Title Parlamentarni izbori u rujnu 2016. na stranicama Jutarnjeg i Večernjeg lista
Title (english) Parliamentary elections in September 2016 on the pages of Jutarnji list and Večernji list
Author Tomislav Pilić
Mentor Marijana Ražnjević Zdrilić (mentor)
Committee member Vlado Sušac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Ražnjević Zdrilić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đani Bunja (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-02-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Abstract Diplomski rad se bavio problematikom izvanrednih parlametranih izbora u rujnu 2016. i zastupljenosti tih istih izbora na stranicama Jutarnjeg i Večernjeg lista. U teorijskom dijelu pisalo se o demokraciji, izborima, političkoj kampanji, predizbornim anketama, povijesti novinstva i povijesti Večernjeg i Jutarnjeg lista, koji su korpus ovog istraživanja. U empirijskom dijelu predstavljeni su rezultati kvantitativnog i kvalitativnog istraživanja. Istraživali su se zastupljenost stranka u člancima
... More dva analizirana lista, teme na njihovim naslovnicama, oglašavanje političkih stranaka te razlike u anketama koje su objavljene u Večernjem i Jutarnjem listu. Na temelju istraživanja ustvrđeno je da ne postoji razlika u zastupljenosti političkih opcija u Večernjem i Jutarnjem listu. Najzastupljenija politička opcija u oba istraživana lista bila je Narodna koalicija, nakon koje slijedi HDZ koji je bio za 2 % manje zastupljen i u Večernjem i u Jutarnjem listu. Najveći broj novinskih članaka na naslovnim stranicama Jutarnjeg i Večernjeg lista odnosio se na parlamentarne izbore, ali u većoj mjeri kod Večernjeg lista nego kod Jutarnjeg lista, koji se dosta orijentirao na druge teme. Kad se pogleda i središnji članak, odnosno glavna vijest na naslovnici, razlika je još veća jer je uređivačka politika Večernjeg lista dala veću prednost političkim temama nego politika Jutarnjeg lista. Zaključak je da razlika u načinu izvještavanja Večernjeg i Jutarnjeg lista o parlamentarnim izborima nije postojala kod zastupljenosti stranaka, ali je postojala u praćenju parlamentarnih izbora. Razlike postoje i u predizbornim anketama koje su za Jutarnji i Večernji list provele agencije za istraživanje tržišta. Agencija Ipsos, koja je provela anketu za Večernji list, bila je bliža stvarnom rezultatu izbora od agencije Promocija plus koja je provela istraživanje za Jutarnji list. Ipak, niti jedna anketa se ne može smatrati uspješnom. Kod oglašavanja političkih stranaka utvrđeno je da se u oba istraživana lista najviše oglašavala Narodna koalicija, nakon koje slijede HDZ i Koalicija za premijera. Narodna koalicija se više oglašavala u Jutarnjem listu nego u Večernjem listu vjerojatno kako bi privukla vlastite birače, a HDZ se oglašavao jednako u oba lista. U Večernjem listu su se još oglašavali i Most te Nezavisna lista Stipe Petrine Less
Abstract (english) The thesis deals with the issue of parliamentary elections in September 2016 and the representation of the same elections on Jutarnji and Večernji list pages. Theoretical part was about democracy, elections, political campaign, pre-election polls, history of journalism and the history of Večernji list and Jutarnji list which are the corpus of this research. The empirical part presents the results of quantitative and qualitative research. There were investigation of party's representation in
... More the articles of two newspapers, themes on their covers, advertising of political parties, and differences in surveys published in Večernji and Jutarnji list. Based on the research, it was found that there is no difference in the representation of political options in Večernji and Jutarnji list. The most popular political option in both investigated newspapers was Narodna koalicija, followed by HDZ, which was 2% less represented in both Večernji and Jutarnji list. The largest number of newspaper articles on the front pages of Jutarnji list and Večernji list concerned parliamentary elections, but to a greater extent in Večernji list than in Jutarnji list, which was quite focused on other topics. When looking at the central article or the main news on the cover page, the difference is even greater because the editorial policy of Večernji list gives greater priority to political issues than Jutarnji list policy. The conclusion is that the difference in the way of reporting about parliamentary elections in Večernji and Jutarnji list did not exist in the representation of the parties, but did exist in the monitoring of the parliamentary elections. There are also differences in pre-election surveys conducted by the Market Research Agencies for Jutarnji list and Večernji list. The Ipsos Agency, which conducted Večernji list survey, was closer to the actual election result than Promocija plus agency, which conducted research for Jutarnji list. However, no survey can be considered successful. In the advertising of political parties it was established that Narodna koalicija was most advertised in both newspapers, followed by HDZ and Koalicija za premijera. Narodna koalicija was advertised more in Jutarnji list than in Večernji list, probably to attract its own voters, and HDZ advertised equally in both newspapers. Most and Nezavisna lista Stipe Petrina were also advertised in Večernji list. Less
Parlamentarni izbori 2016.
Analiza sadržaja
Večernji list
Jutarnji list.
Keywords (english)
Parliamentary Elections 2016.
Content Analysis
Večernji list
Jutarnji list
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:350881
Study programme Title: Journalism and Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima (magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-03-06 14:34:03