Title Metodički pristup romanu "Proljeće Ivana Galeba" Vladana Desnice
Title (english) Methodical approach to novel The Springs of Ivan Galeb by Vladan Desnica
Author Petra Pokos
Mentor Mirela Šušić (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Knežević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marijana Bašić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirela Šušić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Croatian and Slavic Studies) (Division of Croatian Language and Literature) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-06-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology Theory and History of Literature
Abstract Metodika pripada mlađim znanstvenim disciplinama koje su se oblikovale u drugoj polovici dvadesetoga stoljeća. Predmet njezina proučavanja jest prenošenje sadržaja u odgojno-obrazovni proces. Sukladno tome, zadaća metodike književnosti je omogućiti učenicima ulazak u svijet književnosti. Važnu ulogu pri tome ima metodički pristup književnome djelu koji svojom prilagodbom nastavnome procesu stvara uvjete za djelotvoran susret učenika s književnim djelom. Cilj ovoga rada je prikazati jedan od načina metodičkoga pristupa romanu Proljeća Ivana Galeba Vladana Desnice i ukazati na važnost njegovih sastavnica u sustavu školske interpretacije koja obuhvaća osam nastavnih etapa. Roman je smješten u metodički model cjelovite interpretacije, odnosno cjelovite obrade. Nakon doživljajno-spoznajne motivacije, najave teksta i njegove lokalizacije, interpretativnoga čitanja te emocionalne stanke i korekcije doživljaja, predloženo je više mogućnosti interpretacije. Cjelovita interpretacija obuhvaća sve razine romana: tematskoidejnu, fabulativno-kompozicijsku, likove, jezik i stil, vrstovne značajke. Posebna pozornost pridaje se proučavanju glavnoga lika budući da je u njemu sadržana cjelokupna problematika djela. Na taj način predočava se sociološka, psihološka, filozofska i etička karakterizacija Ivana Galeba. Također, u svojoj slojevitosti, roman otvara mogućnosti međupredmetne korelacije s nastavom sociologije, psihologije, etike, filozofije, glazbene i likovne umjetnosti.
Abstract (english) The methodology is one of the younger scientific disciplines that was created in the second half of the twentieth century. The subject of its study is the transfer of contents into the educational process. Accordingly, the methodology of literature has a task to enable students to enter the world of literature. A methodical approach to the literary work is very important, because its adaptation to the educational process prepares the conditions for an effective encounter of students with a literary work. The aim of this paper is to present one of methodical approaches to novel The Springs of Ivan Galeb by Vladan Desnica, and to point out the importance of its constituents in the system of school interpretation that includes eight teaching stages. The novel is placed in a methodical model of complete interpretation, ie complete processing. After the experiencecognitive motivation, the announcement of the text and its localization and interpretative reading, as well as after taking an emotional break and revaluating one's impressions, more possibilities are proposed. The complete interpretation covers all levels of the novel: thematically-conceptual, fabulatively-compositional, characters, language and style, literary form features. Special attention is given to the main character since it contains the whole issue of the work. In this way, sociological, psychological, philosophical and ethical characterisation of Ivan Galeb is presented. Also, because of its stratification, the novel opens the possibilities of intersubject correlation with the sociology, psychology, ethics, philosophy, music and art teaching.
metodika književnosti
metodički pristup
Proljeća Ivana Galeba
Vladan Desnica
međupredmetna korelacija
Keywords (english)
methodology of literature
methodical approach
The Springs of Ivan Galeb
Vladan Desnica
intersubject correlation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:396254
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-07-03 10:14:04