Title Uloga narodnih knjižnica u multikulturalnom okruženju: knjižnične usluge za nacionalne manjine, imigrante i strance
Title (english) The role of public libraries in a multicultural environment: library services for national minorities, immigrants and foreigners
Author Biljana Mihaela Đekić
Mentor Drahomira Cupar (mentor)
Mentor Nives Tomašević (komentor)
Committee member Drahomira Cupar (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Zauder (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirko Duić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Information Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Library Science
Abstract Multikulturalnost se danas kao pojam učestalo javlja u političkim, društvenim i kulturnim dijalozima, te u najširem smislu riječi podrazumijeva suživot različitih kulturnih skupina unutar jedne zajednice. U radu se govori o povijesti razvitka multikulturalnih usluga u razvijenim zemljama još od 60-ih godina 20. stoljeća kao posljedici velikih migracija stanovništva, kada je knjižničarska struka prihvatila izazov i odgovornost za zadovoljavanje općenito kulturnih i čitateljskih potreba
... More manjinskih etničkih i lingvističkih zajednica. U Hrvatskoj su se multikulturalne usluge razvile tek 90-ih godina prošlog stoljeća kada se započelo s primjenom koncepta knjižničnih usluga za pripadnike etničkih i nacionalnih manjina. Hrvatska se može smatrati multikulturalnom zemljom jer u noj žive 22 nacionalne manjine s oko 9,58% udjela u hrvatskom društvu. U prvom dijelu rada pozornost je usmjerena na definiranje pojmova multikulturalnosti, interkulturalnosti i kulturnog pluralizma, te na pregled razvoja multikulturalnih usluga u knjižnicama u najrazvijenijim zemljama svijeta kao što su Sjedinjene Države, Velika Britanija, Kanada, Njemačka, Švedska i Australija. U drugom dijelu se govori o vrstama usluga koje se nude u Središnjim knjižnicama za nacionalne manjine u Hrvatskoj te o problemima na koje se nailazi vezano uz nabavu građe i pružanje usluga. No, kako u Hrvatskoj ne žive samo nacionalne manjine, već i mnogi migranti iz različitih zemalja koji dolaze u Hrvatsku kao tranzitnu zemlju, kao tražitelji azila, zbog posla, ljubavi ili sličnih životnih situacija, postavlja se pitanje postoje li u knjižnicama bilo kakve usluge za te ljude. U radu se također razmatraju neki novi koncepti pružanja usluga za imigrante, useljeničke manjine, tražitelje azila i sve one koji su u Hrvatsku došli iz različitih razloga. Mnoge knjižnice u Hrvatskoj nemaju podataka o tome koliko je takvih ljudi na teritoriju RH, no kako bi ojačale svoju ulogu u multikulturalnom okruženju kao mjesta susreta, interakcije i interkulturalne suradnje, one se moraju još aktivnije uključiti u život svih ljudi na području koje opslužuju, jer će time prijeći granice lokalne kulture i postati dijelom multikulturalnog svijeta. U istraživačkom dijelu rada, metodom polustrukturiranog intervjua s voditeljima Središnjih knjižnica nacionalnih manjina utvrdili su se pristupi multikulturalnosti u tim ustanovama, razina usluga, stupanj organizacije te novi koncepti pružanja usluga različitim marginaliziranim skupinama ( useljeničke manjine, tražitelji azila, stranci na privremenom radu i drugi). Istom metodom ispitalo se i pet pripadnika različitih nacionalnih manjina, kako bi se dobio uvid u to u kojoj mjeri su upoznati s Središnjim knjižnicama za nacionalne manjine i što misle o njihovim uslugama. Less
Abstract (english) Multiculturalism is a term that today frequently appears in political, social and cultural dialogue, and in the broadest sense of the word implies the coexistence of different cultural groups within a community. The article talks about the history of the development of multicultural services to the emergence of the Internet in developed countries since the 60s of the 20th century as a consequence of the great migration of the population, when the library profession has accepted the
... More challenge and responsibility to meet the general cultural and reading needs of minority ethnic and linguistic communities. In Croatia, the multicultural services developed in the 90s, when libraries started applying the concept of library services for members of ethnic and national minorities. Croatia is a multicultural country with 22 ethnic minorities with about 9.58% stake in the Croatian society. In the first part of the article, attention is focused on defining the concept of multiculturalism, interculturalism and cultural pluralism, on the review of the development of multicultural services in libraries in the most developed countries of the world such as the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Germany, Sweden and Australia. The second section discusses the types of multicultural services offered in the Central Libraries for National Minorities in Croatia and the problems in connection with the supply of library materials and services. However, as in Croatia there are not only national minorities, but many migrants from different countries who come to Croatia as a transit country or as asylum seekers, the question arises as to whether there are any services for these people in the libraries and some new concepts of providing services for immigrants, immigrant minorities, asylum seekers and all those who came to Croatia from different, either political or other reasons. Many libraries in Croatia have no information on how many such people live in the territory of the Republic of Croatia, but to strengthen their role in the multicultural environment as a meeting point, interaction and intercultural cooperation, they have to be more actively involved in the lives of all people in the area they serve because in that way it will cross the boundaries of local culture and become part of the multicultural world.
In the research part of the paper, with the method of semi-structured interviews, the approaches to multiculturalism in the Central Libraries of National Minorities in Croatia, the level of services and the degree of organization, specialties and new concepts of providing services to various marginalized groups such as immigrant minorities, asylum seekers, and others are established. By the same method, several members of different national minorities, were examined in order to gain insight into how familiar are they with the Central Libraries for National Minorities and what they think about their services. Less
kulturni pluralizam
multikulturalne usluge u narodnim knjižnicama
etničke i nacionalne manjine
Središnje knjižnice nacionalnih manjina u Hrvatskoj
Keywords (english)
cultural pluralism
multicultural services in national libraries
ethnic and national minorities
Central libraries of national minorities in Croatia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:353986
Study programme Title: Library and Information Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti (magistar/magistra informacijskih znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-11-05 08:56:07