Title Tehnike odnosa s javnošću u funkciji jačanja suradnje Hrvatske i Japana
Title (english) Public Relations techniques in the function of strengthening cooperation between Croatia and Japan
Author Paula Klarin
Mentor Goran Pavelin (mentor)
Committee member Vinko Bakija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Pavelin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vesna Kalajžić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-10-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Public Relations
Abstract Za rijetko koju naciju se može reći da se tako snažno orijentirala na projekt nacionalnog rasta kao Japanci u poslijeratnom periodu. Ne samo da je uspio u tome, nego ostaje za vidjeti hoće li prestići Zapad. Iz uloge vječnog primatelja kulturnih utjecaja, Japan se polako, ali sigurno transformira u ulogu važnog i jednako tako poželjnog davatelja kulture. Napredak Japana postignut je u zadnjih 150 godina – od jedne izolirane zemlje Japan je postao sastavni dio svjetskog poretka sa stalnom ulogom
... More u oblikovanju civilizacije te je snažno i stabilno inkorporiran u današnji globalizirani svijet. Važno je za istaknuti kako je Japan, također kao malo koja zemlja, bio geografski izoliran te je upravo izoliranost od drugih zemalja i kultura imala velik utjecaj na prepoznatljivu japansku kulturu i samu predodžbu koju Japanci imaju o sebi. Japan je društvo kolektivizma, stoga kultura ima znatan utjecaj na praksu odnosa s javnošću te se u velikoj mjeri razlikuju od prakse odnosa s javnošću zapadnih zemalja, usredotočujući se na interes društvo, ne na pojedinca. Hrvatske prednosti koje kod Japanaca najviše prolaze su prirodne ljepote te spomenici pod zaštitom UNESCO-a, kulturno naslijeđe i gastronomija. Odnosi s javnošću u Hrvatskoj zaostaju za onim u razvijenm zemljama, ali zadnjih godina bilježi se jačanje struke što je ponajprije vidljivo kroz rast broja zaposlenih u struci te pojave niza studija za odnose s javnošću. Jedna od najsnažnijih poveznica dviju zemalja je jadranska tuna koja je gospodarski povezala Hrvatsku, odnosno Zadar i Japan, a hrvatske i japanske tvrtke odlično surađuju već dugi niz godina. Upravo ova suradnja bila je poticaj za širu razmjenu iskustava – kulturnu, gastronomsku i tradicijsku, s ciljem zbližavanja dviju geografski udaljenih država. Less
Abstract (english) No for many nations can be said that it was so strongly oriented to the project of national growth and as much as the Japanese in the post-war period. Not only did it succeed, but remains to see if it will overtake the West. From the role of the eternal recipient of cultural influences, Japan is slowly but surely transformed into the role of an important and equally desirable culture provider. Japan's progress has been achieved over the past 150 years; from an isolated country, Japan has
... More become an integral part of the world order with a permanent role in shaping civilization and is strongly and stably incorporated in today's globalized world. It is important to point out that Japan, as a small country, was geographically isolated, and that isolation from other countries and cultures has had a great impact on the recognizable Japanese culture and the very concept that the Japanese have on themselves. Japan is a society of collectivism, and its culture has a significant influence on public relations practice, thus they are largely different from the public relations practice of Western countries, focusing on the interests of society, not the individual. The Croatian advantages that are mostly liked in Japan are natural beauties and monuments under the protection of UNESCO, cultural heritage and gastronomy. Public relations in Croatia are lagging behind of those in developed countries, but in recent years there has been a strengthening of the profession, which is evident primarily through the growth in the number of employed in the profession and the appearance of a series of public relations studies. One of the strongest links between the two countries is Adriatic tuna that has economically linked Croatia, that is Zadar and Japan, and Croatian and Japanese companies have had a very good cooperation for many years. This cooperation was an incentive for a wider exchange of experiences - cultural, gastronomic and traditional, with the aim of bringing together two geographically distant countries. Less
odnosi s javnošću
tehnike odnosa s javnošću
komunikacijske aktivnosti
uzajamni odnosi
Keywords (english)
public relations
public relations techniques
communication activities
mutual relations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:840972
Study programme Title: Journalism and Public Relations Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima (magistar novinarstva i odnosa s javnostima)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-11-05 12:02:34