Abstract | Utjecaj socioekonomskog statusa je tema koja se već dugo pojavljuje na području obrazovanja. Brojni znanstveni radovi uključuju utjecaj socioekonomskog statusa na uspjeh učenika u školi uz druge čimbenike. Socioekonomski status (SES) ne obuhvaća samo dohodak roditelja, već i obrazovanje, financijsku sigurnost i subjektivne percepcije socijalnog statusa i društvene klase. Socioekonomski status može obuhvatiti atribute kvalitete života, kao i mogućnosti i privilegije koje se pružaju ljudima u društvu. Siromaštvo, konkretno, nije pojedinačni faktor, već ga karakterizira više fizičkih i psihosocijalnih stresora. Nadalje, SES je dosljedan i pouzdan prediktor širokog spektra ishoda tijekom životnog vijeka, uključujući fizičko i psihičko zdravlje. Stoga je SES relevantan za sve oblasti ponašanja i društvene znanosti, uključujući istraživanja, praksu i obrazovanje. S obzirom na današnje stanje društva i školstva u Hrvatskoj, važno je bilo uzeti u obzir socioekonomski status kao faktor koji bitno utječe na uspjeh kod učenika srednjih škola. U ovom radu proveden je t-test za nezavisne uzorke kako bi se ispitala razlika u školskom uspjehu ovisno o spolu. Također, izračunati su koeficijenti korelacije dobi, pokazatelja socioekonomskog statusa i školskog uspjeha na mladićima i djevojkama. Rezultati su pokazali da kod mladića postoji značajna pozitivna povezanost obrazovanja majke, obrazovanja oca te procjene materijalnih prilika s prosječnim školskim uspjehom uz razinu rizika manju od 5 %. Što majka i otac imaju viši stupanj obrazovanja, to je školski uspjeh mladića bolji. Kod djevojaka je utvrđena statistički značajna pozitivna povezanost obrazovanja majke i oca s prosječnim školskim uspjehom, uz razinu rizika manju od 5 %. Što je obrazovanje roditelja više, to je prosječni školski uspjeh viši. |
Abstract (english) | The impact of socio-economic status is a topic that has long been emerging in the field of education. Numerous scientific papers include the impact of socioeconomic status on student achievement in school among other factors. Socio-economic status (SES) encompasses not only parental income, but also education, financial security, and subjective perceptions of social status and social class. Socio-economic status can include the attributes of quality of life, as well as the opportunities and privileges provided to people in society. Poverty, in particular, is not an individual factor, but is characterized by multiple physical and psychosocial stressors. Furthermore, SES is a consistent and reliable predictor of a wide range of life expectancy outcomes, including physical and mental health. Therefore, SES is relevant to all areas of behavior and social sciences, including research, practice, and education. Given the current state of society and education in Croatia, it was important to take into account the socio-economic status as a factor that significantly affects the success of high school students. In this paper, a t-test for independent samples was conducted to examine the difference in school achievement depending on gender. Also, correlation coefficients of age, indicators of socioeconomic status and school success in boys and girls were calculated. The results showed that in young men there is a significant positive correlation between mother's education, father's education and assessment of material opportunities with average school success with a level of risk of less than 5%. The higher the education of the mother and father, the better the school success of the young men. In girls, a statistically significant positive association of mother and father education with average school achievement was found, with a risk level of less than 5%. The higher the education of the parents, the higher the average school success. |