Title Motorički razvoj djece starije predškolske dobi
Title (english) Older preschool children motor development
Author Sandra Presečan
Mentor Vatroslav Horvat (mentor)
Committee member Vatroslav Horvat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Krumes (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Vidranski (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2022-09-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies
Abstract Glavni cilj je bio istražiti postoje li razlike u motoričkim sposobnostima između dvije skupine, eksperimentalne i kontrolne. Djeca koja su sudjelovala u testiranju motoričkih sposobnosti polaznici su Dječjeg vrtića Maslačak u Garešnici. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo sveukupno 35 djece predškolske dobi koja su ujedno bila i eksperimentalna skupina. Testiranje je uspoređeno sa kontrolnom skupinom koju je sačinjavala grupa od 34 djece, iste starosne dobi, iz Zagreba. Eksperimentalno testiranje
... More obavljeno je 2022. godine dok je testiranje kontrolne grupe izvršeno 2017. godine. Kako bi se došlo do rezultata morfoloških karakteristika koristile su se tri komponente: tjelesna visina, težina i indeks tjelesne mase. Za daljnju analizu motoričkih i funkcionalnih sposobnosti korišteno je sedam komponenti i na temelju njih je izračunata konačna prosječna vrijednost. Testovi koji su provedeni su: stajanje s jednom nogom na kocki, poligon unatraške, trbušnjaci u 30 sekundi, skok u dalj s mjesta, taping rukom 10 sekundi, pretklon trupa i trčanje na 60 metara dugoj stazi u vremenskom razdoblju od 90 sekundi. Dobiveni rezultati testiranja prikazani su opisno, a za rezultate statističke razlike koristila se analiza varijance (ANOVA). Prikupljeni rezultati potvrđuju da postoji statistički značajna razlika u testovima MSDM, MRSJNK, MFSR, MBTR i MST30 i na temelju njih se može zaključiti prihvaćanje postavljene hipoteze. Dakle, eksperimentalna i kontrolna skupina razlikuju se u motoričkim sposobnostima jer djeca više vježbaju te takav program poticajno utječe na njihov motorički razvoj. Less
Abstract (english) The main goal was to investigate the existence of differences in motor abilities between two groups, experimental and control. Children who participated in testing the motor skills are participants of the Kindergarten Maslačak in Garešnica. A total of 35 preschool children, who were also the experimental group, participated in the research. The testing was compared with a control group consisting of a group of 34 children of the same older age from Zagreb. Experimental testing was performed
... More in 2022, while testing of the control group was performed in 2017. In order to get the results of morphological characteristics, three components were used: body height, weight and body mass index. For further analysis of motor and functional abilities, seven components were used and the final average value is calculated based on them. The tests that were carried out were: standing with one leg on a cube, backward polygon, sit-ups in 30 seconds, jumping into a further place, hand tapping for 10 seconds, trunk bending and running on a 60-meter long track in a time period of 90 seconds. The obtained test results are presented descriptively, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used for statistical difference results. The collected results confirm that there is a statistically significant difference in the MSDM, MRSJNK, MFSR, MBTR and MST30 tests, and based on them, it can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted. Thus, the experimental and control groups differ in their motor skills because the children practice more and such a program has a stimulating effect on their motor development. Less
motoričke sposobnosti
morfološke karakteristike
funkcionalne sposobnosti
eksperimentalna skupina
kontrolna skupina.
Keywords (english)
motor abilities
morphological characteristics
functional abilities
experimental group
control group.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:278250
Study programme Title: Graduate pre-school education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-09-20 06:35:16