Title Die Diskursivität der Erzählerfigur in Hermann Brochs philosophischer Romantrilogie „Die Schlafwandler“
Title (english) The Discursivity of the Narrative Figure in Hermann Broch’s philosophical novel
“The Sleepwalkers” (“Die Schlafwandler”)
Title (croatian) Diskurzivnost pripovjedačke figure u Brochovom filozofskom romanu “Mjesečari“
(“Die Schlafwandler“)
Author Boris Ležaja
Mentor Tomislav Zelić (mentor)
Committee member Anita Pavić Pintarić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zaneta Sambunjak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Zelić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of German Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-10-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philology German Studies
Abstract Die Arbeit thematisiert Brochs literarische Darstellung der Moderne in seiner
Romantrilogie Die Schlafwandler, in der er illustriert, wie sich die für die Moderne
charakteristischen gesellschaftlichen Differenzierungen auf den Menschen wie auch die
literarische Gattung des Romans auswirken. Diesbezüglich wird die Frage thematisiert,
wozu es zur Darstellbarkeit der Problematik gerade des Romans und der literarischen
Form an sich bedarf. Im Vordergrund der Untersuchungen stehen die Analyse des
komplementären Verhältnisses zwischen dem Haupttext, den essayistischen Exkursen
und den Nebengeschichten, sowie die literarische Gestaltung des philosophischen
Diskurses. Dargestellt wird, wie Broch seine kultur- und geschichtsphilosophische These
über den Zerfall der Werte literarisch verarbeitet und mit der Figur des Bertrand, der
sowohl als Eduard von Bertrand, als auch Bertrand Müller auftritt, ein diskursives Mittel
gestaltet, das als Personifizierung der Moderne zu verstehen ist. Da sich die Figur des
Bertrand Müller innerhalb der Exkurse als Ich-Erzähler und Verfasser der
Nebengeschichten und Essays zu erkennen gibt, wird das Augenmerk besonders auf das
Metanarrativ gerichtet. Letzteres besteht in der variablen und diskursartigen
Erscheinungsform der Erzählstimme, die das Romangeschehen nicht nur erzählt, sondern
auch kommentiert; der Erzähler wird zum Kommentator und verselbstständigt sich
gegenüber der ursprünglichen Narration. Mithilfe der Diskursanalyse Foucaults und
dessen Ausführungen zur Rolle und Funktion des Autors, sowie einer psychoanalytischen
Interpretation der Bertrand-Figur wird der narratologische Diskurs enger bestimmt. Das
Ziel der Arbeit ist aufzuschlüsseln, wie Broch mithilfe der Figur des Bertrand die
Differenz zwischen Diskurs und Diskursbegründer auflöst.
Abstract (english) This thesis thematizes Broch´s literary presentation of modernity in his trilogy The
Sleepwalkers (Die Schlafwandler), in which he illustrates how social differentiations,
which are characteristic to modernity, affect people, as well as the literary genre of the
novel. This raises the question why the novel and the literary form per se are needed to
represent the problem. The focus of the investigation is on the analysis of the
complementary relationship between the main text, the essayistic digressions and side
stories, as well as the literary shaping of philosophical discourse. It is illustrated how
Broch puts his cultural- and historical-philosophical thesis about the disintegration of
values into a literary context by personalizing modernity as the figure Bertrand. He
appears as Eduard von Bertrand, as well as Bertrand Müller, and is more a discursive
instrument rather than actually a real person. Since Bertrand Müller is recognized within
the digressions as a first-person narrator and author of the side stories and essays, the
attention of the thesis is particularly directed to the metanarrative. The latter is based on
variable and discourse-like aspects of the narrative voice, which not only tells, but also
comments the story; the narrator becomes a commentator and becomes independent with
respect to the original narration. By using the discourse analysis of Foucault and his
remarks on the role and function of the author, as well as by using a psychoanalytic
interpretation of the narrative character, the narratological discourse will be closely
determined. The aim of this work is to show how Broch, using the figure of Bertrand,
dissolves the difference between discourse and discourse founder.
Abstract (croatian) Rad tematizira Brochov književni prikaz moderne u njegovoj trilogiji Mjesečari (Die
Schlafwandler), u kojoj prikazuje kako se društvene diferencijacije koje su karakteristične
za modernu odražavaju u jednu ruku na čovjeka, a u drugu ruku na roman kao književni
rod. Stoga se postavlja pitanje zbog čega upravo roman, te književni oblik po sebi služe
kao sredstva za prikaz te problematike. Rad se prvenstveno bavi analizom
komplementarnim odnosom između glavnog teksta, esejističkih osvrta i paralelnih
pripovijetki, kao i književnim oblikovanjem filozofskog diskursa. Prikazuje se kako
Broch svoja promišljanja o filozofiji kulture i filozofiji povijesti književno uobličava u
tezu o propadanju vrijednosti. Nadalje se prikazuje kako lik Bertrand, koji se pojavljuje
kao Eduard von Bertrand kao i Bertrand Müller, predstavlja diskurzivno sredstvo koje se
može poimati kao personifikaciju same moderne. Budući da Bertrand Müller u paralelnoj
pripovijetki unutar romana govori putem ja-forme pripovijedanja, čime je prikazan kao
autor tih pripovijetki i eseja, naglasak se stavlja posebno na metanarativ. Potonji se sastoji
u varijabilnom i diskurzivnom obliku pojavnosti glasa pripovjedača, koji ne pripovijeda
samo, već i komentira; pripovjedač se pretvara u komentatora i osamostaljuje se od
izvornog narativa. Pomoću psihoanalitičke interpretacije lika Bertranda, te Foucaultove
analize diskursa i njegovih teza o ulozi i funkciji autora, ustvrditi će se pobliže naratološki
diskurs. Cilj rada je prikazati na koji je način Broch ukinuo razliku između diskursa i
početnika istog.
Keywords (english)
Keywords (croatian)
Language german
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:503288
Study programme Title: German Language and Literature (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra edukacije njemačkog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2016-11-09 13:01:40