Title Psihijatrija i zdravstvena njega psihijatrijskih bolesnika u zajednici
Title (english) Psychiatry and Community Health Care of Psychiatric Patients
Author Mirna Dedić
Mentor Anita Škarica (mentor)
Mentor Nataša Skitarelić (komentor)
Committee member Boris Dželalija (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Škarica (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Gusar (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Health Studies) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Nursing
Abstract Prema definiciji Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije iz 2014. godine, mentalno je zdravlje stanje dobrobiti u kojem svaki pojedinac ostvaruje vlastiti potencijal, može se nositi s normalnom količinom životnog stresa i tako može raditi produktivno i plodonosno te doprinositi svojoj zajednici. Poremećaji mentalnog zdravlja pojavljuju se u svim državama, kod muškaraca i žena, u svim stadijima života, među bogatima i siromašnima te u urbanim i ruralnim sredinama i kao takvi imaju utjecaj na fizičko
... More zdravlje pojedinca. Prevencija nastanka ili ponovne pojave poremećaja mentalnog zdravlja jednako je važna kao i rana intervencija, adekvatan tretman te pružanje potrebne podrške prilikom pojave poremećaja, dostupna u zajednici u kojoj osoba živi, radi i razvija se. U ukupnom bolničkom pobolu Republike Hrvatske, hospitalizacije zbog mentalnih poremećaja zauzimaju 7%, a psihičkim je smetnjama pogođena petina čovječanstva. Pružanje mogućnosti liječenja u lokalnoj zajednici Svjetska zdravstvena organizacija smatra esencijalnim ljudskim pravom. Psihijatrija i zdravstvena njega psihijatrijskih bolesnika u zajednici u Europi je prisutna od 1960. godine, a temeljni joj je koncept da zdravlje nije isključivo problem pojedinca, već cjelokupne društvene zajednice, zbog toga psihijatrijskom bolesniku treba omogućiti aktivnu rehabilitaciju i socioterapiju u zajednici. Psihičko zdravlje nije samo usko medicinska kategorija i nije isključivo vezana za razvoj medicinske struke, nego uključuje psihološki, sociološki i filozofski faktor koji sigurno odražavaju stupanj razvoja ljudske civilizacije. Najvažniji oblik društvenog života i organizacije predstavlja primarna socijalna grupa, ona kojoj najduže pripadamo – obitelj. Obitelj pored zaštitne ima edukativnu i reedukativnu ulogu, stoga je racionalno zaključiti da obitelj bude mjesto na kojem se psihijatrijsko liječenje odvija. Less
Abstract (english) The 2014 World Health Organization definition states that mental health is a state of wellbeing in which each individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal amount of life stress and thus can work productively and fruitfully and contribute to his or her community. Mental health disorders occur in all states, in men and women, at all stages of life, among the rich and the poor, and in urban and rural areas and as such have an impact on an individual’s physical health.
... More Prevention of the occurrence or recurrence of mental health disorders is as important as early intervention, adequate treatment and providing the necessary support in the event of a disorder, available in the community in which the person lives, works and develops. In the total hospital morbidity of the Republic of Croatia, hospitalizations due to mental disorders occupy 7%, and a fifth of humanity is affected by mental disorders. Providing treatment opportunities in the local community is considered an essential human right by the World Health Organization. Psychiatry and community health care for psychiatric patients has been present in Europe since 1960, and its basic concept is that health is not exclusively a problem of the individual, but of the entire community. Mental health is not only a narrowly medical category and is not exclusively related to the development of the medical profession, but includes psychological, sociological, and philosophical factors that certainly reflect the degree of development of human civilization. The most important form of social life and organization is the primary social group, the one to which we belong the longest - the family. In addition to protection, the family has an educational and reeducational role, so it is rational to conclude that the family should be the place of action of psychiatric treatment. Less
mentalno zdravlje
zdravstvena njega
Keywords (english)
mental health
nursing care
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:977373
Study programme Title: Nursing Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva (sveučilišni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sestrinstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-11-12 14:43:09