Abstract | Tema ovog diplomskog rada je razvoj Grada Zadra pod utjecajem industrije od druge polovice 20. stoljeća do danas. Grad Zadar nalazi se u Zadarskoj županiji, a Grad Zadar je podijeljen na 22 mjesna odbora (četvrti), te administrativno Graduu Zadar pripada 14 naselja (Babindub, Brgulje, Crno, Ist, Kožino, Mali Iž, Molat, Olib, Petrčane, Premuda, Rava, Silba, Veli Iž, Zadar i Zapuntel). Prema popisu stanovništva iz 2011. godine broji 71 471 stanovnika i peti je po veličini u Hrvatskoj. Rad se bavi analizom utjecaja industrije na prostorni razvoj Zadra te opisom glavnih industrijskih djelatnosti kroz uzet period. Glavni cilj rada je analiziranje stanja industrijske djelatnosti tijekom i nakon Drugog svjetskog rata do danas i njen utjecaj na prostornu strukturu grada. U radu je analizirano i današnje stanje industrije u Zadru. Za izradu diplomskog rada je korištena znanstvena literatura i izvori koji su vezani uz temu. Za prikaz utjecaja na prostor analizirani su statistički podaci o zaposlenima u industriju, broju stanova, kretanju broja stanovnika. Uz pomoć statističkih podataka izrađene su tablice i grafovi koje prikazuju podatke. Pomoću ArcGIS softvera izrađene su karte koje prikazuju lokacije industrije te mijenjanje prostora pod utjecajem industrije. Na kraju rada su prihvaćene četiri hipoteze. Analizom izvora i literature dokazano je da je zadarska industrija doživjela uzlet sedamdesetih i osamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća. Obradom i prikazom statističkih podataka je dokazano da je industrija utjecala na prostorni razvoj Grada Zadra, a posebno je utjecala na demografsku i socijalnu komponentnu. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this thesis is the development of the City of Zadar under the influence of industry from the second half of the 20th century to the present day. The City of Zadar is located in the Zadar County, and the City of Zadar is divided into 22 local committees (districts), and administratively the City of Zadar has 14 settlements (Babindub, Brgulje, Crno, Ist, Kožino, Mali Iž, Molat, Olib, Petrčane, Premuda, Rava, Silba, Veli Iž, Zadar and Zapuntel). According to the 2011 census, it has 71,471 inhabitants and is the fifth largest in Croatia. The paper deals with the analysis of the impact of industry on the spatial development of Zadar and the description of the main industrial activities through the period taken. The main goal of this paper is to analyze the state of industrial activity during and after the Second World War until today and its impact on the spatial structure of the city. The paper also analyzes the current state of industry in Zadar. Scientific literature and sources related to the topic were used for the preparation of the diploma thesis. To show the impact on space, statistical data on employees in industry, number of dwellings, population trends were analyzed. With the help of statistical data, tables and graphs are created that show the data. With the help of ArcGIS software, maps were created showing the locations of the industry and the changing of the space under the influence of the industry. At the end of the paper, four hypotheses were accepted. An analysis of sources and literature proves that the Zadar industry experienced a rise in the 1970s and 1980s. By processing and presenting statistical data, it has been proven that the industry has influenced the spatial development of the City of Zadar, and especially the demographic and social component. |