Title Propaganda kao manipulativni oblik informiranja
Title (english) Propaganda as a manipulative form of informing
Author Martin Baterl
Mentor Goran Pavelin (mentor)
Committee member Đani Bunja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Šime Knežević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-12-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract Kao što sama tema nalaže, glavni predmet, tj. cilj ovog rada je bavljenje problematikom propagande i njezinim manipulativnim učinkom. Rad je podijeljen na 7 različitih, ali međusobno povezanih cjelina. Na početku se razjašnjava pojam propagande kroz definiciju, objašnjava se glavna svrha propagande i ističu njezine posljedice na pojedinca/mase. Kroz primjere, starije i novije, ističe se povezanost propagande i obrazovanja. Također je opisana povijest propagande: od upotrebe kovanica rimskih careva kao sredstva propagande pa sve do 21. stoljeća kada dolazi do upotrebe modernih tehnoloških alata. Poseban dio je posvećen ratnoj propagandi, njezinom učinku i važnosti koji ima na narod. Opisane su različite vrste ratne propagande, navedeni su primjeri propagande u Prvom svjetskom ratu, upotreba raznih tehnika ratne propagande s posebnim naglaskom primjene tzv. propagande zvjerstva u sukobima između zaraćenih država. Također, prikazani su ciljevi i primjeri propagande Trećeg Reicha, važnost te posljedice iste za današnje doba. Pritom je naglašena važnost upotrebe svih resursa primjenom radija ili filma kao sredstva propagande. Pozornost je posvećena i ekvivalentu Trećeg Reicha u modernom dobu, tj. Sjevernoj Koreji gdje je ilustrirana upotreba propagandnih sredstava, odnosno ciljevi i načini na koje Sjeverna Koreja kontrolira misli svog naroda. U konačnici navode se i primjeri upotrebe propagande u svjetskim razmjerima kroz povijest, ali i s osvrtom na tehnike upotrebe propagande komunističke Kine i Sovjetskog Saveza gdje se pojašnjava važnost upotrebe spomenika kao sredstva propagande i moći koju fotografija kao alat propagande može imati. U tom kontekstu opisana je uloga i evaluirane su negativne posljedice koje mediji mogu imati na pojedinca i na mase - kroz prezentiranje informacija na način koji sami žele, skrivajući i selektirajući informacije, korištenjem cenzure - na manipulativni način svojim propagandnim porukama.
Abstract (english) This paper deals with the issue of propaganda and its manipulative effect. The paper is divided into seven different but interrelated units. At the beginning of the paper the term propaganda is defined, the main purpose of propaganda is explained and its consequences on an individual/masses are highlighted. Through old and new examples the connection between propaganda and education is emphasized. Also the history of propaganda is described: starting with the use of coins of Roman emperors as a means of propaganda and ending with the 21st century when the modern technological tools are being used. A special part is dedicated to the subject of war propaganda, its effects and importance for the people. Various types of war propaganda are described, examples of propaganda in the First World War are listed, the use of various techniques of war propaganda with a special emphasis on the application of so called atrocity propaganda used in conflicts between the warring countries is also mentioned. Also, objectives and examples of the Third Reich's propaganda are presented together with its importance and consequences for today's era. In addition, the importance of using all resources through application of radio and film as a means of propaganda is emphasized. Attention is also given to the equivalent of the Third Reich in modern times, i.e. North Korea. Both the use of propaganda material and the objectives and ways which North Korea uses to control the thoughts of its people is illustrated. Finally, we have given examples of the worldwide use of propaganda throughout history. We have also given a review on techniques of the use of propaganda in the communist China and the Soviet Union and explained the importance and the power of the use of monuments and photography as a means of propaganda. In that context, the role and negative impacts which the media can have on an individual / masses are evaluated - through presenting information in the way they want, hiding and selecting information and using censorship - in a manipulative way with their propaganda messages.
propagandne tehnike
kontrola misli
ratna propaganda
propaganda i Treći Reich
Sjeverna Koreja i propaganda
Keywords (english)
propaganda techniques
control of thoughts
war propaganda
Third Reich's propaganda
North Korea and propaganda
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:142331
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2017-12-19 09:45:33