Title Analiza komunikacije HGSS-a na društvenim mrežama Facebook i Twitteru
Title (english) Analysis of HGSS Communication on Social Networks: Facebook and Twitter
Author Anamarija Kaleb
Mentor Goran Pavelin (mentor)
Committee member Đani Bunja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Pavelin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Kalajžić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-10-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract Hrvatska gorska služba spašavanja je neprofitna organizacija koju je 2016. godine Hrvatska udruga za odnose s javnošću proglasila „Najboljim komunikatorom godine“. Istraživanje ovoga diplomskog rada potaknuto je tom nagradom te je glavni cilj ovoga rada saznati na koji način HGSS provodi uspješnu komunikacijsku strategiju putem svojih društvenih mreža. Period koji je odabran za analizu uključivao je cijelu 2016. godinu na društvenim mrežama Facebook i Twitter. Tijekom istraživanja popisano je ukupno 685 objava na HGSS-ovim društvenim mrežama, od kojih se 476 nalazi na Facebooku, a ostalih 209 na Twitteru. Za potrebe analize podataka kreirana je matrica koja je bila vodilja istraživanja društvenih mreža. Parametri matrice bili su jednaki na obje društvene mreže. Matrica se sastojala od sljedećih elemenata: datum objave, vrsta objave, broj likeova, broj shareova, tema objave, povezanost objava i jezik. Popisane objave razvrstane su u pripadajuće kategorije u matrici te su dobiveni podaci obrađeni kvantitativnom i kvalitativnom analizom sadržaja. Kvantitativnom analizom obrađen je statistički dio istraživanja koji je otkrio u kojem periodu je bila najveća koncentracija objava i aktivnosti pratitelja. Objave s najviše likeova bile su odabrane za kvalitativnu analizu sadržaja kojom se dodatno proširilo saznanje o načinu komunikacije HGSS-a na društvenim mrežama. Postavljena istraživačka pitanja predstavljala su glavni temelj pisanja ovoga rada, čiji su odgovori doveli do određenih saznanja i zaključka. Analizom sadržaja objava na društvenim mrežama HGSS-a saznalo se kako su im objave u 72% slučaja jednake na obje društvene mreže. Stil komunikacije koju preferiraju je kombinacija teksta i poveznice koja vodi na njihovu službenu stranicu, gdje je moguće pronaći više detalja o spomenutoj objavi. Na godišnjoj razini komunicirali su ukupno 225 dana na Facebooku i 141 dan na Twitteru. Za vrijeme zimske i ljetne sezone povećavaju aktivnost na društvenim mrežama i koriste engleski jezik u kampanjama koje su namijenjene turistima.
Abstract (english) he Croatian Mountain Rescue Service is a non-profit organisation, that was proclaimed as the „Best Communicator of the Year“ by the prestigious Croatian Association of Public Relations in 2016. The research of this paper was inspired by this award. Moreover, the main purpose for this analysis is to determine how HGSS conducts a successful communication strategy via social networks. The time period selected for analysis covers the entire year of 2016.on social networks, Facebook and Twitter. During the research, a total of 685 entries were posted on HGSS social networks, 476 of which are on Facebook and the remaining 209 on Twitter. For the purposes of data analysis, special categorisation of data was created which was the foundation for social network research. The data parameters were identical on both social network platforms, Facebook and Twitter. The elements of the categorisation included: the date of publication, the type of publication, the number of likes, the number of shares, the topic of publication, the relation between the publications and the used language. The data was then processed through a quantitative and qualitative approach of content analysis. The quantitative analysis included the specific statistics of the research which revealed the peak period for the highest concentration of publications and followers engagement. The publications with most likes were selected for qualitative content analysis that further extends the understanding of how HGSS communicates via social networks. Research questions were the main foundation of writing this thesis, whose responses led to some specific findings and conclusions. Content analysis of social networks of HGSS shows that 72% of publications were identical on both social networks. Preferred style of communication of HGSS is a combination of text and hyperlinks that lead to their official site where readers can find more details about the announcement. On an annual level, they communicated a total of 225 days on Facebook and 141 days on Twitter. During the winter and summer season, they increased their activity on social networks and used English as the official language in campaigns that were tourist- focused.
neprofitne organizacije
odnosi s javnošću
društvene mreže
analiza sadržaja
Keywords (english)
non-profit organizations
public relations
social networks
content analysis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:118685
Study programme Title: Journalism and Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima (magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Created on 2018-10-17 12:23:51