Abstract | Na osnovi podataka iz deskriptivno pisanog zapisnika pastoralne vizitacije krčkog biskupa Stefana Davida sastavljenog 1685. godine, ali i ostalih arhivskih izvora što se čuvaju u Biskupijskom arhivu u Krku, Tajnom vatikanskom arhivu te Državnom arhivu u Veneciji, u disertaciji je učinjena rekonstrukcija izgleda interijera, točnije liturgijske opreme kaptolskih crkava na otoku Krku u prvoj polovini 17. stoljeća. Riječ je o sedam najznačajnijih, župnih crkava na području tadašnje krčke biskupije, u gradu Krku i povijesnim otočnim kaštelima: katedrali Uznesenja Marijina u Krku, crkvi Uznesenja Marijina u Omišlju, crkvi sv. Ivana Krstitelja u Baški, crkvi Uznesenja Marijina u Vrbniku, crkvi sv. Stjepana u Dobrinju, crkvi sv. Apolinara u Dubašnici te crkvi sv. Kuzme i Damjana u Poljicama. Podaci iz zapisnika biskupa Davida u disertaciji su analizirani i sustavno prezentirani prema tipu liturgijske opreme redoslijedom brojnosti, odnosno opsega opisa. Najveća je pažnja posvećena brojnim opisima oltara i oltarnih retabla, njihovoj ikonografskoj, tipološkoj i stilskoj analizi, kao i analizi materijala izrade, autora te patronatu nad oltarima. Prema brojnosti podataka, a potpuno u duhu posttridentske obnove, slijede opisi relikvija, a zatim liturgijskog posuđa, ruha i paramenata te ostale liturgijske opreme poput svetohraništa, korskih klupa, krstionica i liturgijskih knjiga. Kao važan instrument provedbe crkvene reforme analizirane su i odredbe vizitatora što se tiču popravaka stare i nabave nove liturgijske opreme, a s posebnom su pažnjom analizirani naručitelji i donatori, među kojima se ističe figura krčkog biskupa i apostolskog nuncija u Luzernu Giovannija della Torrea (Venecija, oko 1556. – Padova, 1623.). Usporedbom podataka iz zapisnika biskupa Davida s onima iz zapisnika apostolske vizitacije Agostina Valiera sastavljenog 1579. godine zaključuje se da su krčke crkve tijekom prvog posttridentskog stoljeća doživjele brojne promjene i obnovu liturgijske opreme. Dinamiku promjena, prvenstveno nabave novih oltara i oltarnih pala, točnije prihvaćanja novih kultova, primjerice Gospe od Ružarija i Gospe od Karmela, moguće je pak pratiti usporedbom s podacima iz zapisnika apostolske vizitacije Ottavijana Garzadorija sastavljenog 1625. godine. Iz niza zaključaka prezentiranih u disertaciji izdvajaju se oni o materijalu izrade te provenijenciji oltara i oltarnih retabla. Čini se da su u 17. stoljeću svi oltarni retabli u krčkim kaptolskim crkvama bili izrađeni od drva, pozlaćeni i polikromirani, moguće uz izuzetak tek kamenog ili mramornog glavnog oltara sa srebrnom palom u katedrali, što svjedoči o tadašnjem ukusu naručitelja iz mletačke periferije. Također je moguće zaključiti da je liturgijska oprema do početka 17. stoljeća poglavito bila naručivana u Veneciji, dok su se nakon ratifikacije mira u Madridu 1617. godine otočni naručitelji i donatori u znatnoj mjeri okrenuli podalpskim centrima Habsburške Monarhije. Terenskim istraživanjem utvrđeno je da je od liturgijske opreme što se navodi u Davidovu zapisniku do danas sačuvano vrlo malo, uglavnom kao posljedica barokizacije u 18. te purifikacije tijekom 19. i 20. stoljeća. |
Abstract (english) | The reconstruction of the interior reported in the dissertation, and precisely the reconstruction of the liturgical furnishings of the capitular churches on the island of Krk in the first half of the XVII century, is based on the data from the descriptive records of the pastoral visitation of the Bishop of Krk, Stefano David, composed in 1685, as well as on other archival sources kept in the Diocesan Archives in Krk, in the Vatican Secret Archives, and in the National Archives in Venice. Those include the seven most significant churches in the area of the diocese of Krk from that period, in the town of Krk and in the historical island castles: Assumption of Mary Cathedral in Krk, Assumption of Mary Church in Omišalj, Church of St. John the Baptist in Baška, Assumption of Mary Church in Vrbnik, Church of St. Stephen in the castel of Dobrinj, Church of St. Apollinaris in Dubašnica, and the church of St. Cosmas and Damian in Poljice. The data from the record composed by the Bishop David have been analysed and systematically presented in the dissertation according to the type of liturgical furnishing, number of items, and scope of description. Most attention and space has been given to the numerous descriptions of altars and retables, to their iconographic, typological and style analysis, as well as to the analysis of the material, authors and patrons of the altars. Thoroughly in the spirit of the period after the Council of Trent, the descriptions of the relics are listed according to the number of data available, and they are followed by the descriptions of liturgical vessels, vestments and paraments, as well as other liturgical furnishing like tabernacles, choir stalls and liturgical books. As an important instrument for the implementation of the church reform, the provisions of the visitators have been analysed, and they relate to the repair of old, and the procurement of new liturgical furnishing. The commissioners and donors have been analysed with particular attention: among them the figure of the Bishop of Krk, and Apostolic Nuncio in Lucerne, Giovanni della Torre (Venice, around 1556 - Padua 1623) stands out. By comparing the data from the record written by Bishop David with those from the record of the apostolic visitation of Agostino Valier, composed in 1579, it can be concluded that the churches on the island of Krk during the first century after the Council of Trent, experienced numerous changes and renewals of the liturgical furnishing. The dynamics of changes, primarily the procurement of new altars and altarpieces, and more precisely the acceptance of new cults, e.g. Lady of the Rosary, and Lady of Mount Carmel, can be followed if compared with the data from the record of the apostolic visitation by Ottaviano Garzadori, composed in 1625. Among a wide range of conclusions presented in this dissertation, the ones regarding materials and altar and retables provenance stand out. It seems that in the XVII century all altar retables in capitular churches on the island of Krk were made of wood, they were gilded and polychrome, with exception of stone or marble high altar with a silver altarpiece in the cathedral, which testifies the taste of the commissioners from the Venetian periphery from that period. Moreover, it can be concluded that the liturgical furnishing up to the beginning of the XVII century was mainly ordered in Venice, while after the ratification of the Treaty of Madrid in 1617 the commissioners and donors from the island turned to the subalpine centres of the Habsburg Monarchy. Field research led to the conclusion that a very limited quantity of liturgical furnishing has been preserved to date, as mentioned in David’s record, and it is mainly the consequence of baroquising in the XVIII century and purification in the XIX and XX century. |