različite pristupe numeričkog određivanja zaostalih naprezanja. Opisane su pojave zaostalih naprezanja, njihova klasifikacija, procesi i faktori koji utječu na njihovu pojavu u zavarenim spojevima, metode mjerenja i mjere za redukciju zaostalih naprezanja. Također je obrađena i pojava zaostalih deformacija, vrste koje postoje mehanizmi njihovog sprečavanja. Za simulaciju procesa zavarivanja potrebno je razumjeti metodu konačnih elemenata, koja je objašnjena u četvrtom poglavlju. Detaljnije su opisani i programski paketi koji se koriste za simulaciju zavarivanja. Na kraju su predstavljena tri različita pristupa modeliranju procesa zavarivanja, od kojih su dva konvencionalna, dok je treći vezan za programski paket Abaqus. |
Abstract (english) | Welding, as one of the fundamental and most widespread methods of joining materials in today’s industry, requires constant improvement of existing and development of new execution methods to reduce costs and increase the safety of welded structures. Poor execution results in residual stresses and deformations, which compromise the safety and aesthetics of welded joints. The development of computational techniques for solving numerical problems has led to the creation of various software packages for simulating the welding process. Developed and used to enhance the welding process, these software packages significantly contribute to reducing correction costs on welded structures and optimizing the welding process. Some of the mentioned software packages in this work include Abaqus, SORPAS, Visual Weld, and Simufact Welding. The aim of this work is to analyze different approaches to numerically determining residual stresses. The occurrence of residual stresses, their classification, the processes and factors influencing their appearance in welded joints, measurement methods, and ultimately measures for reducing residual stresses are described. Due to the causal relationship with stresses, the occurrence of residual deformations, existing types, and prevention mechanisms
are also explained. Understanding the finite element method, explained in the fourth chapter, is necessary
for simulating the welding process. Additionally, the software packages used for simulating
the welding process are listed and explained in detail. Finally, three different approaches to
modeling the welding process are presented, two of which are conventional, while the third is
related to the Abaqus software package. |
Keywords |
Keywords (english) |
Language | croatian |
URN:NBN | urn:nbn:hr:262:195160 |
Study programme | Title: Undergraduate Study in Mechanical Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka strojarstva) |
Type of resource | Text |
File origin | Born digital |
Access conditions | Access restricted to students and staff of home institution |
Terms of use | ![Licence In copyright icon](/sites/all/modules/dabar/dabar_modules/dabar_core/includes/cc_pics/cc_all.png) |
Created on | 2024-10-24 12:11:57 |