Title Tematika ženske tjelesnosti u pripovijetkama Josipa Kozarca
Title (english) The female body in the works of Josip Kozarac
Author Veronika Jurković
Mentor Kornelija Kuvač-Levačić (mentor)
Committee member Vanda Babić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Denis Vekić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian and Slavic Studies) (Division of Croatian Language and Literature) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-02-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract U radu smo predstavili analizu Kozarčeve karakterizacije ženskih likova iz aspekta funkcije prikaza tjelesnosti u književnom tekstu, što predstavlja suvremen književnoznanstveni pristup. Slavonski autor, koji je slovio za glavnog predstavnika te regije u književnosti 19. stoljeća, u svojim je pripovijetkama prikazao reprezentativne ženske likove seoske i gradske sredine. Veliku ulogu u području istraživanja tjelesnosti u humanističkim znanostima imala je Elizabeth Grosz u svojem radu Refiguring Bodies koji je objavljen u knjizi Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism 1994. god. Dakle, u središtu povijesnoga razvoja filozofije bila je prisutna prezentacija muškarca koji se povezuje s umom, a žena s tijelom. Stoga je žena oduvijek bila misteriozna, nedokučiva te se simbolizirala vječnom enigmom filozofije. Upravo u tim okvirima Josip Kozarac istražuje tjelesnost svojih protagonistkinja. Pisac na pragu društvenog i kulturalnog, istražuje aspekte tjelesnosti ženskih likova i dokazuje da tijelo nije pasivan i nekulturalni termin. Vrlo je važno istaknuti da je Kozarac bio zaokupljen ženskim tijelom te ga je promatrao kroz niz aspekata. Prikazao je njihovu fizičku tjelesnost u motivima vanjskog izgleda, majčinstva i trudnoće. Naglašava važnost utjecaja društvene sredine te tradicionalne kulture i religije na književno ostvarenu tjelesnost protagonistkinja. Također ističe povezivanje prirode, tj. slavonske zemlje sa ženskim tijelom kao ideološku karakterizaciju. Upravo je ženskom tjelesnošću i njezinim tjelesnim iskustvima prikazao cjelokupnu društvenu sliku Slavonije te društvene uloge u navedenim povijesno-ekonomskim uvjetima. Žensko je tijelo piščevih protagonistkinja simboliziralo odupiranje patrijarhalnim normama te muškarčevoj nadmoći. Stoga one postaju prekršiteljice socijalnih i religioznih normi upravo svojom tjelesnošću. Nadalje, zaključujemo da je jedini smisao života Kozarčevih protagonistkinja bila ljubav, da ljube i budu ljubljene. Stoga, Kozarac gajeći simpatiju prema njima, oprašta im i istodobno ostavlja pečat moralnosti.
Abstract (english) In a contemporary approach to the study of literature, this thesis gives an analysis of female characterization in the works of Josip Kozarac, focusing on the function of the female body in a literary text. Kozarac was the chief literary voice of the region of Slavonia, Croatia, in the 19th century, and in his stories he portrayed some typical female characters of the countryside and the city. In her 1994 work entitled Refiguring Bodies, published in Volatile Bodies: Toward a Corporeal Feminism, Elizabeth Grosz played a major role in exploring the presentation of the body in the humanities. A key component in the historical development of philosophy was the idea of linking the male with the mind and the female with the body. Therefore the woman has always remained mysterious, inscrutable, an eternal enigma in philosophy. This is the framework in which Josip Kozarac explores the body of his heroines. Writing on the border between society and culture, he examines various aspects of the body in his female characters, showing that the body is neither a passive nor a non-cultural term. Kozarac certainly focused strongly on the female body and explored it from several aspects. He presented its physical manifestation in the motifs of appearance, pregnancy and motherhood. He emphasizes the influence of social surroundings, traditional culture and religion on the literary fates of his heroines’ bodies. In his ideological characterization Kozarac connects the female body to nature, precisely to the land of Slavonia. Through his depictions of physical experiences of the female body Kozarac also paints a social picture of entire Slavonia, particularly the social roles in various historical and economic conditions. The body of his heroines symbolizes resistance to patriarchal norms and male supremacy; these women violate social and religious norms through their body. In the end we can conclude that the sole purpose of female heroines in the works of Josip Kozarac was love – to love and to be loved. Therefore, in his sympathy for them the author absolves them and gives them an aura of morality.
ženska tjelesnost
fizička tjelesnost
društvena sredina
tradicionalna kultura (religija)
patrijarhalne norme
Keywords (english)
the female body
physical expression of the body
social surroundings
traditional culture (religion)
patriarchal norms
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:648514
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2017-12-05 10:53:22