Title Povezanost emocionalne regulacije i temperamenta kod djece predškolske dobi
Title (english) The connection between emotional regulation and temperament in preschool children
Author Dorotea Mudronja
Mentor Slavica Šimić Šašić (mentor)
Committee member Diana Nenadić Bilan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavica Šimić Šašić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Violeta Valjan Vukić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Preschool Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-06-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Abstract Tijekom svog odrastanja dijete se razvija u sljedećim područjima razvoja - tjelesno, spoznajno, socijalno i emocionalno. Da bi se dijete uspješno emocionalno razvijalo, bitno je razumijeti njegove emocije i potrebe, ali i ostala područja razvoja. Emocije i emocionalna regulacija od izuzetne su važnosti, posebno kada se govori o odgojno–obrazovnom procesu. U ranom djetinjstvu emocije predstavljaju najvažniji način komunikacije s okolinom i sa samim sobom. Samim time, emocionalna regulacija djetetu omogućava da neometano funkcionira u okolini u kojoj se svakodnevno nalazi. Važno je uzeti u obzir osobne karakteristike djeteta koje utječu na sposobnost emocionalne regulacije, a to je prvenstveno temperament. Temperament se odnosi na djetetov ukupni stil reagiranja te ga kao takvog možemo povezati s emocionalnim razvojem i emocionalnom regulacijom.
Cilj diplomskog rada prvenstveno je bio ispitati povezanost emocionalne regulacije i temperamenta te doprinos temperamenta u objašnjenju emocionalne regulacije. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 391 djeteta (5 – 7 godina). Rezultati pokazuju da su pozitivne dimenzije temperamenta, ulaganje napora i ugode izraženije od negativnih dimenzija, odnosno negativne afektivnosti. Uočena je i visoka razina emocionalne regulacije, a manje je izražena labilnost/negativnost kod djece predškolske dobi. Nadalje, ne postoje statistički značajne razlike u dimenzijama temperamenta i emocionalne regulacije djece s obzirom na spol. No, ustanovljena je statistički značajna razlika samo za ulaganje napora. Utvrđene su očekivane korelacije značajne povezanosti određenih dimenzija temperamenta s dimenzijama emocionalne regulacije. Utvrđeno je da je temperament dobar prediktor emocionalne regulacije. Dimenzije temperamenta objašnjavaju 46 % varijance labilnosti/negativnosti i 27 % varijance emocionalne regulacije.
Abstract (english) During its growing up, the child develops in the following areas of development - physically, cognitively, socially and emotionally. In order for a child to develop successfully emotionally, it is important to understand the child's emotions and needs, but also other areas of development. Emotions and emotional regulation are considered to be extremely important, especially when it comes to the educational process. In early childhood, emotions are the most important way to communicate with the environment and with oneself. Thus, emotional regulation allows the child to function smoothly in the everyday environment. It is important to consider the personal characteristics of the child that affect the ability of emotional regulation, and this is primarily temperament. Temperament refers to a child's overall reaction style and as such can be associated with emotional development and emotional regulation. The aim of the thesis was primarily to examine the relationship between emotional regulation and temperament and to examine the contribution of temperament in explaining emotional regulation.The study was conducted on a sample of 391 children (5 - 7 years). The results show that the positive dimensions of temperament, investment of effort and pleasure are more conspicuous than the negative dimensions, ie negative affectivity. A high level of emotional regulation was also observed, and less conspicuous lability / negativity in preschool children. Furthermore, there are no statistically significant differences in the dimensions of temperament and emotional regulation of children with respect to gender. But a statistically significant difference was found for effort alone. The expected correlations of certain connections of certain temperament dimensions with the dimensions of emotional regulation were determined. Temperament has been found to be a good predictor of emotional regulation. Temperament dimensions explain 46% of the lability / negativity variance and 27% of the emotional regulation variance.
emocionalni razvoj
emocionalna regulacija
Keywords (english)
emotional development
emotional regulation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:946718
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study Program of Early and Pre-school Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-07-07 09:39:06