Title Uloga nekih socioekonomskih faktora u zadovoljstvu romantičnom vezom
Title (english) The role of some socio-economic factors in the romantic relationship
Author Anamaria Marelja
Mentor Jelena Ombla (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Ombla (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Vidaković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Šimunić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2018-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology General Psychology
Abstract Zadovoljstvo romantičnom vezom definirano je kao stupanj u kojem pojedinac romantičnu vezu ocjenjuje kvalitetnom, odonosno nagrađujućom. Procjena zadovoljstva ovisi o odnosu dobitaka i gubitaka u vezi kao i o stupnju u kojem aktualna veza ispunjava postavljena generalna očekivanja o vezi. Intimni odnosi su izazovni u svim segmentima ali se čini da su osobito izazovni za pojedinace nižeg socioekonoskog statusa te onih koji su po tom pitanju nejednaki. Stoga je cilj ovoga istraživanja ispitati relacije između nekih sociodemografskih faktora (prihodi, stupanj obrazovanja,dob,spol) i zadovoljstva romantičnom vezom. Ispitane su razlike u zadovoljstvu vezom između muškaraca i žena kao i razlike u zadovoljstvu vezom između onih koji su slični svojima partnerima u obrazovanju i zaradi i onih koji nisu. Pritom se uzorak sastojao od 100 sudionika(MDOB=36,5), pri čemu je uzorak činilo 51 žena (MDOB=36,6) i 49 muškaraca (MDOB=36,4). Za potrebe istraživanja konstruiran je upitnik općih sociodemografskih karakteristika te je za procjenu zadovoljstva vezom korištena Skala procjene kvalitete veze (Šunjić i Penezić, 2014; izvorno Relationship Assesment Scale, RAS, Hendrick, 1988). Utvrđeno je da su muškarci zadovoljniji vezom u odnosu na žene. Nadalje, ispostavilo se da je zadovoljstvo vezom veće ukoliko su sudionici proveli manje vremena u vezi te ako su sudionici i njihovi partneri/ice mlađe dobi. Po pitanju zarade, veća zarada sudionikova partnera/ice povezana je s manjim zadovoljstvom vezom sudionika. Povezanost nije utvrđena između zadovoljstva vezom i zarade sudionika kao ni razine obrazovanja sudionika i njegovog partnera/ice. Također, ne postoji razlika u zadovoljstvu vezom između onih koji su slični svojim partnerima po obrazovanju i zaradi i onih koji nisu.
Abstract (english) Satisfaction with a romantic relationship is defined as a degree in which an individual values his/hers romantic relationship as rewarding. The assessment of satisfaction depends on the relationship between gains and losses in relationship and degree to which the current relationship meets general expectations set at the beginning of the relationship. Intimate relationships are challenging in all segments, but they seem to be particularly challenging for individuals with lower socioeconomic status and those who are unequal in this regard. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the relationships between some sociodemographic factors (income, degree of education, age, gender) and satisfaction with romantic relationship. Differences in relationship satisfaction between men and women were investigated as well as the differences in relationship satisfaction between those who are similar to their partners in education and earnings and those who are not. The sample consisted of 100 participants (Mage= 36.5), of which 51 women (Mage = 36.6) and 49 men (Mage= 36.4). For the purposes of research, a questionnaire of general sociodemographic characteristics was constructed and Relationship Assesment Scale-RAS (Hendrick, 1988) was used to assess relationship satisfaction. It was found that men were more satisfied with the relationship with women. Furthermore, it turned out that satisfaction with the relationship is greater if the participants spent less time in the relationship and if the participants and their partners are younger. Higher earnings of the participant's partners are associated with lower relationship satisfaction of the participant. Also, there is no correlation between participant's relationship satisfaction and earnings as well as the level of education of the participant and his / her partner. Also, there is no difference in the relationship satisfaction between those who are similar to their partners in education and earnings and those who are not.
zadovoljstvo vezom
Keywords (english)
relationship satisfaction
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:790928
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-11-12 11:31:16