Title Prevencija nasilja među djecom i adolescentima
Title (english) Prevention of violence between children and adolescents
Author Ksenija Lazinica
Mentor Anela Nikčević-Milković (mentor)
Committee member Jadranka Brkić-Vejmelka (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Žganec (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anela Nikčević-Milković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers Studies in Gospić) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-06-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology Developmental Psychology
Abstract U ovom se diplomskom radu definiraju pojmovi nasilja i prevencije. Upoznajemo se s vrstama, uzrocima i posljedicama nasilja, oblicima prevencije, svjetskim i hrvatskim preventivnim programima usmjerenim na suzbijanje nasilja među/nad djecom i adolescentima. Zbog poražavajuće statistike vezane uz nasilje u adolescentskim vezama ovaj je diplomski rad usmjeren na dugogodišnju provedbu programa „Prevencija nasilja u mladenačkim vezama“ u srednjim školama u lokalnoj sredini grada Gospića, opis programa i evaluaciju programa za trogodišnje razdoblje (od akad./šk. god. 2014./2015. do 2016./2017.). Cilj ovog prevencijskog programa je učenicima trećih razreda srednje škole osvijestiti očekivanja i prava u ljubavnim vezama, naučiti ih: prepoznati nasilna ponašanja u ljubavnim vezama, kako nenasilno riješavati sukobe u ljubavnim vezama, kako roditelji, prijatelji i stručne osobe mogu pomoći i gdje mogu potražiti potrebnu pomoć. Program se provodi kroz četiri radionice. Na kraju radionica učenici Gimnazije Gospić i Strukovne škole u Gospiću te studenti Odjela za nastavničke studije kao voditelji radionica evaluirali su ovaj program. Učenicima obje škole sudjelovanje u radionicama pomoglo je da visoko razumiju koje osobine ima dobra veza, prepoznaju nasilna ponašanja drugih i ona koja sami čine te upoznaju svoja prava u vezi. Radionice su im bile visoko zanimljive, korisne, upotrebljive za svakodnevni život te bi ih preporučili svojim prijateljima. Efekt učinkovitosti radionica u ostvarenju ciljeva ovog programa veći je u Gimnaziji Gospić: bolje razumiju koje osobine ima dobra veza, preporučili bi sudjelovanje u radionicama svojim prijateljima. Studenti kao voditelji provedbu radionica i aktivnosti u njima procjenjuju izuzetno uspješnima te smatraju da su učenici na radionicama bili jako zainteresirani, kreativni, susretljivi, a tema im je razvojno važna i bliska.
Abstract (english) In this graduate thesis concepts of violence and its prevention are explained. We are getting introduced with kinds, couses and consequences of violence, forms of their prevention and world and croatian metods and programs applied for suppresion of violence over and between children and adolescents. Due to bad statistics related to this problem, this graduet tesis is ocupied with subject of long term implementation of program „Prevention of violence in adolescent relationships“ in high schols that are situated in city of Gospić and its counties, description of program and its evaluation on a 3 year basis (from school years 2014/2015 to 2016/2017). Goal of this program is to awake students of third highschool grades and introduce them to expectations and their rights in love relationships, how to solve problems without violence, and how their parents and experts can help them, and who and where should they ask for needed help. Program is carried out through 4 parts (workshops). At the end of the program students of Gimnasium Gospić, Vocational school Gospić as well as students of Department of teacher education studies in Gospić as their leaders evaluated this program. Participation in this program helped students of both schools to highly understand what good performances a good relationship has, recognizing violent actions of others and understanding their rights in relationships. Workshops where highly interesting, usefull for everyday life and they would recomend them to their friends. Effect of efficiency of these workshops in achiving main goal of this program was better in Gimnasium Gospić. Their overall understandig of subject was better. Students as leaders of this program estimated it as very sucssesfull. Participants in this program where highly interested, crative, friendly and interactive, and theme is mentally important and close to them.
nasilje u mladenačkim vezama
Keywords (english)
violence in youth relations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:096077
Study programme Title: Primary education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-07-06 06:25:19