Abstract | Nesumnjivo je kako je Jakša Fiamengo ostavio neizbrisiv trag u pjesništvu postmoderne književnosti s mediteranskim prizvukom. No još je veći trag ostavio na području dalmatinske šansone kroz skladane pjesme. Baštinsko svjetlo najviše izvire u drugoj fazi njegova pjesništva. Krenuvši od upoznavanja njegova života i stvaralaštva, preko pjesništva i obilježja istoga te prve i druge faze i najznačajnijih zbirki dolazi se do sveprisutnih motiva mora, plovidbe, vremena, jezika, svjetlosti, starina i zavičaja koje predstavljaju najznačajnije odrednice njegovih pjesama. Pred sam kraj rada prikazan je pjesnikov odnos prema duhovnoj baštini odnosno biblijskoj tematici. Cilj diplomskog rada svakako je na jednoj višoj razini upoznati njegovo pjesništvo i bogat pjesnički izričaj. To se prvenstveno odnosi na drugu fazu stvaralaštva koje je ujedno glavna tema rada. Metode koje su korištene bile su metode čitanja pjesama i literature te usporedba s književnom kritikom koja je zaslužna za bolje upoznavanje pjesnika. Da je Jakša Fiamengo bio predmet istraživanja mnogih dokazuju i radovi koji su pisani o njemu i njegovim pjesmama. Ipak može se reći koliko god njegove pjesme bile poznate da on kao pjesnik ipak ostaje nepoznat velikom broju ljudi. Jedno su ispjevane pjesme koje ostavljaju trag, a drugo je pjesnik koji u sjeni svojih pjesama ostaje nepoznat. Potrebno je napraviti balans i pokušati prije svega upoznati autora ili makar njegovo ime i na taj način izraziti zahvalnost što se može uživati u melodijama njegovih pjesama. |
Abstract (english) | Jakša Fiamengo has undoubtedly left an indelible mark on the postmodern literature's poetry with Mediterranean aspects. However, he left an even greater mark in the area of Dalmatian chanson by writing poems. The characteristics of that inheritance are most prominent in the second stage of his creation. Starting with the introduction to his life and work, through the poetry and its characteristics, as well as the first and second stage and most significant collections, you can find the everpresent motives such as the sea, sailing, time, language, light, antiques and surroundings which represent the most important determinants of his poems. The poet's look on the spiritual heritage, or biblical thematic will be described in the last part of the thesis. The purpose of this thesis is to get to know his poetry and his rich poetic expression on a higher level. This primarily refers to the second stage of his creation, which is also the main subject of this thesis. The methods used were reading of poems and literature, as well as the comparison to literary criticism, which is responsible for getting to know the poet. The fact that Jakša Fiamengo was the subject of research by many can be proven by many works that were written about him and his poems. However, despite his poems being well known, the poet himself is still unknown to many people. Recited poems that leave a mark are one thing, but the poet who remains unknown in shadow of his songs is another. It is important to make a balance and to try to first and foremost get to know the author or at least his name, and to express a gratitude for being able to enjoy his poems this way. The end is followed by a conclusion that will complete this thesis, as well as the portrayal of Jakša Fiamengo. |