Title Odnos srednjoškolaca prema obrazovanju i nastavku školovanja
Title (english) Attitudes of highschool students about schooling and continuing education
Author Daria Pavić
Mentor Marija Buterin Mičić (mentor)
Committee member Marija Buterin Mičić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rozana Petani (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Marija Rogić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-06-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy School Pedagogy
Abstract Škola bi trebala biti mjesto u kojem bi se osim obrazovanja, mlade trebalo pripremati za sudjelovanje u društvu i pomagati im da kroz proces obrazovanja razviju kritičko mišljenje i svoju osobnost te da se emancipiraju. Ispitivanje odnosa mladih prema obrazovanju je bitno kako bi se utvrdilo je li škola obavlja svoju funkciju i u kojoj mjeri i kako bi se na osnovu njihovog odnosa, škola mogla prilagoditi potrebama mladih. Isto tako je bitno i ispitati razloge zbog kojih učenici ne namjeravaju studirati, kako bi obrazovni sustav mogao poduzeti mjere koje bi potakle mlade na obrazovanje na visokoškolskoj razini. Ispitanici uključeni u ovo istraživanje su učenici završnih razreda srednjih škola u gradu Sinju te je za potrebe istraživanja korišten anketni upitnik koji se sastojao od tri dijela. Prvim dijelom su ispitivane sociodemografske karakteristike ispitanika, drugim dijelom je ispitivan stav učenika prema ulozi škole u njihovoj pripremi za život i trećim dijelom je ispitivana namjera studiranja učenika, njihov stav o osobama koje su utjecale na njihovu namjeru studiranja i njihovi odgovori na ljestvicu tvrdnji o razlozima zbog kojih učenici ne namjeravaju nastaviti školovanje. Dobiveni rezultati su pokazali da velik broj učenika pridaje veliku važnost ulozi škole u pripremi za život te da postoji statistički značajna razlika u procjeni uloge škole u pripremi za život s obzirom na spol i na vrstu škole koju učenici pohađaju. Rezultati su pokazali i da malo više od polovice ispitanika (57%) namjerava studirati, da su na njihovu namjeru studiranja utjecali njihovi najbliži, kao i školski kolege i nastavnici i da su razlozi vezani uz to što ne namjeravaju studirati, to što žele što prije početi zarađivati i zaposliti se te da im nije potrebno daljnje obrazovanje kako bi radili u svojoj struci. Uloga škole je da pripremi učenike za njihov budući život i da im osigura najoptimalnije uvjete u kojima će spoznati i ostvariti sav svoj potencijal i steći sva znanja i kompetencije, kako bi na što bolji način mogli pridonijeti razvoju društva.
Abstract (english) Schools should, alongside education, be preparing youth for active participation in the society, and helping them develop critical thinking and their personality, as well as emancipate them, through the process of education. Examining youth's attitudes toward education is crucial for determining whether schools are serving their purpose, and to which degree, so that school could adjust to the needs of its students, on the basis of that relationship. It is also important to examine the reasons why the students do not intend to continue their education so that the educational system can take measures to encourage young people to continue their education at tertiary level. The subjects involved in this study are all students in their final years of secondary school in the city of Sinj, and for the purpose of the study was used a questionnaire consisting of three parts. The first part examined the sociodemographic characteristics of the participants, the second part examined their attitudes toward the role of school in their preparation for life, and the third part examined their intent to continue their education, their attitudes about people who affected their intent to continue education or not, and the reasons for which they do not intend to continue education at the tertiary level. The results have shown that the participants give great importance to school's role in their preparation for life and that there is a statistically significant difference in their attitudes with regard to gender and type of school they are attending. The results have also shown that more than half of the participants intend to continue their education and that this decision was influenced by their family, colleagues and teachers. Those that do not want to continue education said that they want to start earning and working as soon as possible and that they do not need further education to work in their profession. The role of the school should be to prepare students for their future life and to provide them with optimal conditions in which they can discover and achieve their full potential and acquire knowledge and competencies, so that they could contribute to the development of the society in the best possible way.
namjera studiranja
sociodemografska obilježja
srednjoškolsko obrazovanje
uloga škole
Keywords (english)
the intention for higher education
secondary education
sociodemographic characteristics
the role of the school
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:820925
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2017-10-23 07:10:17