Title Biološka raznolikost Nacionalnog parka „Krka“ kao paradigma razvoja turizma
Title (english) Biodiversity of NP “Krka“ as a paradogm of tourism development
Author Dalia Iris Čvorak
Mentor Anđelko Vrsaljko (mentor)
Committee member Đani Bunja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vinko Bakija (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Anđelko Vrsaljko (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-06-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Agronomy Ecology and Environmental Protection
Abstract Ovaj rad je prezentacija ekoloških posebnosti Parka s naglaskom na biološku raznolikost kao paradigmu razvoja posebnih oblika turizma. Ako se uzmu svi parametri u obzir sažetih iz literaturnih izvora, podataka i zaključaka preuzetih iz anketnog upitnika, intervjua, bez sumnje postoje istinski preduvjeti za razvoj istih. Anketirani su slučajno odabrani posjetitelji Nacionalnog parka „ Krka“ koji upravo biološku raznolikost i njezinu jedinstvenost smatraju preduvjetom razvoja posebnih oblika turizma. U tom smislu se podrazumjeva turizam promatranja prirode, pustolovni turizam, ekoturizam, wildlife tourism, Nature-based tourism,..Međutim, postoje prepreke za ostvarenje istih. Nedovoljna interakcija domaćina sa posjetiteljima, ekološka- biološka održivost koja nebi trebala preteći ekonomsku varijantu i edukacija odnosno needuciranost. Upravo ta interakcija i komunikacija sa prezentacijom bi trebala doseći veću razinu jer je ona ključni segment u ostvarenju one emotivne simbolike koja zaokružuje kompletni doživljaj u jednu jedinstvenu cjelinu. Treba pristupiti strategiji kreiranju prepoznatljivog, brendiranju prirodne ljepote kao jedinstveni i kao najvažniji čimbenik u razvoju naturabased turizmu. Edukacijski program, nove aktivnosti za posjetitelje sa interakcijom u smislu očuvanja i održivosti su neizostavni elementi u kreiranju kvalitetnog turističkog paketa. Svi osvješteni posjetitelji su orijentirani prema ekologiji i cijene i uočavaju poduzete mjere u Parku. Iako je Nacionalni park „ Krka“ sa svim svojim ljepotama važan za turizam cijele Šibensko- kninske županije, ne smijemo zaboraviti da je ljepota prolazna ukoliko nju ne promatramo očima ljubitelja prirode i ekološkom strategijom usmjerenu na dugoročnost.
Abstract (english) This work is a presentation of the ecological peculiarities of nature in the Park with an emphasis on biodiversity as a precondition for the development of a special form of tourism. If we consider all the facts from the books, information from the questionaire, that we collected in the Park from the visitors, there is no doubt for the developing of this type ( form) of tourism. Visitors were randomly selected to participate in the survey and they believe that biodiversity is a prerequisite for the development of sustainable tourism or a special form of tourism. In this sense, nature observation tourism, adventure tourism, ecotourism, wildlife tourism and nature-based tourism are considered.There are also obstacle for realization this tipe of Tourism. Insufficient host interaction with visitors, ecological-biological sustainability, which must be more important than economic sustainability and education. Education and communication must reach a higher level if the guests want to reach emotional levels while they are visiting the park. Only if we awake emotions in the guests, than they will get the full atmosphere of our Nature. A recognizable brand should be created “Nature“ as a unique product, as the most important factor in the developening of naturebased tourism. Educational program, new activities for visitors with interaction in terms of conservation and sustainability are indispensable elements in creating a quality tourist package. All visitors are active in ecology and appreciate nature conservation. Although Krka National Park with all its beauties is important for the tourism of the entire ŠibenikKnin County. The Nature beauty is not timeless. We need to observe it from the point of Nature enthusiasts and from the point of economists who are oriented to ecological based Tourism.
Nacionalni park „ Krka“
Naturebased Tourizam
Wildlife Tourizam
Eco tourizam
Održivi Tourizam
Keywords (english)
National Park „ Krka“
Naturebased Tourism
Wildlife Touris
Eco tourism
sustainable Tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:002308
Study programme Title: Cultural Heritage and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulturne i prirodne baštine u turizmu (magistar/magistra kulturne i prirodne baštine u turizmu)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-08-18 12:38:12