Abstract | Nakon završetka Prvog svjetskog rata, poražena Njemačka nije bila zadovoljna rezultatima mirovnih sporazuma te je smatrala da je drastično oštećena. Nezadovoljstvo se povećalo dolaskom na vlast Adolfa Hitlera koji je ubrzao naoružavanje te je s istomišljenicima smišljao plan kako poboljšati stratešku i geopolitičku moć Njemačke. Za glavnog neprijatelja označena je Velika Britanija, a glavni način kako im parirati i kasnije ih poraziti bio je stvoriti jaku ratnu mornaricu. Njemačka ratna mornarica imala je zadaću po izbijanju rata s Velikom Britanijom uspostaviti kontrolu nad Atlantskim oceanom koji je bio vitalan akvatorij za trgovinu i prijevoz roba. Početkom Drugog svjetskog rata mornarica na čelu s Raederom niže uspjehe, a osvajanjem Norveške i Francuske dobiva dobre strateške točke za napad na Veliku Britaniju. Međutim, tijek rata se počinje mijenjati stvaranjem sve više bojišnica na kojima je Njemačka morala sudjelovati, kao i ulaskom u rat SAD-a. Hitler polako gubi kontrolu nad svim područjima pa tako i na Atlantiku gdje Saveznici zajedničkim snagama osiguravaju utjecaj na i ispod morske površine. |
Abstract (english) | After the end of World War I, defeated Germany was not satisfied with the results of peace treaties and they considered to be drastically impaired. Discontent began to increase when Adolf Hitler became a leader. He accelerated the armament and, with the people who shared his beliefs, was devising a plan on how to upgrade strategic and geopolitical power of Germany. Great Britain was marked as the main enemy, and the main principle of parrying them, and later defeating them, was to build a strong navy. When the war with Great Britain arose, the German navy had the mission to establish control over the Atlantic, which was the vital centre for trades and transport of ores. In the begging of World War II, the navy, whose leader was Raeder, had a lot of success and, when they conquered Norway and France, they obtained good strategic centres for the attack on Great Britain. However, the course of war started to change with the formation of more battlefields where Germany had to participate, as well as US’ entry to the war. Hitler began to lose control of all territories, including the Atlantic, where the Allies secured the control on and below the sea surface. |