Title Medijska slika turizma grada Zadra i Zadarske županije na portalima "Zadarski.hr" i "057info.hr"
Title (english) Media image of tourism of “City of Zadar” and “Zadar County” on Zadarski hr. and 057info.hr web portals
Author Maria Pedić
Mentor Vesna Kalajžić (mentor)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Ražnjević Zdrilić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Kalajžić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Abstract Istraživanje rada razmatra pitanje medijske slike tematike turizma na portalima 057info.hr i Zadarski.hr, s posebnim osvrtom na turizam grada Zadra i Zadarske županije. Analizom sadržaja, obrađen je ukupan broj objavljenih članaka vezanih uz turizam na portalima 057info.hr i Zadarski.hr u vremenskom periodu od 1. siječnja do 1. lipnja 2017. Taj period predstavlja razdoblje predsezone kada turizam kao pojava, barem na hrvatskim prostorima, nije toliko medijski zastupljen u odnosu na glavnu
... More „špicu“ sezone. Rezultati istraživanja temelje se na ukupno 653 članka. S portala 057info.hr prikupljeno je ukupno 303 članka, dok je s portala Zadarski.hr prikupljeno 350 članaka. Članci su obrađeni na temelju izrađene matrice koja je poslužila za daljnju obradu podataka. Elementi matrice uključuju: naslov članka, novinarsku formu/medijski žanr, rubriku, datum objave, autore sadržaja, izvor fotografija, broj videozapisa, broj komentara, broj Facebook sviđanja, broj pogleda, stil pisanja autora, kontekst sadržaja članka, geografski okvir i kategoriju/tematiku sadržaja članka. Svaki članak je bio obrađen prema navedenoj matrici. Podatci su obrađeni kvantitativnim i kvalitativnim pristupom analize sadržaja. Unutar kvantitativne analize od posebnog značaja bila je obrada sljedećih elemenata: broj članaka, geografski okvir, kategorija/tematika sadržaja članka, novinarska forma i stil pisanja autora. Rezultati utemeljeni na tim elementima dali su nova saznanja i odgovore na istraživačka pitanja koja su inicijalno postavljena. Autoricu istraživanja zanimalo je: u kojoj mjeri su portali Zadarski.hr i 057info.hr pisali o turizmu?, u kojoj mjeri su zastupljeni članci o turizmu prema geografskom kriteriju? (turizam grada Zadra, turizam Zadarske županije, turizam na nacionalnoj razini, turizam na internacionalnoj razini), koji medijski žanr prevladava prilikom izvještavanja o turizmu?, kakav je stav autora prema tematici turizma? (objektivan/subjektivan), te postoje li vidljive razlike u izvještavanju o temi između dva portala?. Ostali elementi matrice poput rubrike, foto izvora, broja videozapisa, broja pogleda itd. dodatno su produbili nova saznanja i pomogli zaokružiti cijelo istraživanje. Također, ukazali su na neke od vidljivih razlika u izvještavanju između dva portala. Dobiveni rezultati kvantitativne i kvalitativne analize obogaćeni su relevantnim tablicama i grafikonima radi lakše i potpunije interpretacije. Less
Abstract (english) The thesis explores the notion of media image of tourism on web portals „057info.hr“ and „Zadarski hr.“ , with the special emphasis on tourism of City of Zadar and Zadar County, mainly due to the local character of the two web portals. Based on content analysis, as the chosen methodology type, the author of the thesis gathered the total number of published articles related to the topic of tourism on web portals „057info.hr“ and „Zadarski hr.“ , during the period from January 1st to June
... More 1st of 2017. The chosen time frame represents the period of low season, when tourism ,at least regarding Croatia, is not as media represented as opposed to the "peak" season during summer months. The results of the research are based on a total number of 653 articles, which, the author was continuously collecting over a period of 5 months. A total of 303 articles were collected from web portal „057info.hr.“, while 350 articles related to tourism were collected from „Zadarski hr.“ web portal. The collected articles were processed based on the created categorisation that was later used for further action of processing the data. The elements of the categorisation included: title of the article, journalistic genre, type of column, date of publication, author of the article, photo source, video number, number of comments, Facebook likes counter, view counter, author's writting style, context of the article, geographical framework and the subject of article content. Each article was processed according to the specified categorisation. The data was then processed through a quantitative and qualitative approach of content analysis. Within the quantitative analysis, the following elements were of special importance: the number of articles, the geographical framework, the subject of article content, the journalistic genre and the author's writting style. Based on those elements, the results gave new insights and answers to the research questions that were initially determined. The author of the research was interested in the following: to what extent did „Zadarski hr.“ and „057info.hr“ web portals write about tourism? , To what extent are tourism articles represented by geographic criterion? (tourism of City of Zadar, tourism of Zadar County tourism at the national level, tourism at the international level), which journalistic genre prevails when reporting on topic of tourism, what is the attitude of the author of the article according to the theme of tourism? (Objective / subjective), and are there any significant differences in reporting on the topic between two web portals ?. Other elements within the categorization, such as type of column, photo source, video number, view counter, etc., additionaly reinforce the new insight of the research and help to put the final touch on the entire research. They also highlighted and proved some of the visible differences in reporting between the two web portals. The obtained results of quantitative and qualitative analysis are enriched with relevant tables and graphs for an efortless and more thourough interpretation. Less
medijska slika
web portali
Zadarski hr.
analiza sadržaja
Keywords (english)
media image
web portals
Zadarski hr.
content analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:805541
Study programme Title: Journalism and Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima (magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2017-11-28 09:31:56