Title Utjecaj stilova vodstva i kompenzacija na uspješnost poslovanja poduzeća
Title (english) The Impact of Leadership Styles and Compensation to Business Performance
Author Ivana Marušić
Mentor Berislav Bolfek (mentor)
Committee member Anita Peša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Rajko (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Berislav Bolfek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Economics) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Vođenje je najzahtjevnija menadžerska funkcija. Zadaća vođe je usmjeravati i motivirati zaposlenike na izvršenje nekog zadatka, dati im osjećaj sigurnosti, ali i slobode kako bi oni svojim razmišljanjima i djelovanjem mogli pridonijeti ostvarenju ciljeva poduzeća. Stil vodstva može se definirati kao poseban način ponašanja menadžera u radnom procesu koji utječe na rezultate rada u određenoj organizaciji. Nemoguće je definirati koji je stil vodstva najbolji, jer u praksi uvijek postoji kombinacija nekoliko stilova vodstva. U teoriji su opće poznata tri osnovna stila vodstva, autokratski, demokratski i laissez-faire, a iz njih proizlaze svi drugi stilovi vodstva. Kod upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima jako važan čimbenik je motivacija. Cilj svake organizacije je da razvije motivacijske procese i radno okruženje koje će pomoći da pojedinci pokažu rezultate u skladu sa očekivanjima menadžera, a to mogu postići zadovoljenjem njihovih potreba. Danas menadžerima na raspolaganju stoje brojni financijski i nefinancijski motivatori, a koju će kombinaciju upotrijebiti zavisi o njihovom poznavanju motivacijskih teorija, okolnosti i svakako inventivnosti. Dobrim sistemom nagrađivanja postiže se veća efikasnost zaposlenih, smanjuje njihovo nezadovoljstvo, apsentizam i želja za napuštanjem organizacije. Da bi organizacija uspješno poslovala, njeni menadžeri trebaju pronaći optimalnu kombinaciju materijalnih i nematerijalnih poticaja za svoje zaposlenike. Motivirani i zadovoljni pojedinci mogu osigurati opstanak i rast tvrtke u dinamičnom i vrlo neizvjesnom okruženju zbog snažnog utjecaja koje vodstvo ima na pojedinca i njihovo sudjelovanje u postizanju ciljeva tvrtke.
Abstract (english) Leadership is the most challenging managerial function. The task of the leader is to direct and motivate employees to complete a task, give them a sense of security, but also give them the freedom, so they could contribute to the achievement of company goals with their thoughts and actions. The style of leadership can be defined as a special way of managerial behavior in the work process that affects the results of the work of a particular organization. It is impossible to define what is the best style of leadership, because in practice there is always a combination of several styles of leadership. In theory, the generally known three basic styles of leadership are autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire, and all other styles of leadership derive from them. In human resources management a very important factor is motivation. The goal of any organization is to develop motivational processes and work environment that will help to employees to show results in line with expectations of managers. Today, managers have at their disposal a number of financial and non-financial motivators, and which they will use, depends on a combination of their knowledge of motivational theory, circumstances and certainly inventiveness. Good reward system enables greater efficiency of employees, reduces their dissatisfaction, absenteeism and desire to leave the organization. If they want that their organization operates susuccessfully, managers need to find the optimal combination of material and non-material incentives for their employees. Motivated and satisfied individuals can ensure the survival and growth of the company in a dynamic and highly uncertain environment because of the strong influence that leadership has on individuals and their participation in achieving the goals of the company.
stil vodstva
ljudski potencijali
tehnike motivacije za rad
Keywords (english)
leadership style
human resources
techniques of motivation for work
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:153444
Study programme Title: Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-10-11 12:51:50