Title Uvid u perspektivu mladih o razlozima i posljedicama nošenja odjeće simboličkog značenja
Title (english) Insight into the perspective of young people on the reasons and consequences of wearing clothes of symbolic significance
Author Barbara Lišnić
Mentor Lozena Ivanov (mentor)
Committee member Lozena Ivanov (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matilda Nikolić Ivanišević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Pavela Banai (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Psychology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology General Psychology
Abstract Potencijal sustavnog utjecaja koji odjeća ima na psihološke procese čovjeka osnova je istraživanog odnosa između odjeće i kognitivnog, bihevioralnog i emocionalnog odgovora (Lin, 2019). Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je dobiti dublji uvid u perspektivu mladih o potencijalnim razlozima i posljedicama nošenja odjeće simboličkog značenja, dok su podciljevi bili dobiti dublji uvid u perspektivu mladih o potencijalnim razlozima i posljedicama nošenja odjeće s natpisom koji se odražavaju na
... More kognitivne, bihevioralne i emocionalne aspekte života, te ispitati simboličko značenje majice Cro-dizajna (crveno-bijele kockice) i dresa hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije. Kako bi se dobio željeni uvid korištena je kvalitativna metoda istraživanja u kojoj su prikupljeni podaci polustrukturiranim intervjuima sa dvadeset studenata i studentica treće godine preddiplomskog studija psihologije u Zadru. Intervju se sastojao od trinaest pitanja koja su obuhvatila općenito zanimanje za proces odijevanja kod svakog pojedinca, njihova mišljenja o preferencijalnim odjevnim predmetima i njihovom korištenju, odjeći simboličkog značenja tj. odjeći s određenim natpisom te su specificirano na kraju bila usmjerena na dres hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije. Dobiveni rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da većina sudionika misli da odijevanje ima bitnu ulogu u njihovim životima dok manji broj sudionika misli da odijevanje nema ulogu u njihovim životima. Preferencijalni odjevni predmeti su zastupljeni u različitom obimu, ali je svima zajedničko da korištenje istih ovisi o vremenskim prilikama (dob dana i godišnje doba), društvu i prigodama. Nadalje percepcija i preferencija odjeće s natpisom ili porukom je izražena kod većine sudionika. Primjećuju takvu odjeću, nose ju, nosili bi ju i ima utjecaj na njihovo ponašanje i osjećanje. Iako je mišljenje gradirano od pozitivnog, negativnog i neodređenog prema odjeći s natpisom razlozi i posljedice nošenja su vidljivi u kognitivnim, bihevioralnim i emocionalnim aspektima života mladih. Simboličko značenje majice Cro dizajna i nošenje iste kod većine sudionika je izraženo u pozitivnom svjetlu, dok njih nekolicina nije nikada obukla majicu i nema baš za njih značenje. Isti trend prati i dojam o dresu hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije. Neke riječi kojima su sudionici opisali simboličko značenje majice Cro dizajna kada su ga nosili ili pak ne, te kada su opisivali simboličko nogometne reprezentacije su u potpunosti iste. To su; ponos, domoljublje, jedinstvo, zajedništvo, sreća. Još su upotrijebili niz različitih riječi kojima su opisivali simboličko značenje dresa hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije i majice Cro-dizajna. Less
Abstract (english) Using the potential systemic influences that clothing has a psychological process, they classify the relationship between clothing and the cognitive, behavioural, and emotional response (Lin, 2019). The main goal of this research was to gain a deeper insight into the perspective of young people on the potential separations and consequences of wearing clothing of symbolic significance, while other goals were to gain a deeper insight into the perspective of young people on potential
... More differences and recent decisions of clothing, emotional aspects of life, and to examine the symbolic meaning of the Cro-design T-shirt (red-and-white dice) and the jersey of the Croatian national football team. In order to obtain the desired insight, qualitative research methods were used in which data was collected from a semi-structured interview with twenty third-year undergraduate students of psychology in Zadar. The interview consisted of eleven questions that ranged from the general interest in the clothing process of each individual, and opinions on preferred clothing and its use, clothing of symbolic significance, ie clothing with a specific inscription or message, and specific questions which were ultimately focused on jersey of the Croatian national football team. The obtained findings indicate the participants find that clothes play an important role in their personal life to a greater extent than they should. Preferential garments are represented to varying degrees, but they are all common to use the same dependencies on weather conditions (age, day and season), society, and occasion. Furthermore, the perception and preference of clothing with an inscription or message was found in most participants. Noticing such clothes has an impact on their behaviour and feelings. Although the opinion was found to be positive, negative or indeterminate towards clothing with the inscription, reasons and consequences of wearing are visible in the cognitive, behavioural and emotional aspects of young people’s life. The symbolic meaning of the Cro-design t-shirt, designed and worn by most participants, is expressed in a positive light, while a few of them have never worn a Cro-design t-shirt and it holds no meaning for them. The same trend follows the impression of the jersey of the Croatian national football team. Some of the words with which the participants most often described the symbolic meaning of the Croatian design t-shirt when they wore it (or didn’t), and when they described the symbolic meaning of the jersey of the Croatian national football team are exactly the same. These are: pride, patriotism, belonging, joy and togetherness. They also used a number of different words, when describing the symbolic meaning of the jersey of the Croatian national football team and Cro-design t-shirt. Less
psihologija odijevanja
simboličko značenje odjeće
majica s natpisom ili porukom
dres hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije
Keywords (english)
psychology of clothing
symbolic meaning of clothes
T-shirt with an inscription or message
jersey of the Croatian national football team
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:898513
Study programme Title: Psychology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) psihologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-10-14 13:45:40