Title Povijesni pregled razvoja zdravstva i zdravstvenog turizma u Zadarskoj županiji
Title (english) Historical review of the development of health care and health tourism in the county of Zadar
Author Lovre Zekanović
Mentor Igor Kulenović (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Krpan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jurica Grzunov (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-07-17, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES History Croatian and World Modern and Contemporary History
Abstract Zdravstveni turizam jedan od najstarijih oblika turizma u kojem se koriste prirodni ljekoviti čimbenici, kao i fizikalna terapija, a u svrhu očuvanja i unapređenja zdravlja. Zdravstvene ustanove u privatnom i državnom sektoru u Zadarskoj županiji nude usluge navedenih djelatnosti poput wellnes i lječilišnog turizma, dok je razvoj medicinskog turizma tek u začecima. Naime, trenutno u Hrvatskoj nije moguće komercijalizirati ponudu državnih zdravstvenih ustanova jer pravila Europske unije nalažu da se javne institucije ne mogu javiti na Europske fondove. Istraživanje alternativne medicine te mogućnost implementacije u hrvatsko zdravstvo i zdravstveni turizam.
CILJ RADA: Prikazati povijesni pregled razvoja zdravstva u Zadarskoj županiji; Prikazati povijesni pregled razvoja zdravstvenog turizma u Zadarskoj Županiji; Istraživanje alternativne medicine.
RASPRAVA: Potrebno je implementirati postojeće projekte zdravstvenog i medicinskog turizma, Projekt ''Razvoj zdravstvenog turizma treće životne dobi'' i Projekt ''Zdravstvenoturističkog centra Biograd na Moru'', a koji su od strateške je važnosti za Bolnicu i Zadarsku županiju, te koji bi u konačnici utjecali na razvoj i prepoznatost Zadarske županije u području zdravstvenog turizma, što bi doprinijelo gospodarskom razvoju grada Zadra. Zbog nedovoljne informiranosti lokalnog stanovništva te njihove sklonosti tradicionalnoj medicini morati će proći priličan broj godina da bi alternativna medicina zaživjela.
ZAKLJUČAK: U Zadarskoj županiji postoji duga tradicija pružanja i djelovanja zdravstvenih ustanova, ali i povijesni podaci vezani uz zdravstveni turizam. Potrebno je provesti buduća istraživanja za uvođenje zdravstvenog turizma u Zadarskoj županiji uz podršku lokalnih i nacionalnih institucija, a koja trebaju biti usmjerena ka detaljnim analizama tržišta, poglavito za uvođenje medicinskih usluga potencijalnim medicinskim turistima. Alternativna medicina napreduje u Zapadnim zemljama zbog velike razlike zdravstvenog sustava između njih i Hrvatskog zdravstva, ali ipak postoji mogućnost da se u Hrvatskoj jednog dana razvije alternativni zdravstveni turizam i obogati turistička ponuda.
Abstract (english) Health tourism is one of the oldest forms of tourism where natural medication factors are used such as physical therapy, with the aim of preserving and improving health. Health institutions in the private and government sectors in Zadar County offer services such as wellness and medical treatment tourism, while the development of health care tourism is at its beginnings. Namely, in Croatia, at present, it is not possible to commercialize the offer of government medical institutions due to the regulations of the European Union which do not allow public institutions to apply for European funds. On the other side, we have alternative medicine research. Alternative medicine research and the possibility of implementation in Croatian health and health tourism.
STUDY AIM: To show a historical review of the development of health care in Zadar County.
DISCUSSION: It is necessary to implement the existing health care and health tourism projects, the “Third age health tourism development” project and the “Biograd na Moru health care tourism center” project which are of strategic value for the hospital and Zadar County, and which, in the end, would influence the development and recognition of Zadar County in the field of health care tourism contributing thus to the economic development of the city of Zadar. Due to the insufficient knowledge of local people, it will take few years before people start to use alternative medicine.
CONCLUSION: Zadar County has had a long tradition in health care institution services and activities and also has historical data connected to health care tourism. It is necessary to carry out researches for the introduction of health care tourism in Zadar County with the support of local and national institutions that must be directed to detailed market analyses, particularly in the introduction of medical services to potential medical tourists. Alternative medicine advances in the Western countries due to the great differences between the health system and Croatian health care, but there is a possibility that one day in Croatia will develop alternative health tourism and increase the tourist offer
Zdravstveni turizam
Zadarska županija
povijesni razvoj
opća bolnica Zadar
specijalna bolnica Biograd na moru
alternativna medicina
spa turizam
thalasso turizam
duhovni turizam
joga i meditacijski turizam
spiritualni turizam
profesionalni wellness
zdravstveni kanabis turizam
Keywords (english)
Health tourism
Zadar County
historical development
general hospital Zadar
special hospital Biograd na moru
alternative medicine
spa tourism
thalassotherapy tourism
spiritual tourism
yoga and meditation tourism
spiritual tourism
professional wellness
health cannabis tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:770366
Study programme Title: Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) kulture i turizma)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-08-29 11:17:25