Title Socijalna ontologija Jean-Paula Sartrea kao konkretizirana fenomenologija
Title (english) The social ontology of Jean-Paul Sartre as concretized phenomenology
Author Boris Ležaja
Mentor Marko Vučetić (mentor)
Committee member Slavko Brkić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ante Periša (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Vučetić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Philosophy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy History of Philosophy
Abstract Ovaj rad pruža uvid u socijalnu ontologiju Jean-Paula Sartrea koja slovi kao jedan od
esencijalnih i najautentičnijih aspekata njegove filozofije. Pored fenomenološko-ontološke
analize konkretnih međuljudskih odnosa iz njegovog kapitalnog djela Bitak i Ništo se u središtu
rada također nalazi razrada ideja i pojmova koji su ključni za njegovu socijalnu ontologiju kao
i njegovu filozofiju općenito. Rad prikazuje kako je Sartre u ranijim radovima, kao što su esej
Transcendencija ega i njegov prvi obuhvatniji rad Imaginarno, krenuo u filozofsko
osamostaljenje kritizirajući neke od temeljnih premisa kasne fenomenologije Edmunda
Husserla. Njegovu transcendentalnu fenomenologiju Sartre odbija u korist jedne konkretizirane
fenomenologije koja će služiti ontologiji kao njezina metoda. Paralele sa filozofijom Martina
Heideggera su pri tome kristalno jasne, ali se rad ne fokusira na poklapanja između Sartrea i
Heideggera, nego na područje socijalne ontologije gdje se njihove misli u potpunosti razlikuju,
a isto vrijedi i za odnos Sartreove misli spram Merleau-Pontyjevoj. Stoga rad prikazuje
Sartreovu ontologiju konflikta u usporedbi sa Heideggerovim konceptom su-bitka i pojmom
reverzibilnosti tijela Merleau-Pontyja. Ističe se Sartreova fokusiranost na analizu konkretnih
situacija i međuljudskih odnosa, kao i razlika u odnosu na apstraktnije analize ljudske
socijalnosti koje poduzimaju Heidegger i Merleau-Ponty. Iscrpni i detaljni prikaz Sartreove
poznate analize pogleda praćen je i drugim socijalno-emocionalnim fenomenima kao što su
stid, sadizam, mazohizam, ljubav, mržnja, smrt i tjeskoba, koji su također ilustrirani u radu.
Kao hermeneutički ključ za razumijevanje tih emocija i konkretnih međuljudskih odnosa služe
detaljne uvodne razrade koncepcije svijesti, ega i imaginacije.
Abstract (english) This thesis gives insight into the social ontology of Jean-Paul Sartre which counts as one of the
essential and most authentic aspects of his philosophy. Aside from the phenomenologicalontological
analysis of concrete human relationships of which his capital work Being and
Nothingness is known, the thesis is also focused on elaborating key terms and ideas which are
necessary for understanding his social ontology as well as his philosophy in general. Referring
to his early essay The Transcendence o the Ego and his first comprehensive work The
Imaginary, the thesis shows how Sartre started with his philosophical independence by
criticizing some of the fundamental premises in the late phenomenology of Edmund Husserl.
Sartre refuses his transcendental phenomenology in favour of a concretised phenomenology
which will serve ontology as its method. Clearly, there are parallels with the philosophy of
Martin Heidegger, but the work does not focus on the overlap between Sartre and Heidegger.
The thesis is more focused on the area of social ontology where their thoughts are completely
different. The same goes for the relationship between the philosophy of Sartre and Merleau-
Ponty. Therefore, the work shows Sartre's ontology of conflict compared with Heidegger's
concept of Mitsein and Merleau-Ponty's concept of embodied reversibility. The work points out
Sartre's focus on the analysis of concrete situations and human relationships, as well as the
differences compared to the more abstract analysis of human sociality taken by Heidegger and
Merleau-Ponty. A comprehensive and detailed display of Sartre's famous analysis of the look
is followed by other social-emotional phenomena such as shame, sadism, masochism, love,
hate, death and anguish, which are also illustrated in the work. Detailed introductory
elaborations of some key concepts as the concept of consciousness, ego and imagination serve
as the hermeneutical key to an understanding of these emotions and concrete human
socijalna ontologija
Keywords (english)
social ontology
bad faith (mauvaise foi)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:992346
Study programme Title: Philosophy (double major); specializations in: Teaching Course: Teaching Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije (magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2016-11-09 13:09:19