Title Strateško upravljanje održivim razvojem turizma u Republici Hrvatskoj s osvrtom na Zadarsku županiju.
Title (english) Strategic Management of Sustainable Tourism Development in the Republic of Croatia, with Reference to the Zadar County
Author Tanja Šušnja
Mentor Aleksandra Krajnović (mentor)
Committee member Mladen Rajko (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandra Krajnović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivica Zdrilić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Economics) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-11-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Turizam je velik i složen sustav koji, ukoliko želi dugoročno biti uspješan, treba u svom planiranju i razvoju implementirati osnovne postulate održivosti. Održivi razvoj turizma mora osigurati optimalne rezultate u dugom roku, omogućavajući budućim generacijama postizanje jednakih rezultata i životnih uvjeta kao i današnjim generacijama. Dostizanje održivog turizma trajni je proces koji zahtijeva stalno praćenje utjecaja, korištenje potrebnih preventivnih i korektivnih mjera kad god je to potrebno te zahtjeva sudjelovanje svih relevantnih interesnih dionika i snažno političko vodstvo. Kako bi se mogli nositi s problemima održivog razvoja turizma, nužno je postati svjestan važnosti problema održivog razvoja s kojima su se nosile prethodne generacije i ranijih istraživanja. Na temelju tog znanja postalo je jasno da je održivi razvoj turizma nužno mjeriti, a pretpostavka tog procesa bilo je određivanje indikatora na temelju kojih se ta mjerenja mogu provesti. U definiranju indikatora nužnih za mjerenje održivosti razvoja turizma u obzir treba uzeti brojne faktore, ali prije svega je ključno odobravanje lokalnih vlasti ili vlada. Koncept održivog razvoja turizma temelji se na tri načela održivosti - ekonomsko, sociokulturno i ekološko. Ta tri načela trebaju osigurati ravnotežu u društvu i trebaju pažljivo biti implementirani kako bi generirali željenu kvalitetu života u lokalnoj zajednici. Iako se koncept održivog razvoja turizma može smatrati logičnim slijedom modernog načina života ili razmišljanja, ako se želi spriječiti potpuno uništenje postojećih resursa, nužno je prihvatiti odgovornost za ono što je učinjeno okolišu, sociokulturnim interakcijama i ekonomiji te u skladu s time razviti strategiju za buduće postupke. Osnovna svrha ovog rada je analizirati aktualno stanje održivog turizma u Hrvatskoj, njegove smjernice zadaljnji razvoj te održivi turizam u Hrvatskoj u kontekstu pristupanja EU.
Abstract (english) Tourism is a large and complex system which, in order to achieve a long term success, needs to implement the sustainability principles in the process of its planning and development. Sustainable tourism development must ensure optimal results in the long run, enabling the future generations to achieve at least the same results and living conditions as the present ones. Achieving sustainable tourism is a continuous process and it requires constant monitoring of impacts, introducing the necessary preventive and corrective measures whenever necessary and requires the informed participation of all relevant stakeholders and strong political leadership. To be able to cope with the issue of sustainable tourism development, one must understand the importance of its problems which previous generations and previous researchers have dealt with. Based on that knowledge, it became evident that sustainable tourism development needed to be measured and that the assumption for that process was to determine upon which indicators those measures could be taken. In terms of defining the indicators crucial for measuring sustainability of tourism development numerous factors need to be taken into account, but above all the approval of local authorities or governments is crucial. Sustainable tourism development as a concept arises from its three main criteria – economic, socio-cultural and environmental. Those three criteria should achieve balance in the overall society and they should be carefully implemented in order to generate the desired life quality for local communities. As much as the concept of sustainable tourism development can be considered a logical sequence of modern ways of living or thinking, with the aim to prevent a complete devastation of the existing resources it is necessary to adopt the responsibility for what has been done to the environment, sociocultural interactions and to the economy and in accordance with that develop a strategy for future actions. The main purpose of this research is to analyze the current state of sustainable tourism in Croatia, guidelines for the further development and sustainable tourism in Croatia in the context of EU accession.
održivi razvoj turizma
mjerenje turizma
indikatori održivosti turizma
monitoring održivosti turizma
strateški menadžment u turizmu
načela održivog razvoja turizma
stakeholderi u turizmu
strategija održivog turizma RH
Europska unija
Keywords (english)
sustainable tourism development
measuring tourism
indicators of sustainable tourism
monitoring sustainable tourism
strategic management in tourism
principles of sustainable tourism development
stakeholders in tourism
strategy of sustainable tourism in Croatia
European Union
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:930262
Study programme Title: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2017-05-24 12:10:10