Title Povezanost razine tjelesne aktivnosti i uživanja u tjelesnoj aktivnosti učenika rane školske dobi
Title (english) Association between level of physical activity and level of physical activity enjoyment of children under school age
Author Adriana Štrapajević
Mentor Jelena Alić (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Alić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavica Šimić Šašić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Ivković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Elementary School Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-07-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology Kinesiological Education
Abstract U dosad provedenim istraživanjima utvrđene su brojne zdravstvene, psihološke, društvene i ekonomske dobrobiti bavljenja tjelesnom aktivnosti. Dokazano je kako razina tjelesne aktivnosti ovisi o raznim čimbenicima među kojima je i uživanje u tjelesnoj aktivnosti. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost razine tjelesne aktivnosti učenika mlađe školske dobi i njihovog uživanja u provođenju tjelesnih aktivnosti. Sudionici istraživanja bili su učenici četvrtih razreda zadarskih osnovnih škola Petar Preradović i Zadarski Otoci. Razina tjelesne aktivnosti procijenjena je uz pomoć hrvatske verzije PAQ–C upitnika, dok je za procjenu razine uživanja u tjelesnoj aktivnosti korištena hrvatska verzija PACES upitnika. Za izračunavanje razlika po spolu u razini tjelesne aktivnosti i razlika u razini uživanja u tjelesnoj aktivnosti korišten je T- test za nezavisne uzorke, a za utvrđivanje povezanosti između razine tjelesne aktivnosti i razine uživanja u tjelesnoj aktivnosti izračunati su Pearsonovi koeficijenti korelacije, dok je doprinos varijabli za procjenu uživanja u tjelesnoj aktivnosti u ukupnoj razini tjelesne aktivnosti izračunat je regresijskom analizom. Rezultati su pokazali da i učenici i učenice ostvaruju umjerenu razinu ukupne tjelesne aktivnosti (ASF=3,23 i ASM=3,29) te da između njih ne postoji statistički značajna razlika, no utvrđena je razlika u varijabli koja procjenjuje „aktivnost na satu TZK“ te je ona kod učenika više nego kod učenica. I učenici i učenice uživaju u provođenju tjelesne aktivnosti (ASF=4,27 i ASM=4,16), no nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike u ukupnim razinama uživanja u tjelesnoj aktivnosti s obzirom na spol. Za česticu upitnika PACES 10-“kada sam tjelesno aktivan/aktivna to mi je korisno” dobivena je statistički značajna razlika u korist učenica. Istraživanjem je utvrđeno kako je i kod učenica i kod učenika ukupna razina tjelesne aktivnosti pozitivno povezana s njihovim uživanjem u tjelesnim aktivnostima te da uživanje u tjelesnoj aktivnosti pozitivno doprinosi u objašnjenju ukupne razine tjelesne aktivnosti.
Abstract (english) In researches conducted so far, numerous health, psychological, social and economic benefits of engaging in physical activity were established. It was proven that the level of physical activity depends on various factors, one of them being the physical activity enjoyment. The goal of this research was to determine the association between the level of physical activity of students in early school age and their enjoyment while engaging in physical activity. Participants of the research were students of fourth grades from Petar Preradović and Zadarski Otoci primary schools from Zadar. The level of physical activity was estimated with help of Croatian version of PAQ-C questionnaire, while Croatian version of PACES questionnaire was used for estimating the level of enjoyment in physical activity. T- test for independent samples was used for calculating gender differences in the level of physical activity and gender differences in the level of enjoyment in the physical activity, and Pearson’s coefficients of correlation were calculated for determining the association between the level of physical activity and the level of physical activity enjoyment, while regression analyseis was used for calculating the contribution of the variable for estimating enjoyment in total level of physical activity. Results have shown that male and female students achieve moderate level of total physical activity (ASF=3,23 i ASM=3,29), and that there is no statistically significant difference between male and female students, but the difference was determined in variable which estimates “activity during the physical education class” and it is higher among male students. Both male and female students enjoy engaging in physical activity (ASF=4,27 i ASM=4,16), but no statistically significant gender differences were determined in total level of enjoyment in physical activity. For the part of the questionnaire PACES10 – “it benefits me when I am physically active” statistically significant gender difference in favour of female students was obtained. Research has determined that the total level of physical activity among both male and female students is related to their enjoyment in physical activities and that the physical activity enjoyment contributes to the explanation of total level of physical activity.
mlađa školska dob
tjelesna aktivnost
Keywords (english)
early school age
physical activity
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:560588
Study programme Title: Primary education Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-09-17 10:52:31