Title Uloga roditelja u pripremi djeteta za upis u školu
Title (english) Parent role in preparing a child for school enrollment
Author Zinka Tamburin
Mentor Rozana Petani (mentor)
Committee member Marija Buterin Mičić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Marija Rogić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Rozana Petani (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-06-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Family Pedagogy
Abstract Obitelj je prva škola u kojoj dijete dobiva temeljne životne vrijednosti. U obitelji dijete stječe osnovne socijalne vještine, vještine komuniciranja, prihvaćanja, davanja i primanja. Roditelji su prvi i najvažniji djetetovi učitelji. Na roditeljima je velika odgovornost i zadaća prepoznati djetetove potrebe i pružiti mu odgoj u skladu s moralnim načelima, vrijednostima i normama. Predškolsko doba je vrlo osjetljivo razdoblje u životu djeteta, razdoblje u kojem se dijete intenzivno razvija i
... More oponaša starije koji moraju biti dobar i uzoran model koji će omogućiti povoljne uvjete za djetetov razvoj. Nakon završetka predškolskog doba slijedi polazak u školu kao ključno razdoblje u djetetovu životu te predstavlja veliki korak kako za dijete tako i za roditelje. Njime završava razdoblje bezbrižnog djetinjstva te započinje ulazak u svijet novih iskustava, doživljaja i izazova. Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je teorijski i empirijski istražiti ulogu roditelja u pripremi djeteta za polazak u osnovnu školu. Za prikupljanje podataka u ovom istraživanju korištena je metoda anketiranja. Anketni upitnici su provedeni u dvije osnovne škole na uzorku od 140 roditelja djece učenika prvog razreda. Cilj diplomskog rada je, također, ispitati procjene roditelja o važnosti pripreme njihovog djeteta za polazak u školu, o važnosti njihove uloge u razvoju djetetovih vještina i znanja kao i utjecaju obiteljskog ozračja te razvijenosti socio-emocionalnih kompetencija prije samog polaska u školu te istražiti različitosti u navedenim procjenama s obzirom na određene socio-demografske varijable. Na temelju rezultata istraživanja možemo zaključiti da roditelji u velikoj mjeri iskazuju pozitivne procjene o obiteljskom ozračju i odnosu s vlastitim djetetom kao važnom čimbeniku pri polasku njihovog djeteta u školu. Iz prikaza rezultata vidljivo je da roditelji iskazuju pozitivne procjene prema važnosti poticanja socio-emocionalnog razvoja djeteta te da ulažu dosta vremena i truda, odnosno svojim su postupcima uključeni u razvoj socio-emocionalnih kompetencija kod vlastitog djeteta. Anketirani roditelji, također, u velikoj mjeri iskazuju pozitivne procjene o svojoj ulozi u razvoju djetetovih znanja i vještina. Što se tiče roditeljske procjene o čimbenicima koji su najviše utjecali u pripremi njihovog djeteta za polazak u školu, najviše roditelja smatra da je dječji vrtić značajno doprinio u pripremi za školu. Na temelju provedenog istraživanja zaključeno je da su roditelji svjesni vlastite uloge i odgovornosti u pripremi djeteta za školu te da aktivno provode vrijeme sa svojom djecom potičući razvoj socio-emocionalnih kompetencija te vještina i znanja potrebnih za polazak u školu. Less
Abstract (english) Family is the first school where a child receives his/her own basic life values. It is a place where a child aquires some elementary social skills, specifically the skills of communicating, accepting, giving and receiving. Parents are the first and the most important child's teachers. They bear a great responsibility and a task to recognise the child's needs and provide him with an upbringing in accordance with moral principles, values and norms. Preschool period is a very sensitive time in
... More a child's life, a time when he/she develops intensively and imitates older ones who must be a good and exemplary role model to provide favorable conditions for the child's growth. After the end of the preschool period, starting school is the next essential time in a child's life and it represents a big step for the child, as well as for the parents. It symbolises the end of the carefree childhood and an entrance into a world of new experiences, adventures and challenges. The aim of this thesis is to explore, both theoreticaly and empirically, the parent role in preparing a child for starting elementary school. The interviewing method was used to gather data for this research. The questionnaires were conducted in two elementary schools on a pattern of 140 parents of 1st grade pupils. The aim of the thesis is, also, to examine the assessments of parents about the importance of preparing their child for starting school, about the relevance of their role in the development of child's skills and knowledge, as well as the influence of family atmosphere and the development of socio-emotional competences before the actual start of schooling, further more to investigate the differences in listed assessments considering certain socio-demografic variables. Based on the results of the research we can conclude that parents, to a large degree, show positive assessments about the family atmosphere and the relationship to their own child as an important factor in their child's starting school. It is visible through the result representation that the parents show positive assessments about the importance of stimulating child's socio-emotional development and that they invest plenty of time and effort, in other words their actions make them involved in the development of socio-emotional competences of their own child. The interviewed parents, also to a large degree, show positive assessments about their role in the development of child's knowledge and skills. Regarding parent assessment about the factors that influenced the most in preparing their child for starting school, the majority of parents consider that kindergarten significately contributed in preparing for school. Based on the conducted research it is concluded that parents are aware of their own role and responsibility in preparing a child for schooling and that they spend time actively with their children encouraging the development of socio-emotional competences as well as skills and knowledge necessary for starting school. Less
polazak u školu
priprema djeteta
razvoj vještina i znanja
socio-emocionalne kompetencije
uloga roditelja
Keywords (english)
development of skills and knowledge
parent role
preparing a child
socio-emotional competences
starting school
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:751067
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-07-03 11:24:21