Title Usporedba realizacije pojedinih elemenata nastave u redovnim i alternativnim školama i modelima
Title (english) A Comparison of Particular Elements of Teaching Realisation in Regular and Alternative Schools and Models
Author Monika Mikec
Mentor Jasmina Vrkić Dimić (mentor)
Committee member Rozana Petani (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Vrkić Dimić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Marija Rogić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Didactics
Abstract Promjene u odgojno-obrazovnom sustavu pa samim time i u nastavnom procesu mijenjaju se ovisno o društvenim, kulturnim, tehnološkim, informacijskim i brojnim drugim promjenama i procesima. Suvremene tendencije nastave očituju se u individualiziranom pristupu učenicima koji su njezini aktivni sudionici. Zahvaljujući pluralizmu u odgojno-obrazovnim sustavima
omogućeno je da osim redovnih obrazovnih programa djeluju i alternativni obrazovni programi koji najčešće rade po postavljenim državnim standardima, ali koriste inovativne metode rada, pritom se vodeći vlastitom vizijom odgoja i obrazovanja. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se temeljem metode studija relevantne stručne i znanstvene literature te obrazovnih i školskih dokumenata, usporede elementi realizacije nastavnog procesa suvremenih redovnih i alternativnih odgojno-obrazovnih programa kroz prikaz alternativnih škola i modela za obrazovanje u 21. st. Temeljne karakteristike koje su prepoznatljive u alternativnim školama i programima proizlaze iz odnosa učenika i nastavnika koji se temelji na suradnji, povjerenju i poštovanju. Učenici imaju veću slobodu i sudjeluju u kreiranju nastavnih ciljeva i sadržaja temeljem osobnih želja i interesa. Učenje se odvija poštujući različite stilove učenja, a najčešće se koriste aktivne nastavne metode od kojih se ističe projektna nastava. Osim intelektualnih postignuća, ciljevi odgoja i obrazovanja obuhvaćaju osobne i socijalne kompetencije kako bi se ostvarila povezanost škole i stvarnog života učenika. U radu je istraženo i opisano kako nastavni proces u redovnim i alternativnim školama ima određene
sličnosti i razlike koje su prvenstveno rezultat fleksibilnosti i otvorenosti nastavnih planova i programa. Alternativne škole i modeli koji su prikazani u radu razlikuju se po specijalizaciji i usmjerenju na određeno odgojno-obrazovno djelovanje dok redovni obrazovni programi ponajprije ovise o standardiziranom kurikulumu te volji, iskustvu i stavovima samih nastavnika.
Abstract (english) Changes in the education system in which the teaching process is included, occur with the chaning society and with the changes in its culture, technology and information technology. Modern teaching aspirations are aimed at individualisation of teaching for each of the pupils that actively participate in the teaching process. Owing to pluralistic education system, nowadays alternative education systems are being practiced. Such alternative systems still follow the state education standards, while using innovative teaching methods guided by their own vision of education science. The aim of this paper is to compare particular elements of teaching realisation of contemporary regular schools and alternative educational models and schools by studying relevant expert literature and documents on education and school, and b
giving an overview of alternative schools and education models of 21st century. Main characteristics of alternative schools and models are a result of pupil-teacher relationship which is based on cooperation, trust and respect. Pupils in alternative schools are given more freedom and actively participate in creation of teaching objectives and learning content based on their own aspirations and interests. Different learning styles are acknowledged and respected during learning process, and methods that are mostly used are active ones, from which the most important one is in the form of project teaching. Except for intelectual achievements, human and social compenetcies are involved in learning objectives in alternative schools, in order to establish a connection between school as an institution and pupils' real lives. This paper researches and descibes teaching processes in regular and alternative schools that are partly similar and partly different which is an outcome of flexibility and openness of teaching curricula. Alternative schools and models represented in this paper are different since they specialise and focus on a particular field of the education system and direct their work towards it, while regular educational programmes mainly depend on standardised national curriculum and on the will, experience and attitudes of the teachers employed.
alternativni obrazovni programi
elementi nastave
nastavni proces
obrazovanje za budućnost
redovni obrazovni programi
Keywords (english)
alternative education programmes
education for the future
regular education programmes
teaching elements
teaching process
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:688330
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-08-21 10:40:18