Title Analiza razvoja, obilježja i odrednica domaće zadaće
Title (english) Analysis of the Development, Characteristics and Determiners of Homework
Author Matej Mandek
Mentor Jasmina Vrkić Dimić (mentor)
Committee member Rozana Petani (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Marija Iveljić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Jasmina Vrkić Dimić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Pedagogy) Zadar
Defense date and country 2020-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Pedagogy Didactics
Abstract Kroz postavljene ciljeve ovaj rad obuhvaća pregled povijesnog razvoja domaće zadaće koja je u počecima bila samo dio neplaćenog dječjeg rada kod kuće, a kasnije se razvila u dječju obavezu čiju korisnost mnogi danas propituju. U radu je pružen pedagoški aspekt u kojem su objašnjene teorijske postavke uloge domaće zadaće, a ona, između ostalog, uključuje proširivanje jezičnih kompetencija, poboljšanje školskog uspjeha te povećan osjećaj odgovornosti prema radu. U tim okvirima, u radu se stavlja naglasak na nastavu engleskoga jezika. Nadalje, daje se uvid u funkciju suradnje između roditelja i učenika koja može imati dvojak učinak što znači da roditelji pomaganju moraju pristupiti oprezno zato što djeca nemaju korist od nametljivog pomaganja i pretjerane kontrole. Također, koncept domaće zadaće je sagledan iz perspektive Waldorf i Montessori škola kao alternativnih pedagoških koncepata koji domaćoj zadaći pristupaju drugačije od tradicionalnih škola jer je u njima naglasak na razvoju drugačijih ljudskih kvaliteta poput odgovornosti i pripadnosti zajednici. Nakon obrađenih teorijskih postavki i empirijskih istraživanja, rad kroz pregled i analizu predmetnih kurikuluma obrađuje zakonodavni okvir koji uređuje domaće zadaće u Hrvatskoj, a tim se pregledom pokazalo da se kurikulumi nastavnih predmeta mogu svrstati prema tome spominju li se u njima domaće zadaće. Iz pregleda proizlazi i da kurikulumi koji spominju domaće zadaće, njih ne obrađuju u detalje, već da je ta odgovornost na nastavnicima.
Abstract (english) The aims of this thesis included examining the historical development of homework, which was in its beginnings just a part of unpaid child labour at home, and developed into an obligation that has its usefulness questioned by many. Furthermore, this thesis offers explanation of the pedagogical aspects of homework including theoretical postulates of the homework’s role in education which, among other things, entails improvement of language competence, academic success, and increase in the sense of responsibility towards work. Within this context, the emphasis is on English language teaching. Moreover, an insight is given into the role of parental help in solving homework tasks, which can have a dichotomous effect. This means that parents have to be careful in providing help because children do not benefit from intrusiveness and control. In addition, the approach to homework was also examined in the Waldorf and Montessori alternative approaches to education. Homework does not play a key role in these two approaches because the emphasis is on the development of human qualities different from those that are welcomed in traditional school system. After the theoretical and empirical research is examined, this thesis offers an insight into the Croatian legislature and curricula that govern the approach to homework in the public school system. This insight has shown that there are two types of curricula when it comes to mentioning homework. However, those curricula that do mention homework, only do that briefly, while leaving the responsibility of diving into that topic to the teachers.
alternativne škole
domaća zadaća
engleski jezik
Škola za život
Keywords (english)
alternative education
English language
School for life
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:880839
Study programme Title: Pedagogy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra pedagogije (magistar/magistra pedagogije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2020-12-10 12:07:20