Title Daroviti i talentirani učenici u osnovnoj školi
Title (english) Gifted and talented primary school pupils
Author Mirna Špoljar
Mentor Anela Nikčević-Milković (mentor)
Committee member Jadranka Brkić-Vejmelka (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Grahovac-Pražić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anela Nikčević-Milković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers Studies in Gospić) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-07-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology School Psychology and the Psychology of Education
Abstract U teorijskom dijelu diplomskoga rada obuhvaćene su definicije darovitosti, kategorije darovitih učenika kao onih s posebnim potrebama, teorijski pristupi i mitovi o darovitima te njihove osobine. Također je rečeno nešto o obrazovanju ovih učenika kao i kompetencijama učitelja za to obrazovanje. Nadalje, problematiziraju se poteškoće, stanje i potrebe rada s darovitim i talentiranim učenicima u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu Republike Hrvatske. U empirijskom dijelu, ispitano je 378 učitelja različitih profila, godina staža, obrazovanja o radu s darovitim učenicima i regije Republike Hrvatske. U tom dijelu, provedeno je istraživanje Upitnikom „Upitnik o stanju i potrebama rada s darovitim učenicima“ autorica Nikčević-Milković, Jerković i Rukavina (2016.). Ispitane su razlike među učiteljima i nastavnicima s obzirom na način obrazovanja s darovitima i dužini radnoga staža. Rezultati pokazuju da učitelji i nastavnici smatraju kako svojim radom pridonose napretku i motivaciji darovitih učenika, međutim, nedostaje im stručnih usavršavanja, seminara te im je potrebna veća podrška stručno-razvojne službe. Iz rezultata saznajemo da su učitelji s trogodišnjim visokoškolskim obrazovanjem malo znanja o darovitosti dobili kroz studij za razliku od onih koji su završili petogodišnje visokoškolsko obrazovanje.
Abstract (english) The theoretical part of the thesis discusses various definitions of giftedness, categorisation of gifted pupils as special-needs pupils, as well as theoretical approaches, myths, and characteristics related to the gifted. The discussion also concerns the education of these pupils, as well as teacher-competency related to this education. An overview of current problems, state, and needs for improvement regarding work with gifted and talented students across the education system in the Republic of Croatia is also provided. The empirical part of the thesis studied a sample of 378 public sector primary-school teachers (working with children from 6 to 10 years of age). The sample included a varied profile of teachers differing in duration of teaching experience, regional placement across Croatia, and level of specialised training regarding the work with gifted pupils. The survey was conducted using the Questionnaire of the Condition and Needs of Work with Talented Students published by Nikčević-Milković, Jerković and Rukavina (2016.). Data were compared between teachers of the pupils in the 6-10 as well as 10-14 age range dependent on the educational background regarding and the length of work experience with gifted pupils. The data analysis showed that both teachers in the 6-10 age range as well as those in 10-14 age range feel that by using their knowledge and skills they do contribute to the motivation and development of gifted students, while at the same time feeling the lack of opportunities for continued in-service training as well as continued support from the respective education improvement authorities, in order to be able to excel in their work with gifted and talented children. The results also showed that teachers who graduated from Masters Degree in primary education report receiving more knowledge regarding working with gifted pupils compared to those holding Bachelors degree.
daroviti i talentirani učenici
stanje i potrebe u radu s darovitim učenicima
učitelji i nastavnici različitih profila.
Keywords (english)
gifted and talented pupils
current state of and needs for working with gifted pupils
6-10 and 10-14 age range teachers of differing profiles.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:444062
Study programme Title: Primary education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-09-03 07:34:22