Title Obilježja funkcije Facebook-a kao novog medija
Title (english) The characteristics of Facebook as a new social media platform
Author Lorena Treskavica
Mentor Đani Bunja (mentor)
Committee member Goran Pavelin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljiljana Zekanović-Korona (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-05-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Abstract Danas su mediji dominantna snaga koja upravlja nama i našim životima. Oni su najvažnije
sredstvo javnog komuniciranja, forum za razmjenu mišljenja, prostor multi-kulturalne razmjene, sredstvo
proizvodnje žanrova popularne kulture i izvor mnogih znanja i informacija.
Digitalna tehnologija otvorila je vrata novim mogućnostima stvaranja i prenošenja informacija u
raznoraznim oblicima uz pomoć medija. Konvergencija medija je proces kojim se objedinjuju sve
dosadašnje odlike starih medija i koje su, zahvaljujući digitalnim platformama, dobile multimedijske i
interaktivne značajke. Masivnost, multimedijalnost i interaktivnost najvažniji su pojmovi u razumijevanju
i korištenju novih medija.
Internet igra važnu ulogu u tome jer globalna mreža povezuje ogroman broj jedinica od kojih je
svaka sa svakom međusobno poveziva. Skoro sve vrste tradicionalnih medija polako nestaju jer se
nalazimo u periodu kada internet i novi mediji vode glavnu riječ u smislu informiranja, obrazovanja,
zabave i komuniciranja.
Jedan od najmasovnijih novih medija je upravo Facebook,društvena mreža koja je postala najbrže
a moglo bi se čak reći najpouzdanije sredstvo komunikacije iz razloga što je oslobođeno uređivačke
politike koja je često u rukama sila moći i političke indoktrinacije. Nije svaka vijest na mreži, naravno,
provjerena i točna, ali je provjerljiva i moguće ju je odmah korigirati. I to je ono što čini društvene medije
toliko popularnim.
Kroz rad smo se bavili pitanjima vezanim za obilježja i funkcije novih medija, na koji način i
koliko se koriste, što se događa s tradicionalnim medijima te kakva je njihova budućnost.
Abstract (english) Media today have become a dominant force which dominate not only us as human beings but our whole
life span as well. It is the most important medium of public communication, a forum for the exchange of
views, space for multicultural exchanges, mediator of production genres of popular culture and a source
of many knowledge and information.
Digital technology has opened the door to new possibilities of creating and transmitting information in
various forms with the help of the media. Media convergence is a process that combines all previous
aspects of the old media and that, thanks to digital platforms, received multimedia and interactive
features. Massiveness, multimedia and interactivity are the most important concepts in the understanding
and use of new media.
Internet plays an important role as a global network which connects a huge number of units. Almost all
types of traditional media are disappearing because we are in a period when the Internet and new media
have the main word in terms of information, education, entertainment and communication.
One of the biggest new media is Facebook, a social network that has become the fastest and the most
reliable medium of communication because it is free of editorial policy, which is often in the hands of the
forces of power and political indoctrination. Of course, not every online news is proven and accurate, but
is verifiable and can be immediately corrected. And that is what makes social media so popular.
Throughout this paper, the author will deal with issues connected to characteristics and functions of new
media. The author will examine in which way and how much they are used in daily life, what happens
with traditional media and the consequences for the future of such media.
novi mediji
društvena mreža
Keywords (english)
new media
social network
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:066431
Study programme Title: Journalism and Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima (magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2016-06-20 13:02:29