Title Usporedba eruditne komedije sa smješnicama
Title (english) A Comparison of Erudite Comedies with Smješnice
Author Lucija Katalinić
Mentor Divna Antonina Mrdeža (mentor)
Committee member Divna Antonina Mrdeža (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Gospić Županović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Periša (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian and Slavic Studies) (Division of Croatian Language and Literature) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract U ovom diplomskom radu naglasak je bio je na usporedbi eruditnih komedija sa smješnicama. Iako su se ove dvije vrste komedije pokušale dovesti u vezu jedne s drugima, pogotovo zato što obje svoje uporište imaju u talijanskoj komediografiji, cilj je ipak bio prikazati razlike jedne i druge. Bitno je to da se smješnice ne mogu sagledavati i vrjednovati kao i eruditne. Poveznice se mogu pronaći u sličnim tipovima likova, motivima novca i ljubavi, ali i u samoj komičnosti. Ono što čini razliku jest sama kompozicija. Eruditne komedije su sastavljene u pet činova, dok se smješnice sastoje od svega triju činova. Melodramatična prepoznavanja, koja su osnovna karakteristika eruditnih komedija, u smješnicama izostaju. Osim reprezentativnih eruditnih komedija kakve je našoj književnosti podario Držić, u radu je obrađena i Nalješkovićeva VII. komedija, za koju se može reći da je bila preteča pravim eruditnim komedijama. Smješnice su izrazito zanimljive i zbog nekih vanjskih okolnosti i neutvrđenog autorstva. Mnogi teoretičari književnosti su ih pokušali dovesti u vezu s komedijom dell arte i eruditnom komedijom, no jedino što se može zaključiti iz svega toga je to da su one posebna vrsta komedije, koja ima svoje specifičnosti i koju nije moguće promatrati nikako drugačije negoli samostalno. Unatoč tomu, zanimljivo je komparativno usporediti dvije vrste komedije i utvrditi koje je književno nasljeđe prisutno u objema komedijama, a opet uvidjeti što je to što ih razlikuje.
Abstract (english) The emphasis of this graduate thesis was on comparing erudite comedies with smješnice (Croatian anonymous prose comedies that originate from the 17th century Dubrovnik area). Although these two types of comedies are frequently compared to each other for the similarities they share, because they both have their backbone in Italian comedy, our goal was to show the differences between them. Smješnice cannot be seen and evaluated as erudite comedies for several important reasons. The links between the two can be found in similar types of characters, motives of money and love, but also in the comic itself. What makes the difference between the two comedies is the composition itself. Erudite comedies consist of five acts, while in smješnice one can find only three acts. Basic characteristics of erudite comedy are the melodramatic recognitions, which cannot be found in smješnice. Apart from the representative erudite comedies written by Držić, this work offers as well an elaboration of Nalješković's VII. comedy – which might be called as the forerunner of the real erudite comedies. Smješnice are extremely interesting due to some external circumstances and unidentified authorship. Many theorists of literature have tried to link them to the comedy dell'arte and the erudite comedy, but the only thing to conclude is that smješnice are a special kind of comedy and that the only way of analyzing them is separately. Nevertheless, it is interesting to make a comparative comparison of two different types of comedies and to determine which literary legacy they both possess, and what differentiates one from another.
eruditna komedija
Dundo Maroje
Marin Držić
Nikola Nalješković
Keywords (english)
erudite comedy
Dundo Maroje
Marin Držić
Nikola Nalješković
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:143615
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-01-26 14:31:22