Title Numerička analiza utjecaja krutosti oslonaca cjevovoda kod cjevovodnih sustava
Title (english) Numerical analysis of the influence of the stiffness of pipeline supports in pipelines system
Author Domagoj Opačak MBZ: 190253
Mentor Dražen Kozak (mentor) MBZ: 190253
Committee member Ivan Samardžić (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 165270
Committee member Antun Stoić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 190286
Committee member Pejo Konjatić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 247881
Committee member Darko Damjanović (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 326603
Granter University of Slavonski Brod (Mechanical Engineering Faculty in Slavonski Brod) Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2021-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Mechanical Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 620 - Materials testing. Power stations. Economics of energy
Abstract U radu je prikazana analiza jednog cijevnog sustava primjenom numeričkih metoda. Kako bi se moglo pristupiti analizi jednog cijevnog sustava potrebno je poznavati teoriju te određene norme, kao i znati verificirati rezultate dobivene različitim metodama. Analize cjevovoda uglavnom se rade usko specijaliziranim alatima ali i kao takvi oni ne smiju biti nepoznanica inženjerima. Potrebno je znati kako programski paket radi. U prvome poglavlju opisani su problemi odnosno uvjeti koji se mogu javiti na cjevovodnim sustavima kao i načini otkaza istih kao posljedica navedenih uvjeta.
Dalje u radu opisana su naprezanja kod cjevovoda koja se mogu javiti u različitim uvjetima opterećenja. Detaljno su opisane sve vrste naprezanja koje se mogu javiti na tankim i debelim cijevima. Prikazane su raspodjele naprezanja po debljini stijenke kao i određene formule iz Euronorme za proračun debljine stijenke. Dalje je u radu opisano oslanjanje cjevovoda. Prikazano je definiranje razmaka oslonaca kao i vrste oslonaca te je prikazan izračun maksimalnog dopuštenog progiba cjevovoda na zahtjev investitora. Nakon toga pojašnjen je faktor intenziteta naprezanja te njegova primjena u metodi konačnih elemenata. Opisan je stvarni pokus za dobivanje faktora intenziteta naprezanja kao i računalne metode za utvrđivanje istog.
Dalje je pojašnjen proračun cjevovoda različitim programskim paketima. Detaljno su objašnjene razlike u rezultatima koje se mogu javiti ako se koriste različiti programski paketi za analizu cjevovoda. Pojašnjeno je kako tumačiti određene rezultate za različite konačne elemente. Prikazana je kompleksnost proračuna cjevovoda u Ansys programskom paketu
korištenjem grednog konačnog elementa.
Na kraju je prikazana analiza jednog visokotlačnog cjevovoda u programskom paketu Rohr2. Prikazano je definiranje svih potrebnih parametara potrebnih za analizu. Provedena je analiza utjecaja krutosti oslonaca na sile, pomake i vlastite frekvencije za šest slučajeva opterećenja cjevovoda. Prikazani su rezultati pomoću dijagrama i tablica.
Abstract (english) The paper presents the analysis of a pipe system using numerical methods. In order to be able to approach the analysis of a pipe system, it is necessary to know the theory of that particular norm and to know how to verify the results obtained by different methods. Pipeline analysis is mostly done with specialized software tools, but as such they must not be unknown to engineers. Engineers need to know how the software package works. The first chapter describes the problems or conditions that may occur in the pipeline systems as well as the ways of their failure as a consequence of these conditions. Further in the paper, stresses in pipelines that can occur under different load conditions are described. All types of stresses that can occur on thin and thick pipes are described in detail. Stress distributions through wall thickness is presented, as well as certain formulas from the Euronorm for the calculation of wall thickness. The paper further describes methodology of supporting the pipeline, methodology of calculating distance between the supports as well as the selection of proper type of supports and the calculation of the maximum allowable deflection of the pipeline – all requirements which are ordered from the investor. After that, the stress intensity factor and its application in the finite element method is explained and data is confirmed with the actual experiment for obtaining the stress intensity factor, as well as the computer methods for determining it. The calculation of the pipeline with different software packages is shown to point out the differences in results that can occur if different pipeline analysis software packages are used. It is explained how to interpret certain results for different finite elements. The complexity of pipeline calculations in the Ansys software package using a beam finite element is presented. The analysis of one high-pressure pipeline in the Rohr2 software package is presented including definition of all necessary parameters required for analysis. The analysis of the influence of the stiffness of the supports on the forces, displacements and natural frequencies for six cases of pipeline loading is presented as the final part of this thesis. The results are presented using diagrams and tables.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:623966
Promotion 2021-09-23
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Study Mechanical Engineering; specializations in: Modern Manufacturing Processes, Modern Production Management, Design and Numerical Modelling of Products Course: Modern Manufacturing Processes Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstvo (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje tehničkih znanosti, polje strojarstvo)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2024-11-28 12:25:21