Title Razvoj hladnog oružja za sječu i ubadanje u razvijenom i kasnom Srednjem vijeku
Title (english) Evolution of cold weapons for slashing and stabbing in High and Late Middle Ages
Author Krešimir Vacek
Mentor Karla Gusar (mentor)
Committee member Ante Uglešić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jure Šućur (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Karla Gusar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Archaeology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-10-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology
Abstract Europski razvijeni srednji vijek obilježen je revolucijom u ratovanju. Staro oružje se usavršava, a pojavljuju se i novi ubojitiji oblici. Zbog naprednijih kovačkih tehnika te uznapredovalog oklopa, mačevi postepeno mijenjaju oblik, a pojavljuju se i izduženiji noževi i bodeži, te razno hibridno oružje. U radu se analiza mačeva bazira na tipologijama E. Oakeshotta i A. Geibiga te nadopunama izvedenim od suvremenih autora. Analizom materijala, vidljivo je kako mačevi razvijenog srednjeg vijeka postepeno dobivaju izduženiji i čvršći oblik kako bi zadovoljili sve veće potrebe za uspješnijim probojem žičanog oklopa. Kraj razvijenog srednjeg vijeka ujedno će obilježiti pojava masivnih tipova za napad sječom/rasjecanjem kao i gracilnijih tipova za napad ubadanjem. Isto tako, kraj razvijenog srednjeg vijeka karakterizira povećavanje oštrica i balčaka mačeva, te rađanje najslavnije vrste srednjovjekovnog mača; jednoiporučnjaka.U kasnom srednjem vijeku mnogo tipova će se specijalizirati isključivo za nanošenje uboda. Međutim, napad ubodom uskoro će biti napušten u korist starijih i novijih tipova koji spajaju ubode i rasjecanje.U Hrvatskoj, a isto tako i ostatku jugoistočne te u mnogim dijelovima južne Europe, u uporabu će ući nove oštrice koje nastaju iz starijih tipova sa konveksnim presjekom. U ostalim dijelovima Europe, popularizirati će se oštrice sa novijim riješenjima u vidu romboidnog oblikovanja presjeka. Na temelju oba rješenja u kasnom srednjem vijeku svjedočimo pojavi velikih ratnih mačeva iz kojih nastaju bojni novovijekovni dvoručnjaci. Složeni razvojni tijek pratimo i na kratkom oružju za ubod te za sječu i ubod. Iz ranosrednjovjeovnog saxa razvijaju se ubodni noževi koji su na kraju razvijenog srednjeg vijeka zamijenjeni bodeţima i kratkim kordama. Svo kratko oružje kroz kasni srednji vijek dobiva svoje hiperdimenzionirane varijante i tipove. Kombinacijom oružja nastalog na ranosrednjovjekovnom supstratu (ratni sjekači i falchioni) i istočnog utjecaja (avarska, mađarska i tatarska sablja) razvija se prva forma hibridne europske sablje - kasni tip falchiona. Prodorom Turaka i donošenjem turske sablje na jugoistočnoeuropske prostore, iz starijih tipova kordi nastati će forme prve prave Europske sablje - korde četvrtog tipa. Iako prostor Hrvatske oskudjeva u nalazima bodeža i falchiona, brojni nalazi kordi i mačeva govore nam o bogatoj kulturi ratovanja temeljenoj na stoljetnim sukobima.
Abstract (english) The High Middle Ages in Europe were marked by progressive changes in warfare. Old weapons are being improved but also accompanied by the appearance of new and deadlier forms of weapons. Advanced blacksmithing techniques and improved armor gradually altered the form of swords and also impacted the invention of more lengthy knives, daggers and various hybrid weapons. Categorization of swords used in this thesis is based on the works of E. Oakeshott and A. Geibig, and also complemented with derivatives of contemporary authors.
By analyzing the archeological findings, we can see that High Middle Ages swords had continuously gained more length and built a stronger form in order to pierce a chain mail with greater success. The ending of High Middle Ages was marked by development of massive types of swords intended for slashing, and gracile types for piercing attacks. Also, the blade and the hilt of sword had gotten bigger, and the most famous type of medieval swords – hand and a half sword - was created.In the Late Middle Ages, many types of swords had been specialized for inflicting stabs only. However, stabbing was quickly replaced by older and newer types of swords that combine slashing and stabbing. In Croatia, southeastern Europe and most parts of southern Europe a new type of convex cross section blade was used that evolved from older types. Meanwhile, in other parts of Europe, a diamond shaped cross section blades were favored. Both of the stated blades (convex and diamond) represent a basis that created the great sword from which early modern two handed swords were made.
This complex progress is also noted in development of short knives that were intended for stabbing and for slashing and stabbing/slashing combined. Early medieval Seax influenced creation of stabbing knives that were used until the end of Late Middle Ages, after which daggers and Kords (i.e. Bauernwehr; Hauswehr) were used. Every kind of short weapon had gotten its enlarged form and type through the Late Middle Age. The first form of a hybrid European saber – later type of falchion – was a combination of Early medieval substratum (war cleaver and falchion) and Eastern influence (Avarian, Hungarian, Tatarian saber). Yet, the first true European saber was a Kord type four (4) that progressed after the Turkish expansion and the occurrence of Turkish saber on southeastern European territory. While Croatian area lacks in daggers and falchion artefacts, it reveals a high number of artifacts and findings on Kords and swords that tell us a story of great warfare culture based on hundreds of years of battles.
Razvijeni i kasni srednji vijek
Keywords (english)
High and Late Middle Ages
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:050177
Study programme Title: Archaeology Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra arheologije (magistar/magistra arheologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2019-11-08 10:58:58