Title Interesi djece predškolske dobi za primjenom folklornih sadržaja u predškolskim ustanovama
Title (english) The interests of preschool children in the application of folklore content in preschool institutions
Author Ivančica Anušić
Mentor Donata Vidaković Samaržija (mentor)
Committee member Tamara Kisovar Ivanda (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Jelena Alić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Donata Vidaković Samaržija (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education) (Division of Preschool Teacher Education) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-10-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Kinesiology Kinesiological Education
Abstract Folklorni sadržaji sve manje se provode u predškolskim ustanovama, no to ne mora nužno značiti da djeca gube interes za takvim oblikom aktivnosti. Primarni cilj ovog rada je procijeniti interese djece predškolske za pojedinim folklornim sadržajima. Sekundarni cilj je utvrditi koliko često roditelji u slobodno vrijeme s djecom provode određene plesne aktivnosti. Također je cilj utvrditi postoje li razlike u interesima djece za folklornim sadržajima s obzirom na spol, te postoje li razlike u učestalosti provedbe plesnih sadržaja u slobodno vrijeme s obzirom na bavljenje roditelja plesnim aktivnostima. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku 15 djece predškolske dobi starosti 4 i 5 godina i 15 roditelja djece (5 očeva i 10 majki). Za roditelje je pripremljen anonimni anketni upitnik kojim se htjelo prikupiti podatke o učestalosti provedbe pojedinih plesnih i folklornih aktivnosti s djecom u svom domu. Drugi dio istraživanja proveden je u vrtiću uz pomoć odgojiteljice koja je metodom promatranja bilježila razinu zainteresiranosti djece za pojedinim folklornim sadržajima. Izračunati su osnovni deskriptivni parametri i frekvencije odgovora, a značajnost razlika u učestalosti provedbe pojedinih plesnih i folklornih aktivnosti s djecom u svom domu s obzirom na bavljenje folklornim (plesnim aktivnostima roditelja u djetinjstvu), testirano je ttest analizom. T-test analiza primijenjena je također za utvrđivanje značajnosti razlika u interesima djece za pojedinim folklornim aktivnostima s obzirom a spol. Rezultati pokazuju da djeca kod kuće najčešće slušaju i pjevaju dječje pjesmice, dok jako maleni udio djece pjeva i pleše folklorne pjesme, te igra stare tradicijske igre. Samoinicijativno djeca najčešće pjevaju i plešu pjesmice iz vrtića, dok čak 73,33% djece nikad ne pleše folklorne plesove. Značajne razlike u interesima za pojedinim folklornim sadržajima s obzirom na spol, dobivene su samo u dvije varijable. Djevojčice značajnije više su zainteresirane za provedbom Dječjih pjesama tijekom i po završetku aktivnosti od dječaka. U testiranju razlika u učestalosti provedbe folklornih (plesnih) aktivnosti kod kuće, rezultati analize ne ukazuju na značajnost razlika u niti jednoj varijabli, tako da se ne može potvrditi postavljena hipoteza i može se zaključiti da, na mjerenom uzorku bavljenje folklornim (plesnim) aktivnostima roditelja u djetinjstvu, ne utječe značajno na učestalost provedbe plesnih aktivnosti s djecom u slobodno vrijeme.
Abstract (english) Even though folklore activities have lost their place in preschool institutions, this does not necessarily mean that children lose interest in this form of activity. The primary aim of this paper is to evaluate the interest of preschool children in certain folklore activities. The secondary aim is to determine how often parents perform certain dance activities with their children in their free time. Another aim is to determine whether there are differences in children's interests in folklore activities with regard to their gender. Also, the paper examines whether there are differences in the frequency of implementation of dance activities in leisure time with regard to parents' engagement in dance activities. The research was conducted on a sample of 15 preschool children aged 4 and 5 and on a sample of 15 parents (5 fathers and 10 mothers). An anonymous questionnaire was distributed to parents in order to collect the data on the frequency of performance of certain dance and folklore activities with children in their home. The second part of the research was conducted in a kindergarten with the help of an educator who used the method of observation to record the level of children's interest in certain folklore activities. Basic descriptive parameters and response frequencies were calculated and the significant differences in the frequency of performing dance and folklore activities with children in their home with regard to the parents' engagement in folklore activities in their youth were tested by a t-test analysis. The t-test analysis was also applied in order to determine the significant difference in children’s interests in particular folklore activities with respect to their gender. The results show that, when at home, children most frequently listen to and sing children's songs, while only a very small proportion of children sing and dance to the folk songs or play old traditional games. On their own initiative, children most frequently sing and dance to the songs from kindergarten, while as many as 73.33% of children never dance any folk dances. Significant differences in their interests in certain folklore activities with regard to gender were obtained in only two variables. Girls are significantly more interested in performing children's songs during and after activities than boys are. Considering the differences in the frequency of folklore (dance) activities at home, the results of the analysis do not indicate significant differences in any of the variables. Thus the hypothesis cannot be confirmed and it can be concluded that the parents' involvement in folklore (dance) activities in their childhood does not significantly affect the frequency of dance activities that their children perform in their spare time.
folklorne aktivnosti
Keywords (english)
folklore activities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:298355
Study programme Title: Graduate University Study Program of Early and Pre-school Education Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja (magistar/magistra ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja)
Type of resource Text
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Created on 2020-11-13 11:47:19