Title Etos, patos i logos u TED govorima
Title (english) Ethos, pathos and logos in TED speaches
Author Mirjana Paulić
Mentor Jasna Šego (mentor)
Committee member Tihomir Vidranski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasna Šego (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Krumes (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2021-09-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Education/Rehabilitation Sciences
Abstract O javnome se govorenju pisalo još u antici kad su filozofi i obrazovani ljudi raznim strategijama pokušavali uvjeriti bez obzira na istinitost (sofisti). Tome se oštro protivio Aristotel koji smatra da istina treba biti ideal retorike. U djelu „Retorika“ iznosi temelje vještog govorništva. Iznosi strategije kojima se mogu poslužiti uspješni govornici i drži da dobar govornik mora biti „pošten i čestit čovjek“ jer je takav govornik dostojan povjerenja u odnosu na govornika sumnjiva karaktera.
... More Aristotel ističe tri metode uvjeravanja: etos, patos i logos. Etos se na uvjeravanje karakterom. Patos je metoda kojom govornik publiku dovodi u određeno raspoloženje jer želi promijeniti njezino mišljenje. Logos se tiče uvjeravanja razumom, tj. logičkim zaključivanjem. Kao najpovoljnije metode uvjeravanja logosom ističe entimem i primjer (indukciju).
Cilj ovoga rada je istražiti značajke odabranih TED govora pa, u tu svrhu, osobitu pozornost posvećujemo temi i poruci govora, središnjoj misli govora, jezično – stilskim značajkama govora, metodama uvjeravanja (etosu, patosu i logosu) te kompoziciji govora (uvodu, razradi i zaključku). Analizirana su tri TED govora koji su izabrani prema temi i zanimljivosti: govor Elle Dvornik „Kad je sve protiv tebe, onda si na pravom putu“, govor Jia Jianga – “What I Learned in 100 Days of Rejection“ („Što sam naučio tijekom 100 dana odbijanja“) i govor Lauren Weinstein – “Don’t Believe Everything You Think“ („Ne vjerujte svim svojim uvjerenjima”).
Nakon pomne analize govora razvidno je da se prva govornica (Ella Dvornik) služi razgovornim stilom hrvatskoga standardnog jezika (ne drži se strogo kompozicije govora, otvoreno iskazuje osobnost služeći se poštapalicama, žargonom i sl.), a u njezinom govoru najviše dolazi do izražaja etos. Drugi govornik (Jia Jiang) uvjerava najviše logosom (bilo ga je lakše pratiti nego Ellu Dvornik), a treća je govornica (Lauren Weinstein) uglavnom uvjeravala etosom i logosom, poštujući govorne kompozicijske sastavnice. Svaki je odabrani govor zanimljiv i poseban te plijeni pozornost – prvi nestereotipnošću, drugi humorom, a treći vještim govorenjem. Less
Abstract (english) In ancient Greek and Rome, philosophers and educated people wrote about public speaking when they tried to convince the masses with various strategies, regardless of the truth (sophists). This was strongly opposed by Aristotle, who believed that truth should be the ideal of rhetoric. In his work “Rhetoric”, Aristotle lays out the foundations of skillful oratory. He reveals the strategies of successful speech and claims that a good speaker must be an ”honest and fair man” because such
... More speaker is worthy of trust in relation to a speaker of dubious character. Aristotle emphasizes three persuasion techniques: ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos appeals to speaker’s character. Pathos appeals to audience’s emotions in order to change the their opinion. Logos appeals to logic, i.e. reasoning. He stresses enthymeme and example (induction) as the most favourable persuasion methods used by the logos.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the features of chosen TED speeches so attention is particularly focused on the topics and messages of speeches, central idea of the speech, linguistic and stylistic characteristics, persuasion techniques (ethos, pathos and logos) and speech structure (introduction, body and conclusion). Analysed TED talks were chosen according to the topic and interest: Ella Dvornik's speech - "When Everything Is Against You, Then You Are on The Right Path", Jia Jiang’s speech – “What I Learned in 100 Days of Rejection”, and Lauren Weinstein’s speech – “Don't Believe Everything You Think”.
After a careful analysis of the speeches, it is clear that the first speaker (Ella Dvornik) uses the conversational style of the Croatian standard language (doesn’t strictly adhere to the composition of speech, openly expresses her personality using gestures, jargon, etc.), and she mostly appeals to ethos. The second speaker (Jia Jiang) mostly appeals to logos (speech was easier to follow and more comprehensible than Ella Dvornik’s speech), and the third speaker (Lauren Weinstein) mostly appeals to ethos and logos, respecting speech structure. Each selected speech is interesting, special and attracts attention - the first with non-stereotyping, the second with humor, and the third with skillful oratory. Less
TED govori
retorička analiza
Keywords (english)
TED speeches
rhetorical analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:244099
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Class Teacher Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-09-17 08:43:43