Abstract | Cilj ovog rada je opisati suradnju kao zajedničku aktivnost obitelji i škole. Roditelji i škola ne smiju biti neprijatelji, već suradnici koji su radi postizanja cilja upućeni na zajedničko djelovanje. Gledajući povijest suradnje obitelji i škole možemo vidjeti da su obitelj i škola bili dva posebna svijeta s različitim ulogama i zadaćama te da u takvom kontekstu nije bilo suradnje. Suradnja i/ili partnerstvo doživljava važne terminološke promjene. „Suradnju obilježava uključenost, površni i formalni odnosi, dok partnerstvo angažiranost. Partnerski odnosi temelje se na vjerovanju, poštovanju, poštenju, ne osuđivanju, otvorenoj komunikaciji, aktivnom slušanju, fleksibilnosti i dijeljenju informacija.“ Suradnja najznačajnijih odgojnih čimbenika, roditelja i škole, ima važno mjesto u odgoju djeteta, a treba biti aktivna, jednaka i odgovorna. Od kvalitetne suradnje korist imaju svi sudionici u odgoju i obrazovanju. Učitelju obvezu suradnje s roditeljima propisuju mnogi dokumenti, a u Hrvatskoj se uloga roditelja u odgoju i obrazovanju djeteta navodi u nekoliko Zakona Republike Hrvatske. Percepcija roditelja i učitelja uvjetuje kvalitetnu njihove reakcije te nailazi na različite prepreke. U pedagoškoj praksi postoje razni oblici suradnje obitelji s odgojnim institucijama. Oblike rada možemo podijeliti u dvije skupine: individualne oblike rada i skupne oblike rada. Važnost suradnje između škole i obitelji predmet je proučavanja velikog broja istraživanja. U stranoj praksi također vidimo brojne primjere koji ukazuju na važnost suradnje i stvaranja partnerstva između obitelji i škole. Uzorak istraživanja činili su učitelji razredne nastave u osnovnim školama na području Zadarske i Brodsko-posavske županije, a popunjavali su anketu konstruiranu za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Kroz dobivene rezultate i njihovu interpretaciju u empirijskom dijelu prikazana je suradnja obitelji i škole kroz oblike rada, rad učitelja s roditeljima, njihova osposobljenost i zadovoljstvo suradnjom te mišljenje o najčešćim preprekama za uspostavu kvalitetne suradnje kao i o načinima unapređenja suradnje. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this graduate thesis is to describe cooperation as a joint activity of family and school. Parents and schools should not be mutually hostile groups, but collaborators and as such are commited to joint action. Throughout history, cooperation was viewed as two separate worlds. They had different roles and tasks for which there was no cooperation. (Rosić, 2005: 25). Collaboration and/or partnership has experienced significant terminological changes. "Collaboration is characterized by involvement, often superficial and formal relationships, and partnership engagement. Partnerships are based on open communication, active listening, honesty, belief, disrespect, respect, flexibility and sharing of information. "Parenting and schooling plays an important role in child upbringing. According to Jurić and Maleš (1994) "the creation of quality, regular and permanent partnerships between parents, teachers and schools is the right and obligation of parents and teachers and schools". Collaboration according to Maleš (1994) should be equal, active and responsible because of such cooperation, based on two-way communication, mutual respect and trust and acceptance of rights and obligations, benefit is given to children, parents and teachers (Rečić, 2006: 8) . The Master's obligation to cooperate with parents is regulated by many documents, and in Croatia, the role of parents in child upbringing and education is listed in several Laws of the Republic of Croatia "The way parents and teachers perceive each other condition the quality of their interaction." The perception of parents and teachers faces different obstacles. There are various forms of family co-operation with educational institutions. The forms of work can be divided into two groups: individual forms of work and collective forms of work. The importance of collaboration between family and school is the subject of many research studies. There are also various examples in foreign practice that point to the importance of co- operation and the creation of partnerships between the family and the school. The survey sample consisted of elementary school teachers in the Zadar and Brodsko-Posavska counties, completing a survey designed for the purpose of this research. Through the results obtained and their interpretation in the empirical part are presented the cooperation of the family and the school through forms of work, the work of teachers with parents, their competence and satisfaction with cooperation, and the opinion on the most common obstacles to the establishment of high quality cooperation as well as ways of improving cooperation. |