Title Helenistička reljefna keramika s područja Dalmacfije
Title (english) Hellenistic relief pottery from the area of Dalmatia
Author Marina Milovac
Mentor Igor Borzić (mentor)
Committee member Dražen Maršić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Borzić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Silvia Bekavac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Archaeology) Zadar
Defense date and country 2016-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Archeology Ancient Archeology
Abstract Glavna je tema ovog rada helenistička reljefna keramika s područja Dalmacije. Helenistička
reljefna keramika najraširenija je vrsta keramike u kasnom helenističkom razdoblju. Ova vrsta
keramike pojavila se u Ateni krajem 3. stoljeća pr. Kr. Za izradu koristio se jednodijelni kalup
koji je bio u obliku poluloptaste posude s debljim stijenkama i širokim masivnim dnom.
Radionice helenističke reljefne keramike poznate su u Grčkoj, južnoj Rusiji, južnoj
Rumunjskoj, Makedoniji, Maloj Aziji i Italiji. Vodeći oblik tih radionica je poluloptasta
zdjela. Helenistička reljefna keramika s prostora Dalmacije izdvojena je kao zasebna varijanta
široke proizvodnje helenističke reljefne keramike diljem Mediterana. Na prostoru srednje
Dalmacije, poluloptasta zdjela također je vodeći oblik unutar zastupljenog repertoara posuđa,
a na prostoru Liburnije kao vodeći oblik dominira reljefni krater. Na prostoru Dalmacije,
pronalaskom pripadajućih kalupa i helenističke reljefne keramike izdvojena su tri radionička
središta Zadar, Resnik i Vis, a proizvodnja se datira u 2. i 1. stoljeće pr. Kr. Helenistička
reljefna keramika pronalazi se u naseobinskim i grobnim kontekstima. Zadar, Nin, Resnik
lokaliteti su koji potvrđuju naseobinski kontekst, a Nadin, Velika Mrdakovica i Gradina kod
Dragišića lokaliteti su koji svjedoče o nalazima helenističke reljefne keramike unutar grobnih
cjelina. Unutar helenističke reljefne keramike razlikujemo i reljefne posude s otisnutim
imenima lončara Aristena i Sopatrosa pronađene u Resniku koje se povezuju s radionicama u
Dirahiju. Nalazi helenističke reljefne keramike s područja Dalmacije pružaju nam mogućnost
za proučavanje tipologije, izrade i dekoracije ove vrste keramike. Također, pomoću njih
saznajemo više o helenizaciji i interesima za prostor Dalmacije.
Abstract (english) The main topic of this work is Hellenistic relief pottery from Dalmatia. Hellenistic relief
pottery is the most widespread type of pottery in the late Hellenistic period. This type of
ceramics appeared in Athens at the end of the 3rd century BC. One-piece hemispherical
mould with thick walls and a broad massive bottom was used for making Hellenistic relief
pottery. Workshops of Hellenistic relief pottery are known in Greece, southern Russia,
southern Romania, Macedonia, Asia Minor and Italy. Hemispherical bowl is the dominant
shape in those workshops. Hellenistic relief pottery from Dalmatia was singled out as a
special variant of wide production of Hellenistic relief pottery throughout the Mediterranean.
In middle Dalmatia, the dominant shape is also the hemispherical bowl, and in the area of
Liburnia relief krater is the dominant shape. Zadar, Resnik and Vis are confirmed as
workshops in Dalmatia by finding mould for making relief pottery, and the production in
these workshops was dated in the 2nd and 1st century BC. Hellenistic relief pottery can be
found in settlements and graves. Zadar, Nin, Resnik confirm the settlement contexts, and
Nadin, Velika Mrdakovica and Gradina near Dragišić confirm the finds within grave contexts.
Within the Hellenistic relief pottery we also differentiate relief pots with printed names of
potters Aristen and Sopatros found in Resnik that are related with the workshops in Dirahij.
The finds of Hellenistic relief pottery from Dalmatia give us the ability to study typology,
production and decoration of this type of ceramics. Also, they give us the ability to learn more
about Hellenization and interests for Dalmatia.
helenistička reljefna keramika
poluloptasta zdjela
reljefni krater
Keywords (english)
Hellenistic relief pottery
hemispherical bowl
relief krater
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:901436
Study programme Title: Archaeology Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) arheologije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2016-11-14 12:06:56