Title Inkluzija učenika s poremećajem iz autističnog spektra u nastavi glazbene kulture
Title (english) Inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorder in teaching music
Author Helena Krišković
Mentor Vesna Svalina (mentor)
Committee member Tihomir Vidranski (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Krumes (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Svalina (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Slavonski Brod Slavonski Brod
Defense date and country 2022-09-16, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies
Abstract Glazba ima važnu ulogu u životu svakog čovjeka, a posebno djece. Istraživanja pokazuju da su glazba i glazbene aktivnosti posebno važne za razvoj djece s teškoćama. Kod učenika iz autističnog spektra, glazba poboljšava koordinaciju, govor, pamćenje, ali razvija i druge vještine. Potiče pozitivne emocije, zajedništvo s drugima, poboljšava socio-emocionalni i tjelesni razvoj. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je kvalitativno prikazati kako učenici s poremećajem iz spektra autizma reagiraju na pojedine
... More nastavne metode na satima Glazbene kulture, kako učiteljice učenika iz spektra autizma pripremaju i prilagođavaju nastavni sadržaj, metode, ishode iz predmetnog kurikuluma te na što sve obraćaju pažnju prilikom planiranja i pripremanja za sat, što su ujedno bila i istraživačka pitanja. U radu je prvo opisana važnost i utjecaj glazbe na čovjeka, a posebno je opisan utjecaj glazbe na djecu. Zatim su opisane vrste teškoća, a posebno one skupine teškoća koje se povezuje s autističnim spektrom. Detaljno je opisan autistični spektar i način poučavanja učenika iz autističnog spektra s naglaskom na Glazbenu kulturu. Podaci za potrebe ovoga istraživanja prikupljani su videosnimanjem sati Glazbene kulture, pismenim intervjuiranjem učiteljica, provedbom evaluacijskih listića s učenicima s teškoćama iz autističnog spektra te uvidom u pripreme učiteljica i individualizirane kurikulume učenika. Svi prikupljeni podaci opisani su u radu, a nakon svake vrste sata (nastavni sat s naglaskom na učenje nove pjesme, nastavni sat s naglaskom na aktivno slušanje glazbe i nastavni sat s naglaskom na stvaralaštvo) napisana je rasprava. Na samom kraju napisana je zaključna rasprava. Ovim radom prikazani su konkretni primjeri rada u učionici s učenicima iz autističnog spektra. Rad može služiti kao primjer situacija i načina rada s učenicima iz spektra autizma. Može poslužiti i svim učiteljima razredne nastave kao primjeri rada s učenicima iz autističnog spektra kao i svim roditeljima, asistentima u nastavi te studentima učiteljskih fakulteta. Less
Abstract (english) Music plays an important role in the life of every man, and especially children. Research shows that music and musical activities are especially important for the development of children with disabilities. Music improves coordination, speech and memory of students on the autistic spectrum but also develops other skills. It encourages positive emotions, fellowship with others, improves socio-emotional and physical development. The goal of this research was to qualitatively show how students
... More with autistic disorder react to certain teaching methods in Music classes, how teachers of students with autistic disorder prepare and adapt the teaching content, methods, outcomes from the subject curriculum, and what they pay attention to when planning and preparing for class, which were also research questions. The paper first describes the importance and influence of music on humans, and especially describes the influence of music on children. Then the types of difficulties are described, especially those groups of difficulties that are associated with the autistic spectrum. The autistic spectrum and the way of teaching students from the autistic spectrum are described in detail, with an emphasis on Music. Data for the purposes of this research was collected by video recording Music lessons, written interviewing of teachers, implementation of evaluation sheets with students of the autism spectrum, and insight into teachers' preparations and individualized student curricula. All collected data are described in the paper, and after each type of lesson (lesson with an emphasis on learning a new song, lesson with an emphasis on active listening to music and lesson with an emphasis on creativity) a discussion is written. A concluding discussion is written at the very end. This paper presents concrete examples of work in the classroom with students from the autistic spectrum. The paper can serve as an example of situations and ways of working with students on the autism spectrum. It can be used by all primary school teachers as examples of working with students of the autistic spectrum, as well as by all parents, teaching assistants and teaching students. Less
glazbena kultura
metode rada
razredna nastava
učenici iz autističnog spektra
Keywords (english)
work methods
primary school
pupils of the autism spectrum
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:262:003196
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Class Teacher Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-09-21 11:08:17