Title Morfostilistika glagolskih oblika u noveli "Tena" Josipa Kozarca
Title (english) Morpho-stylistics of verbal forms in Josip Kozarac's short story "Tena"
Author Andrea Milin
Mentor Ante Topčić (mentor)
Committee member Ante Periša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Petešić Šušak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Topčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian and Slavic Studies) (Division of Croatian Language and Literature) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Croatian Studies
Abstract U ovome radu proučavaju se glagolski oblici zastupljeni u noveli Tena, pisca Josipa Kozarca. Djelo je nastalo u prelaznom razdoblju realizma kao pravcu u književnosti, i na početku modernizma u hrvatskoj književnosti (1894.). Cjelokupno istraživanje glagolskih oblika koji se pojavljuju u navedenoj noveli, temelje se na semantičkoj, morfološkoj i stilističkoj uporabi. Kako građu ovog istraživanja čini epsko prozno djelo, moderna novela, složeni odnosi među glavnim i sporednim likovima, njihova socijalna i psihološka složena stanja, istraživalo se i raščlanjivalo se kojim glagolskim oblicima pisac donosi govornu, etičku, socijalnu i psihološku karakterizaciju likova. Posebno je istražena stilska uloga različitih glagolskih oblika, raščlanjeni su neki zastarjeli, arhaični oblici koji se danas ne upotrebljavaju. Dakako, istraživanje se usmjerilo na jezična odstupanja i razlike budući da je novela nastala u drugoj polovici devetnaestoga stoljeća. Podatci koje donosi ovo istraživanje mogu poslužiti u daljnje svrhe istraživanja razvoja hrvatskoga jezika, posebno glagolskih oblika u devetnaestom stoljeću, te kakvim su se standardima jezika služili pisci devetnaestoga stoljeća, koji su stvarali, pisali svoja književna djela na prostorima Slavonije, gdje i danas živi štokavska ijekavica. Također, ovo istraživanje može pomoći svima onima koji zasebno žele proučavati arhaične glagolske oblike i može poslužiti kao poticaj za istraživanje i drugih zastarjelih oblika ostalih vrsta riječi jer ih u noveli Tena ima u izobilju (radi se o imenicama, pridjevima, veznicima, prilozima koji nisu obuhvaćeni ovom temom).
Abstract (english) The verbal forms represented in the short story, written by writer Josip Kozarac, are examined in this paper. The book was written in the transitional period of realism, which is considered as one of the literay directions and at the beginning of modernism in Croatian literature (1894). The whole research at verb forms, which are mentioned in the concrete book, is based on semantic, morphological and stylistic usage. The main structure of this research is epic prose work, modern short story, complex relations between main and secondary characters, their social and psychological complex states, and because of all these things it was researched about writer’s verbal forms and their meanings.What verbal forms the writer used to present speech, ethical, social, and psychologic analysis at the characters. It was specially examined the stylistic role of the different verbal forms, some of the ancient and archaic forms which aren’t used anymore were split into fractions. Of course, the research is focused on the linguistic discrepancies and differences as the short story was written in the second half at the nineteenth century. The data provided in this research can be used in further research considering the development at the Croatian language, especially verbal forms in the nneteenth century, and of course what kind of language was used in the nineteenth century by the writers, who were writing at that time in Slavonia, where we can hear even today the Stocavian herbivore. This research can be at great help for all those who want to examine the archaic verbal forms and it can be the motivation for research at other archaic kinds at words, because we can find a lot of them in the short story Tena (it is about nouns, adjectives, conjunctions, adverbs, which aren’t considered in this paper).
stilističke uloge
glagolski oblici
Keywords (english)
stylistic roles
verb forms
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:330526
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-12-27 11:57:00