Abstract | f) U radu je obrađena problematika troškova procesa logistike. Područje logistike je prisutno dugi niz godina, odnosno, logističke aktivnosti su zabilježene već u vrijeme velikih seoba naroda i brojnih ratova pa se navodi kako se logistika, kakva postoji danas, sustavno usavršavala razvojem civilizacije. Logistika se smatra upravljanjem tokovima i pohranom materijala, odnosno, ona obuhvaća sve aktivnosti u premještanju sirovina, poluproizvoda, reprodukcijskog materijala i gotovih proizvoda od proizvođača do krajnjeg potrošača. Jednako tako, predstavlja iznimno važno oružje u borbi za prednost pred konkurencijom, a što je jedan od temeljnih razloga zbog kojih poduzeća moraju imati kvalitetno definiranu vezu između strategije samoga poduzeća i vlastitih logističkih ciljeva. Troškovi logistike obuhvaćaju nabavu, proizvodnju, kontrolu kvalitete, rukovanje, transport, skladištenje, logistiku povrata, logističke tehnologije, pakiranje te administrativne poslove koji su usko vezani uz prethodno navedeno, a odnose se, zapravo, na sve aktivnosti koje se odvijaju u vremenskom intervalu od prvotne narudžbe potrebne sirovine za određeni proizvod pa sve do isporuke gotovog proizvoda krajnjem korisniku. Troškovi procesa logistike imaju izniman utjecaj na profitabilnost određenog poduzeća budući su upravo oni ti koji predstavljaju značajan dio ukupnih troškova poslovanja. Logistika, nedvojbeno, predstavlja područje sa najvećim potencijalom za stvaranje ušteda i unaprjeđenje poslovanja svakog poduzeća |
Abstract (english) | The paper deals with the issue of logistics process costs. The field of logistics has been present for many years, that is, logistics activities have been recorded during the great migrations and numerous wars, so it is stated that logistics, as it exists today, has been systematically improved with the development of civilization. Logisticsis considered to be the management off low sand storage of materials, that is, it encompasses all activities in the movement of raw materials, semi-finished products, reproductive material and finished products from the producer to the final consumer. Equally, it is an extremely important weapon in the fight for anadvantage over the competition, which is one of the fundamental reasons why companies must have a well-defined link between the company's strategy and its own logistics goals. Logistics costs include procurement, production, quality control, handling, transport, storage, returnlogistics, logistics technologies, packaging and administrative tasks that are closely related to the above, and relate, infact, to all activities that take place in the time interval from initial orders of the necessary raw materials for a particular product until the delivery of the finished product to the end user. The costs of the logistics process have an exceptional impact on the profitability of a particular company, since they are the ones that represent a significant part of the total operating costs. Logistics, without a doubt, represents the area with the greatest potential for creating saving sand improving the business of every company |