Title Gastronomija Dalmatinske zagore
Title (english) Dalmatian hinterland gastronomy
Author Marinela Miloš
Mentor Lena Mirošević (mentor)
Committee member Branimir Vukosav (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Pejdo (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lena Mirošević (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Geography) Zadar
Defense date and country 2019-03-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline INTERDISCIPLINARY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE Geography
Abstract Dalmatinska zagora je oduvijek bio specifičan prostor. Bilo da radi o klimatskim, vegetacijskim, kulturološkim ili povijesnim obilježjima ovaj prostor se posebno izdvajao. Tako i gastronomija koja kao dio gastro turizma doprinosi sve boljem i snažnijem razvoju Dalmatinske zagore. Glavni cilj rada je bio odrediti gastronomska područja unutar Dalmatinske zagore. Potom je bilo potrebno istraţiti i analizirati tradicionalna jela koja su oduvijek bila sinonim za određenu regiju, a naposljetku i pokazati kako je gastronomija omogućila bolji gospodarski razvitak Zagore.
Prilikom određivanja gastronomskih područja pomogla mi je teritorijalna raspodjela Dalmatinske zagore autora Matasa i Faričića. Odredila sam pet takvih područja koja se ističu sa svojim tradicionalnim, autohtonim jelima koje se izvan tih kulturnih areala ne mogu pronaći. U sklopu istraživanja vidljivo je da se određena jela ne spremaju samo u jednoj gastronomskoj regiji, nego u dvije ili čak više njih. To je dokaz da je Zagora unatoč svojoj specifičnosti dopustila prelijevanje recepata iz jedne regije u drugu zadržavši sve unutar svojih granica.
Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako je gastronomija Dalmatinske zagore osnova za razvoj ruralnog turizma. Uz osnovne prirodne znamenitosti, kulturu baštinu i povijesne elemente, tradicionalna jela i način njihove pripreme uvelike potiču porast turističke potražnje. Budući da nedostaje ovakvih restorana koji su isključivo okrenuti k domaćoj proizvodnji trebalo bi turizam usmjeriti prema tom polju. Neophodno je spominjati koliko je ovaj prostor kvalitetan te koliko može pružiti turistu, a sve veći broj turista pravi je dokaz za to. Za još svjetliju budućnost potrebno je proširiti turističku ponudu otvaranjem restorana, kuća za odmor te napraviti dobru promociju kao osnovu za daljnji napredak.
Abstract (english) Dalmatian hinterland has always been a specific area. Whether it is climate, vegetation, culture or historical features, this area is particularly pronounced. In such a way, gastronomy as part of the gastronomic tourism, contributes to the better and stronger development of the Dalmatian hinterland. The main goal of the work was to determine the gastronomic areas within the Dalmatian hinterland. Then it was necessary to explore and analyze the traditional dishes that have always been synonymous with a particular region and, finally, to show how gastronomy enabled better economic development of Zagora.
When determining the gastronomic areas, I was helped by the territorial distribution of the Dalmatian hinterland of authors Matas and Faričić. I have set five such areas that stand out with their traditional, autochthonous dishes that can not be found outside these cultural areas. As part of the research, it is evident that certain foods are not only stored in one gastronomic region, but in two or even more. It is a proof that Zagor despite his specificity allowed to pour recipes from one region to another while keeping everything within their limits. The research results show that Dalmatian hinterland gastronomy is the basis for rural tourism development. Along with the main natural sights, culture heritage and historical elements, traditional dishes and their way of preparation greatly stimulate the growth of tourist demand. Because of the lack of such restaurants that are solely turning to domestic production, tourism should be directed towards that field. It is necessary to mention how good this space is and what can offer to the tourist, and the growing number of tourists is a real proof of it. For a brighter future it is necessary to extend the tourist offer by opening restaurants, holiday houses and making good promotion as a basis for further progress.
Dalmatinska zagora
tradicionalna jela
turistička ponuda
Keywords (english)
Dalmatian hinterland
traditional dishes
tourist offer
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:433465
Study programme Title: Geography (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije geografije (magistar/magistra edukacije geografije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2019-11-29 11:16:41