Title Komercijalni radio između ekonomskog i javnog interesa
Title (english) Commercial radio between economic interest and public interest
Author Željka Stanić
Mentor Đani Bunja (mentor)
Committee member Goran Pavelin (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Đani Bunja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Kalajžić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-03-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Abstract Misija, programska načela i programske obveze javnog radija, jasno ističu ulogu javnog radija koji postoji zbog programa, odnosno slušatelja i svoje funkcije javnog medijskog servisa potrebnog za informiranje, obrazovanje i zabavu svih građana Republike Hrvatske. S druge strane osnovni razlog postojanja komercijalnog radija je jednak bilo kojoj drugoj komercijalnoj djelatnosti – profit, kako više slušatelja znači više oglašivača, a više oglašivača rezultira većim profitom, cilj komercijalnog radija je povećanje broja slušatelja. Medijski sadržaj komercijalnog radija se oblikuje u skladu s interesom javnosti, ipak s druge strane medijski sadržaj radija bi trebao biti u skladu s javnim interesom, a kako je javni interes iznad ekonomskog ili bilo kakvog drugog interesa postavlja se pitanje jesu li javni interes i interes javnosti u koliziji, te je li ekonomski interes zapravo interes javnosti? U radu se istražuju preferencije slušatelja prema programskim sadržajima lokalnog komercijalnog radija i to sadržaja koji su u interesu javnosti kao i sadržaja od javnog interesa. Kako se radio financira putem oglašavanja, istražuje se u kojoj mjeri slušatelji razlikuju oglašavanje od ostalih dijelova programa. Rezultati ukazuju kako komercijalni nakladnici u većoj mjeri proizvode program koji je suglasan i s preferencijama slušatelja, a promatraju li se isključivo emisije od javnog interesa zaključuje se kako one jesu u interesu javnosti jer ne postoje odstupanja u slušanosti i zanimljivosti tih sadržaja, nadalje iako slušatelji preferiraju zabavne i glazbene sadržaje, postoje teme od javnog interesa koje slušatelje zanimaju a nisu zastupljene u programu radija. Kada je riječ o oglašavanju značajan postotak slušatelja prikriveno oglašavanje ne prepoznaje kao oglašavanje, odnosno ne razlikuju oglašavanje od drugih dijelova programa.
Abstract (english) Public radio is mission-driven, seeking to inform the public about crucial issues, with the purpose to inspire, inform, entertain and educate public and all citizens of Republic of Croatia. The essential feature of commercial radio stations is that it is primarily motivated and driven by profit. It may have additional aims, but a commercial radio station has to follow the same basic principles as any other company. The media content of commercial radio is created in accordance with the public interest, but on the other side the media content should be in accordance with the interest of the public. As the public interest is more important then economic or any other interest it raises a question of whether the public interest and interest of the public are in collision with each other, and whether the economic interest is in fact interest of the public? The purpose of this paper is to explore and to identifiy program preferences of local radio listeners considering content that is in the public interest as well as content of interest of the public. As commercial radio is making its profits from advertising revenue the problem is that ads usually cohabit with real news, and the line between journalism and marketing is increasingly blurry. One of the aims of this paper is to explore do listeners see distinctions between news content and advertising. The result from this study indicate that commercial radio stations are creating program that is in agreement with the listeners preferences, also content of public interest is in the interest of the public as there are no discrepancies in the listening and interestingness of these content. Even though listeners prefer entertainment and music content, there are topics of public interest that listeners are interested in and are not represented in the radio program. Significant percentage of listeners does not recognize product placement as advertising, meaning they don't distinguish advertising from news.
komercijalni radio
javni interes
ekonomski interes
interes javnosti.
Keywords (english)
Public interest
economic interes
interest of the public
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:921924
Study programme Title: Journalism and Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima (magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-03-07 13:14:08